Subject: March 2023 Astrological Forecast 🍀♓🌷♈

March 2023 Forecast

March brings big change as we see some major planetary shifts towards the middle of the month. Get ready, it’s about to get even crazier!

First on March 2nd, Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, transportation, and technology, also our thought processes, and our mental focus among other things. Mercury doesn’t do so well in Pisces, the sign that goes with the flow and doesn’t always know where one thing ends and another thing begins. While here, our communication might suffer a bit as we gloss over details but if we tune into our inner voice, we will have intuitive guidance and maybe even feel artistically inspired!

Mercury is only here for a short time, until March 18th before it enters Aries. Mercury in Aries shifts the energy tremendously as Aries marks the beginning of a new zodiacal cycle. The energy is much more action-oriented and much less methodical while Mercury is in Aries and our communication style tends to be more direct if not aggressive. This would be a good time for having those difficult to start conversations, just mind your patience! Mercury stays in Aries until April 4th.

On March 7th, we have a Full Moon in Virgo at 16 degrees. This marks the final moon phase of the astrological year as we prepare for the Spring Equinox and with this, we usually see one phase ending and a new one beginning. We just might see some karmic payback this month either personally or in the world at large. This moon is likely to affect you more if you have a personal planet or angle in the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Virgo energy tends to notice the flaws and is all too happy to critique what it observes while the Pisces energy takes things personally and is highly sensitive to criticism. This can sometimes bring up some delicate issues so have patience if you find yourself being tested. Remember Full Moons are about things coming to a conclusion, releasing and letting go. So take a look at your life and see what needs to go this Full Moon and join us for a guided meditation the night before on March 6th! We’ll have snacks and socialize while we get to know each other and our local spiritual community. RSVP here.

Also happening on March 7th, Saturn enters Pisces for the first time in nearly 30 years and we are sure to feel a shift with this planet reaching the final sign of the zodiac before it starts a new cycle in Aries in 2026. I wrote about this in January when I did the 2023 year forecast, I am going to copy that here with an update:

“Saturn will enter Pisces this March and will be there for the next three years, which could bring some issues with water so be sure to find some ways to collect some for you and your family just in case. Pisces is a water sign, ruled by Neptune, the planet that rules the oceans. Saturn is the planet of restrictions and hard work, he often brings delays or limitations to what we can do and makes us work hard for our rewards. [We might see some restrictions on water; either obtaining it, storing it or possibly having to do some clean up environmentally. It’s also possible issues involving our water supplies, fish, the oceans and marine life will become a factor over the next three years.]

When Saturn entered Aquarius, the sign of the people, back in March of 2020, we experienced the lockdowns and restrictions placed on the people as well as the suppression of many people’s voices. In Pisces, we might see more sobriety brought in on an ethical level. We might see more people fighting for stricter protections put in place for children and marketing to children, we might see new regulations placed on technologies, we might see new rules put in place for our prisons, we might see the pharmaceutical companies come under fire, we might see a rise in frauds being exposed, we might see more and more people looking for spiritual structures as the church of old fails them, we might see hospitals put under scrutiny and we might see more restrictions placed on the film industry. All of these things fall under the rulership of Pisces and with the accountability of Saturn entering this sign, we are likely to see activity in these areas that leans toward responsibility, discipline and structure.”

On the plus side, Saturn in Pisces can help bring structure to our spiritual lives and actually help solidify our faith. For those who have been called to the Light Worker’s path, this can help you find grounding and practical methods of using your gifts in the real world! Perhaps the “woo woo” reputation of those into spiritual things may be changing in the coming years thanks to Saturn bringing some practicality and some stability to the field.

On March 16, Venus enters Taurus, where she is quite at home. While Venus is here, we can enjoy more creature comforts and the grounding and security found in routine. This is an excellent time to beautify the home, your environment or yourself. Venus will be here until April 12th. Enjoy because…


Now get ready for some BIG energy shifts as the end of March is marked by major planetary shifts, including Pluto’s game changing shift into Aquarius!

On March 20th, the Sun enters Aries and we have the arrival of Spring with the Spring Equinox. In addition, this marks the astrological new year and this heralds change. We often feel a major shift around this time of year as we start a new cycle around the wheel of the year. This is an excellent time for starting new things, especially if it’s something you want quick results from. While the Sun is here, we will find more energy and physical motivation in the house which Aries rules in our charts. For help on this, book your appointment with me. Come join us for the New Moon Meditation that night starting at 6 pm and set your intentions for the new astrological year! RSVP here.

There’s a New Moon in Aries on March 21st at 0 degrees! 0 Degrees of Aries! Wow! That’s some POWERFUL MANIFESTATION ENERGY! We have excellent star power that day to help us take action on our goals especially during the hour of the New Moon which is exact at 10:23 am Pacific Time. There is a small window of time in electional astrology (my speciality) known as the Cazimi Moon and that starts about 30 minutes before the conjunction of the Sun and Moon and lasts until about 30 minutes after the conjunction. This happens every New Moon when the Sun and Moon meet up at the same degree in the same sign. This is one of the most powerful and auspicious times to start something new, especially with today’s energy at the first degree of the entire zodiac! So take advantage and elect to start something new during this hour for one of the best manifestation results as Aries brings things faster than any other sign!

As a side note, If you have something especially important you are considering starting that day or any other day for that matter, contact me for a consultation and I can run a special electional chart for you to tell you the most likely results of any endeavor. This is especially helpful if you are looking for certain results such as getting a good haircut, having a successful surgery, selling your house at the best price, getting a great deal on buying a new car or having a long lasting and happy marriage to name a few. Thanks to my new software, many of these readings can be done in as little as 15 minutes so don’t hesitate to contact me for a consultation!

On March 23rd, we have a major, major shift beginning to crack through the surface. This is Pluto entering Aquarius for the first time since 1797! The last time the planet of rebirth was here we had both the American and the French Revolutions. This energy awakens our awareness of the collective and the power of the People. Let’s not forget that Pluto is the planet of transformation, he brings inevitable change and this time he’s bringing it to humanity. Pluto represents death, endings and permanent change and it will be just scratching the surface this year as it will go retrograde before it even hits 1 degree of Aquarius on May 1st. Then it will spend the rest of the year in the last two degrees of Capricorn (28 and 29), tearing down old systems and structures as it goes. He will go back and forth like this until he finally settles into Aquarius in January of 2025. As Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and traditional ruler of Aquarius is now wearing the colors of Pisces (karmic transitions) over the next three years, this is sure to bring about monumental changes in our systems worldwide. The Power is shifting to the People.

I wrote about this in my 2023 yearly forecast as well. Allow me to quote myself:

“These two planets alone [Pluto and Saturn] are set to bring upheaval and change to the world this year and into the next few years. These are indeed hard times and many people will be feeling the need to ground themselves in a spiritual belief system (Saturn in Pisces) so I encourage you to take time everyday to listen in and get guidance from the spirit within you. This is your best path of wisdom through these times, the Light within you will guide you to your highest good. I encourage you to meditate daily and to spend time in quiet contemplation about your life and the big picture. If you can, do this outside, in a natural setting. This will help stabilize you and ground you in your own energy. Looking at the stars, the years ahead look a bit rocky but I can tell you this - your thoughts are powerful and what you think about you attract so be mindful about your focus and care about how you feel so that you don’t allow yourself to focus on what’s not working (which just brings more things that aren’t working). Instead, take time everyday to focus on what is working in your life and find gratitude for that. This will shift your vibration to a higher frequency, allowing you to have a better experience through the Apocalypse (from the Greek apokalypsis which means to reveal, uncover or unveil). Yes, that is what is happening now, the uncovering of things.”

Finally on March 25th, Mars enters Cancer and we can expect some more energy shifts with this, especially if we have any personal planets in the first few degrees of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn! Mars in Cancer is strained as it doesn’t always know how to use its energy effectively, especially when matters close to the heart are concerned. Try not to take anything personally during this time as your feelings are more likely to be hurt. Instead, use this energy to help secure yourself and your family and take care of the home. Mars will be here until May 21st.

In Numerology, March of 2023 is a Number 1 Universal Month. In addition to the other planetary shifts, this marks a new cycle indeed! In a number 7 universal year, the 1 month suggests a time to re-evaluate our spiritual values, to go within and seek guidance from our inner being before taking action. A Number 1 month marks a time of new beginnings and it is often a very fast paced time as we are faced with changes or we feel inspired to make them. Faith in a better world is needed as the mainstream media wants to control our perceptions of reality and will give us a distorted view for better ratings. Keep this in mind when you see the fear mongering going on in our media today. I suggest that you simplify your life and get back to what’s most important to you. I also suggest that you turn off your TV and spend much less time on social media as this will color your perception too. Spend time in meditation and more time with those you love. Take control of your vibration and your perception and your experience of reality will be a much better one.

We might see many things changing this month, so hang on to your spiritual values and your proverbial hats as we enter into some very shaky times after March! Ground yourself in your spiritual truths and connect with others of like mind as we go through these changes. For together we are far stronger than we are apart.

Astrology and numerology are global as well as personal and will affect you differently depending on when and where you were born. To see how the above transits affect you personally or to get some guidance from your spirit guides, book your appointment with me. I also offer life coaching and psychic counseling should you be in need and don’t forget, I offer long distance readings too! I hope you have a wonderful month!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


This month, we are covering different types of altnerative healing. From color to aromas to crystals to sound, we will explore the fascinating world of vibrational healing. Even if you have never done any type of psychic work before, I encourage you to join us for some valuable information when it comes to alternative forms of healing on all levels. Plus, have the added bonus of receiving healing from your fellow classmates!

Psychic Class is held every Friday at 4 pm. It runs from 60 to 90 minutes. All levels are welcome. Drop in/Drop out. Cost is $25 per class. No need to register, just show up!

Check the psychic and paranormal board on the forums for updates. And if you have a mobile device, be sure to visit my website to download my Wix app! That way you can stay informed on all classes and events.

Hope to see you there!


That’s right, for the month of March all readings over 30 minutes get the first 15 minutes free! That’s $40 off! Use coupon code: 20MARCH23 when booking to take advantage of this special.

*30 minute minimum, good for readings booked through March 1 - March 31, 2023 with proper coupon code.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 8,9,10

TAURUS: Rewarding: 23,24,25 Challenging: 11,12

GEMINI: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 13,14

CANCER: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 15,16

LEO: Rewarding: 3,4,5,30,31 Challenging: 17,18

VIRGO: Rewarding: 6,7 Challenging: 19,20

LIBRA: Rewarding: 8,9,10 Challenging: 21,22

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 23,24,25

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 13,14 Challenging: 26,27

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 17,18 Challenging: 3,4,5,30,31

PISCES: Rewarding: 19,20 Challenging: 6,7

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