Subject: Magickal Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice ☀️✨

The summer solstice occurs when the Sun enters the sign of Cancer around June 21 every year, marking the beginning of our summer season. This coming solstice is accompanied by a Full Moon, making it an especially potent time for doing any sort of magickal work!

For many cultures and traditions, this is a time of celebration as the Sun is shining brightly upon us, giving us renewed energy as we enjoy the bounty of the summer harvest! Why not join in the celebrations? The following are some fun and magickal ideas for you to celebrate the season!

Build a Bonfire

Bonfires were a common practice in olden times, typically held to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. Nowadays it takes on more of a celebratory tone as we gather with friends, tell stories, dance and play. If you’re lucky enough to live near a beach, a bonfire on the beach on the Summer Solstice honors the water element of the sign of Cancer too!

As a small ritual, use the bonfire as a way to let go of something and to release old and unwanted energy. Write down your troubles, regrets, bad habits, anything you want to let go of on a small piece of paper. Then focus on releasing the energy as you toss the paper into the fire, symbolizing release.


The Sun is our source of life and when we can bask in its rays (for a safe amount of time), our skin soaks in all the good, vitalizing energy our bodies need to function at their best. Not only do we get a good chunk of vitamin D when we sunbathe, but did you know that we receive spiritual energy from the Sun too? The Sun is an intelligent being and its rays carry information to our cells, activating our DNA for continuous evolution of every species on this planet. You can meditate and commune with the Sun as a way to connect with nature and the cosmos above us. So get out there and enjoy some sunshine! Just be safe about your exposure (20 to 30 minutes is good without sunscreen) and pay attention to your body to know what it is it needs to keep you healthy.

Decorate your altar for summer

This is an excellent time to refresh your altar for the summer season. Decorate with summer themed items such as summer colored items, summer fruits and vegetables, crystals and flowers. Some crystals associated with the Sun are: sunstone, citrine, pyrite and carnelian. Some flowers associated with the sun are: sunflowers, marigolds, orange or yellow roses.

Have a summer feast

This is a great time to gather together with loved ones and enjoy the summer harvest! The Sun reminds us that we are here to enjoy life and to shine our own lights. Celebrate life with gratitude and enjoy a nice meal with others. A special bond of trust is built when you eat food with another person, and it’s a great way to bring people together.

Make a flower crown

Flower crowns go way back in European traditions as a way to celebrate the summer. They hold different meanings depending on the culture. To make your own, look for flowers with long, thin stems and fragrant blossoms. Tie them together to make a long string and enjoy your lovely crown!

Some good flowers are: daisies, lavender, rosemary, spray roses, peonies, eucalyptus, tiny chrysanthemums, and baby's breath.

Craft, Craft, Craft!

Summer is the perfect time to get together with friends and have some fun! Why not start a small group for crafting and socializing? Or pick a project and have fun on your own while you spend quality time with yourself! Interested in joining my local group? Check us out on Facebook here!

These are just some fun and magickal ways to welcome in the summer season and celebrate life! I hope you found one that inspires you and that you have a good time doing it! And at the risk of sounding like a high school yearbook signature...

Have a great summer and stay cool! 😎


The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique

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