Subject: June 2024 Astrological Forecast ♊✨♋

June 2024 Astrological Forecast


Things are getting more interesting in the world, aren’t they? Just wait, it’s going to get even more so as the year progresses. Pluto is making its final pass through the sign of Capricorn this year and I don’t think it’s going to be a quiet passage. Capricorn rules top down authority, governments, big business and anything holding up a tradition. Pluto brings destruction before renewed creation, and it’s getting down to the last bit of Capricorn now so hang in there and don’t let the world scene get to you. There’s not much you can do about all that anyway except lose your peace around it so I say stay focused on the positive, stay focused on what is working in your life and support those things you wish to see more of rather than fighting things you want to go away. By the universal metaphysical law of attraction, anything you fight against continues to exist simply because of your focus upon it. That saying “what you resist, persists” reinforces this idea. So I encourage you to be mindful of your focus and only focus on the things you want to see more of in this world.

We start the month of June with Mercury entering its own sign of Gemini on June 3rd, giving us all a big boost in mental energy! This is a great time for tackling anything that requires mental focus such as learning a new skill. Communication is usually increased when Mercury is here and you just might find that you are extremely busy in the area which is ruled by Gemini in your own chart. Mercury stays here only for a very short time though before moving on to Cancer on June 17th. Once Mercury shifts to the sign of Cancer, we can expect to see things slow down a bit and our thoughts turn to the family, hearth and home. This is a good time for having a heart to heart with someone but do be careful as sometimes we can be a little over sensitive when the planet of communication is in this watery and emotional sign! Mercury is in Cancer until July 3rd.

Next we have a New Moon in Gemini at 16 degrees. This is usually a pretty busy moon, many of us might feel like we are scrambling and testing our multi-tasking skills. This is typically a very social time and is usually a good time for playing games and keeping things light. You might find that you or those around you are more talkative too with this Moon, though not usually about deep things. This is a good time for setting intentions that require mental focus or social energy for the following month. If you know your chart, set your goals based on where Gemini is in your chart. If you need help with that, come see me for an appointment. I’m happy to explain your chart to you!

Mars enters Taurus on June 8th and we go from the fast moving, go-getting energy of Aries to the slow it down, let’s think about this before we act energy of Taurus. Look to see where Taurus is in your chart to see where the Mars energy is being concentrated this month. This is the area where you might be challenged and tested this month, but it is also the area where you can apply your willpower to make slow and steady changes in your life. Mars is in Taurus until July 21st.

On June 16, Venus enters the sign of Cancer until July 12th. While Venus is here, we can expect our affections to take on more of the qualities of this water sign; nurturing, emotional, intuitive and protective. Wherever Cancer is in your chart, Venus is bringing blessings this month as she directs us to be more caring and attentive to our loved one’s and our own emotional needs. This is a good time for romantic getaways!

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on June 20th and stays there until July 22nd. While the Sun is in Cancer, our nation turns another year older and our eyes turn to our leaders. This will be quite an interesting year, I feel and things really begin to heat up after the solar return of the United States (the solar return is a term meaning that the sun has returned to the same degree it was when someone or something was born, in other words, it’s a birthday). I see much turbulence for our country, but I again encourage you to keep in mind the necessary changes that must occur in order for us to evolve. In order to build a new house, you have to first get rid of the original. This is what we are experiencing as our country faces many new changes yet to come in the future. My advice: hang in there, don’t let the drama get to you. You can’t control it anyway, you can only control how you respond. So choose what kind of person you want to be and be it. Let the rest of the world fight it out. Keep love in your heart and you will be guided to your path. If you need help with that, come see me. I’m a certified Life Coach and I worked my way out of a 30 year depression using spirituality as my path.

On June 21, we have a Full Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn. Unfortunately this is usually not an easy going moon, this can sometimes bring up a lot of frustration for people. The Moon doesn’t do well in Capricorn, the emotions can be stunted and controlled almost to the point of rigidity at times. This can sometimes bring up some conflicts when the Moon becomes full and the light of the Sun brings out the shadow side. If you’re feeling the stress of this, just give yourself some space and some time to feel your feelings before interacting with others if you can. And be sure to ground yourself by being in nature, it can help a lot!

Finally on June 29th, Saturn, the planet of limits and restrictions, goes retrograde until November. It will be moving backwards from 19 degrees to 12 degrees of Pisces. During a Saturn retrograde, we are usually having this area of our lives tested for strength. Saturn wants structure and things that are of long lasting value so anything that doesn’t pass the strength test has to go. A retrograde period is a time for fine tuning, to go back over these things and make adjustments. With Saturn, sometimes this means letting go and other times, it’s about reinforcing an already established but weakened structure. Look to see where Pisces is in your chart, to see which area of your life is being affected. Book your appointment with me if you need help with your chart.

In numerology, June 2024 is a number 5 universal month. The number 5 is a volatile number. It’s the number of change, freedom, travel, communication and transport, and the media. It is the rebel, the outcast. It is the number of the outlaw, the one who makes their own rules to live by. This could bring in some wild energy and in a number 8 universal month, this could bring in some changes and unpredictability when it comes to number 8 things: leaders and governments, big business, big money and all types of authority. If anything crazy should happen, do your best not to let the world scene scare you, it’s not worth your power. Take back your freedom by choosing how you're going to feel about it rather than letting the media or others tell you how you should be feeling. Remember, your ability to respond is the only thing you can actually control in this world. This is your freedom. Your freedom to choose how you feel, so choose wisely.

I know I keep saying this, but I know things are going to seem pretty crazy in the world in the following decades as we usher in the new age of Aquarius. Just work on what you can, worry about yourself and your loved ones and let the rest of the world do its thing. There’s much more love out there than the media is telling you and remember, what you see on your small screen isn’t the true reality anyway. It’s all going to sort itself out in the end. There’s no other way it can be. There is no greater force in all the universe, Love conquers all. Be well and as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique



We have a busy summer scheduled so we are going to be putting our free meditations on hold for a while. Our last one will be Friday, June 7th at 6 pm. We hope you can join us for a short guided meditation followed by a spiritual discussion and then socializing over snacks. RSVP here.


Feeling stuck? This psychic reading is designed to see the current state of health of your four different bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We take a look to see how the energy is flowing for you in your four bodies and ask the guides for advice on how to get your health flowing nicely again. This is a great way to get yourself back in balance! This reading is typically 45 minutes to an hour. Save $15 off this reading when you use coupon code 4BODIES24 when booking.


I have three new classes scheduled for this summer! First in June, I have my new From Christian to Witch class for those seeking to reconcile their beliefs. Then in July, I have a new course for Psychic Development. Then in September, I have a new Beginner’s Astrology course scheduled. Be sure to check out my calendar for more details. Seating is limited, so first come, first serve.

All students receive store merchandise discounts at my shop as well as at Avebury Mystikals in downtown Bremerton while enrolled in classes. You must be over 18 or have parental consent to attend these classes.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 22,23

TAURUS: Rewarding: 12,13,14 Challenging: 24,25

GEMINI: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 26,27

CANCER: Rewarding: 17,18,19 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

LEO: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 3,4,30

VIRGO: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 5,6

LIBRA: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 7,8,9

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 10,11

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 12,13,14

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 3,4,30 Challenging: 15,16

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 17,18,19

PISCES: Rewarding: 7,8,9 Challenging: 20,21

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