Subject: June 2023 Astrological Forecast 🌞🍧🔮

June 2023 Forecast

Hello! We start the month off with a Full Moon in Sagittarius at 13 degrees on June 3rd. With the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in the opposite sign of Sagittarius, we can expect knowledge and information to be a topic in some form or another. In fact, it’s kind of the theme for the month. In the United States’ chart, this Moon is happening right next to the ascendant, a very important part of the chart! This could lead to disclosure or exposure of secrets for those who’s karma has come. Full Moons have a way of bringing things to a breaking point. We are seeing more and more information leaking out from under the fist of censorship and as the saying goes, you can’t stop the signal. When it’s time for cosmic justice, the truth always has a way of coming out. The press and social media certainly are under this topic. It will be interesting to see how things unfold in the following weeks. 

Join us that night for a guided meditation followed by snacks and socializing. This is a great way to make new friends! RSVP here. 

Venus enters Leo on June 5th and will be there until October! An unusually long time for Venus to spend in one sign, but this is because she is due to go retrograde in July. While Venus is in Leo, our affections often become more generous, showy and self-praiseworthy. This is usually a fun time for romance and is just perfect for the summer. But when Venus goes retrograde, issues related to both love and money are likely to come up. Old lovers or old debts might pop up or you might just find that you are becoming aware of past patterns related to love or money. Now is your chance to learn and grow from it. For the United States, this Venus retrograde is making two aspects that could affect both our financial system and our media.  

Whenever a personal planet goes retrograde, a shift is very likely but this will depend on your chart. Venus is moving retrograde through Leo between 28 and 12 degrees of Leo in your chart. If you have a planet making an aspect to these degrees, you will most likely feel this. For help on this, book your appointment with me and we can see what’s heading your way.

Speaking of retrogrades, Pluto is also currently doing that. On June 11th, he will re-enter Capricorn and will continue to move backwards until October too. October is looking to be a very hot month in the stars as we’re also going to be experiencing two eclipses that month! If you happen to have any personal planets in the last four degrees of Capricorn, you will most likely feel this. Again, book your appointment with me if you’re not sure. The United States has its natal Pluto there and this is a big reason why we are seeing our country fall to pieces right now. Pluto has a way of totally reorganizing a life (or a country) and that’s putting it lightly. Sometimes a little astrological insight helps us to keep perspective and find hope during these times.

Also happening on June 11th, Mercury enters Gemini for a very short time. While in Gemini, we can expect our minds and our communication to be moving rapidly. Ideas come quickly now and it’s a good time to catch up with friends. This is usually a busy time of information exchange but it’s important not to get lost in the details. Mercury leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on June 26th. When Mercury is in Cancer, the focus becomes more personal, domestic and on the inner life. We might find that our communication becomes more centered around finding our security and less on exchanging ideas.

On June 17th, Saturn goes retrograde at 7 degrees of Pisces and will be there until November. Saturn goes retrograde fairly often so most of us don’t notice it unless it’s making a personal transit. In the U.S. chart, it’s going through the third house, the house of the media, information and early education. Saturn retrograde has a way of bringing about karma and making us accountable for our responsibilities. Perhaps we will see some being held accountable for the misinformation/disinformation nonsense we’ve been seeing. We shall see. 

On June 17th, we have a New Moon in Gemini at 26 degrees. This is good energy for learning new things and for socializing with others! Speaking of which, come hang out with us that night! We are going to have a fun summer themed potluck. Bring a dish or beverage (and a list of ingredients for allergies) and come celebrate life with us! RSVP here. 


On June 21st, the Sun enters Cancer and we welcome in the summer season with the Summer Solstice! This is the best time for spending time with those you love and enjoying the warmer weather! While the Sun is here, we might spend time focusing on what brings us feelings of comfort and security. Just be sure not to stay indoors too much!

Finally on June 30th, Neptune, ruler of Pisces goes retrograde and this one isn’t usually felt unless it’s making a personal transit too. This is usually a time for spiritual reflection and sometimes a time when any untruths we have told come to the surface. If you have a personal planet between 23 and 28 degrees of Pisces, you might feel this one. Come see me if you’re not sure.   

The month of June 2023 is a number 4 universal month. This energy encourages us to get to work. It’s good energy for planning and for building. Practical matters become the forefront and sometimes this can mean tightening the belts on our spending. Sometimes we can go overboard with this in the name of pragmatism, but then we lose out on the fun. Take care of what matters, but don’t forget to balance your life with joy and all the good things you work so hard for!

Overall, we have a month full of information and a need to get grounded in face of that information. Our country is currently undergoing a renovation, just keep that in mind when you see the chaos in the world. And remember also that half of what you see probably isn’t real anyway. We all seek a better world and through that seeking, we create it. Just keep love and hope in your heart, that is how we create a space for that reality to emerge. And in case you don’t remember, you didn’t end up on this planet by accident. Your soul chose this time and space for a reason. And I’m sure that if you’re reading this, one of your reasons was to help me create a better world too. 

By the way, Brandon and I want you to know, if anything big happens in the world, we plan on being at our shop. Come and see us should you need a place to convene with others. Hopefully there won’t be a need, but if there is, let our place be a center for assembly. You don’t have to wait for a crisis to hit before you come and visit us in our shop! You are welcome any time to come in and chat, pull some tarot cards and hang out in our zen corner. We love the company! 

Be well,


The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 26,27

TAURUS: Rewarding: 13,14,15 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

GEMINI: Rewarding: 16,17,18 Challenging: 3,4,30

CANCER: Rewarding: 18,19,20  Challenging: 5, 6

LEO: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 7, 8

VIRGO: Rewarding: 23,24,25 Challenging: 9,10,11

LIBRA: Rewarding: 26,27  Challenging: 11,12

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29  Challenging: 13,14,15 

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 3,4,30 Challenging: 16,17,18

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 5,6  Challenging: 18,19,20

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 7,8  Challenging: 21,22

PISCES: Rewarding: 9,10,11  Challenging: 23,24,25

THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL - $25 for every 15 Minutes - June readings only

I realize that many are experiencing financial hardships right now and as a special thank you, I would like to offer a reduced rate for all my newsletter subscribers for readings booked in the month of June. Enjoy a special $25 for every 15 minute rate for any reading booked during the month of June. Use coupon code: RET21!TY when booking your June 2023 reading to take advantage of this offer. Your email address must be on my list to be eligible. Sorry, students and monthly subscribers are not eligible for this discount. 


In case you missed my announcement earlier this week, Brandon and I are excited to announce the opening of our new Etsy store! We are both artists and we enjoy designing things. So we wanted to put our designs on things and we started with t-shirts! We partnered with a printer to get these quality and one-of-a-kind t-shirts to you as quickly as possible and soon we hope to include other items such as sweatshirts and mugs! Please take a moment to check us out and follow our shop. We will be adding more designs as time goes on. We appreciate any feedback and support you can give! 

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