Subject: June 2021 Astrology & Numerology Forecast ⭐🌜🔮

June 2021 Astrological & Numerology Forecast

Can you believe it’s June already? Is it just me or is time speeding up? Or maybe that’s just the craziness of all this planetary energy going on right now! In any case, we are witnessing a very exciting time on planet earth and I am delighted to be here! The month of June looks to bring in more changes, more info and more swiftly moving energy - hang on!

First of all, we start the month off in the middle of an eclipse portal, a time in between two eclipses. This is an intense window of time where we are releasing the things that were brought up with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse last month and making way for new changes coming at us with the New Moon Solar Eclipse this month. Some of us may be feeling the effects of this more than others, but nonetheless this can be a rather emotional time. Do your best to stay grounded but keep your chin up at the same time for nothing is made worse by a positive attitude! 

And another intense thing about June is that the entire month is under the heavy influence of the Saturn-Uranus square which becomes exact for the second time this year on June 14th. At the same time, the Leo Moon gets involved, giving us the conflict driven T-square aspect. We have a battle between restrictions and freedom. This is foundation changing energy which we’ve been feeling for months now, but with the exact transit, this could be a day of tension, fighting and rebellious attitudes or at the very least, restlessness. There’s a whole lot of stubbornness with this so I advise staying clear of those who already test your patience and maybe releasing any tension with some outdoor exercise or a physical task that you can do on your own such as cleaning out your closet.      

We also start the month in the middle of Mercury in Retrograde through the air sign of Gemini. This is a time for regrouping, rethinking, repairing and redoing. It is not typically the best time for starting new projects or making important decisions or purchases. In astrology, some of the things Mercury rules are electronics, transportation, communication and how we mentally process things. So when the planet goes retrograde, we can expect to see issues or themes forming that fit those categories coming into our experience. Knowing in which house the retrograde is happening will give you even more information about what area of your life is affected. For this one, look to see which house(s) is ruled by Gemini in your chart to get a better idea on what area of your life will be highlighted or contact me and I’ll help you find it. Mercury will go direct once more on June 22nd. 

On June 2nd, Venus enters Cancer. This is good energy for decorating the home, taking care of others, making personal connections and spending time with family. It is especially helpful for romance! In Cancer, Venus seeks comfort and security through emotional bonds so this is helpful energy if you need to reconnect or reconcile with another. This is also ideal energy for beautifying the home, especially with things which hold sentimental value. Venus will only be here until June 26th so make use of it and bring some more love into the world! This is a good time for a romantic getaway or a family reunion, just be prepared with backup plans as Mercury is still retrograde and has a way of mixing up our best laid plans. Remember the key phrase - go with the flow and you should get through it with minimal damage!

On June 10th, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini at 19 degrees. Those with personal planets in the mutable signs will most likely feel this the most (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Also those with Cancer Suns, Moons or Risings will most likely feel this energy strongly too as the Moon rules Cancer. It is not an especially emotional eclipse thankfully but it is an intense one nonetheless as we might be getting some strong mental energy with it being in Gemini. Stay grounded. Mostly what I see with this one is something happening with information and global communication - I see the media, the internet and social media being highlighted. With the New Moon square Neptune and conjunct Mercury in retrograde, we do run the risk of getting lost in subjective truth or romantic idealism but we might also learn some new and astounding things as illusions might crack under this eclipse energy!

On a personal level, this is very powerful energy for starting something major in your life! However be warned not to spread yourself too thin. Gemini is the great multitasker of the zodiac, so we might see ourselves taking on a bit too much if we’re not mindful. Pace yourself. Since this is an eclipse, we have some great power to work with if we want to propel ourselves forward. And sometimes that happens whether we want it or not! Eclipses can act as major catalysts in our lives and if we are refusing the call to make changes, eclipses will make them happen for you. We can make better use of it if we utilize the energy with awareness and intention instead. Look to see where 19 degrees of Gemini is in your chart to get more insight, or contact me and I’ll help you with it. The key phrase with this one: change is inevitable, adapt or suffer. Join me for a New Moon meditation for some personal insight on how to use this eclipse to help you in your life. 

On June 11th, Mars enters Leo and this energy encourages us to look at what motivates us and how we are exerting our personal energy in the world. Mars in Leo is warm and steady heat, like a hearth fire. It gives us endurance to see our projects through and our personal passions satisfied. This can be a great time for starting a new physical routine which requires endurance such as a new exercise program or a new hobby such as hiking or gardening. This is also a great time for putting your focus on those things dear to your heart, the people and things that bring you the most joy, so it’s a wonderful time for undertaking creative projects and doing more fun things in your life!

On June 20th, Jupiter goes Retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces and it will make its way back through Aquarius. It will go direct again in October and will stay in Aquarius until the 30th of December. The beginning of this retrograde period might see some of us - still in the dreamy, optimistic cloud of the Pisces influence - getting a rude awakening as we move into the chaotic and in-your-face energy of Jupiter in Aquarius once more. This can be a good time for reconnecting spiritually but it can also be a difficult time for some people as they are faced with their fantasies being destroyed as new information makes its way to the People and they demand their freedoms. 

Also, the Sun enters Cancer on June 20th and we have another energy shift as the Summer Solstice ushers in the new season. While the Sun is in Cancer, this is a great time for focusing on the home and family, on heritage and ancestors and it’s a good time for working on those things which bring you a sense of safety and security. Look to see which house Cancer rules in your chart to see where to put your focus this month. The transiting Sun in our charts shows us where to best put our focus to have the powerful creative energy of the Sun behind our efforts.

On June 24th, we have the Full Moon in Capricorn at 3 degrees. This is quite the productive Moon, giving us the drive to see our goals through but if you are neglecting your emotional needs, you might meet with some resistance. This is a good time to release any old emotional and mental energy about your goals and ambitions that no longer serve you, such as your parents' dreams for your future or even your own unrealistic expectations. Capricorn Moon isn’t necessarily a warm and fuzzy energy, but it can be a very useful and practical energy so take advantage of the desire to produce better results in your life, and don’t get caught up in the sentimental attachments. Be sure to join me for my full moon meditation to get some guidance on this!

On June 25th, Neptune goes retrograde at 23 degrees Pisces. Neptune retrogrades, like other outer planet retrogrades, are more subtle than inner planet retrogrades. The outer planets are often in retrograde, so typically you won’t feel it much unless it happens to be making a transition in your personal chart. Neptune encourages us to look within at our dreams and inspirations, it also encourages us to practice compassion and to find our deeper connection to all things in this universe. Neptune is a dreamy but confusing planet. It can give us rose colored glasses and give us an idealist viewpoint of the world, making it difficult to discern what is real and what is illusion. It can bring a lot of confusion and cloudiness too. But it also has a way of dissolving things such as egos, personal boundaries, and the very illusions it creates. It will turn direct once more on December 2nd. 

With all these retrograde planets, the message from the stars is to go within this month. We are being asked to look closer at things, to practice introspection and also be willing to go back over those things we might have missed or glossed over before. We are being asked to find new perspectives and to open our minds to new information, especially when it comes to what’s going on in the world, not just in our personal lives.

On June 26th, Venus enters Leo and the energy is uplifted a bit! While Venus is here, we can enjoy more creative impulses and a desire to have more fun! Venus in Leo is showy and dramatic and likes to be seen, so this is some great energy for getting noticed and boosting your showmanship skills! While Venus is here, we will often see our desires turning more towards those things which bring us pleasure or a sense of luxury. Have fun, but watch your bank account.

In numerology, June 2021 is a 11 universal month. The number 11 in Numerology is a Master Number, the number of illumination, Light and information. It is the number of spiritual messages and divine guidance and it encourages us to advance as spiritual beings. Humanity is being challenged to step up and evolve spiritually. As individuals we are being challenged to listen to the messages coming to us, to see things in a new light and to raise our vibrations in order to embrace our spiritual mastery. 

Overall, June looks to be a month of change, information and illumination. Should you be in the midst of changes in your life, look at it as an opportunity for growth and be open to what the universe has for you. This month, open your eyes and ears, look closer and notice the signs all around you. The universe is constantly giving you feedback if you just listen.

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

JUNE SPECIAL - $60 Life Check In Reading

Check in with your life to see how things are going in your career, finances, love life, friends and family, physical health and spiritual wellbeing. Receive guidance on how to smooth out any bumps in your life and reassurance that you are on the right path. Get this special 60 minute reading for only $60 this month by using the coupon code: MYLIFE2021 when booking your appointment with me.

Book Your Reading

ANNOUNCEMENT: For locals, please join me for my free Moon Meditations! I plan on doing this on or around the New and Full Moon every month. Learn more about astrology and yourself. If you register and I have your birth chart, I will take a look at your personal chart and let you know how you can use each Moon phase to help you in your life. I only have seating for 7 people however, so act fast! Registration is required and there will be a waitlist so if you sign up and you can't make it, please be courteous and cancel your RSVP. Register for June events on my website.

For those of you who can't make it in person, be sure to check out my YouTube channel where my husband and I have recorded some of our meditations for you to enjoy!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding 4,5. Challenging 18,19 

  • TAURUS: Rewarding 6,7,8. Challenging 20,21

  • GEMINI: Rewarding 9,10. Challenging 22,23

  • CANCER: Rewarding 11,12,13. Challenging 24,25

  • LEO: Rewarding 14,15. Challenging 26,27,28

  • VIRGO: Rewarding 16,17. Challenging 1,2,3,29,30

  • LIBRA: Rewarding 18,19. Challenging 4,5

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding 20,21. Challenging 6,78

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 22,23. Challenging 9,10

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding 24,25. Challenging 11,12,13

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding 26,27,28. Challenging 14,15

  • PISCES: Rewarding 1,23,29,30. Challenging 16,17

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