Subject: July 2024 Astrological Forecast ♋✨♌

July 2024 Astrological Forecast

Hiya everybody! This month, I decided to list the major planetary activity first:

  • 7/2 - 7/25 Mercury in Leo

  • 7/5 - New Moon in Cancer

  • 7/11 - 8/5 Venus in Leo

  • 7/20 - 9/5 Mars in Gemini

  • 7/21 - Full Moon in Capricorn

  • 7/22 - 8/23 Sun in Leo

  • 7/25 - 8/5 Mercury in Virgo (retrograde in August)

Let’s break it down. First, Mercury in Leo is going to be happening for a very short time as this planet moves quickly when it’s not in retrograde motion. In Leo, Mercury is playful and generous but it can also be a bit dramatic as it tells it stories. This can be some fun energy to tap into for some tales around the campfire!

The New Moon in Cancer on the 5th is at 14 degrees of Cancer and this is some great energy to tap into for making some positive changes in your life! Cancer is a cardinal sign, a sign that initiates action usually of a more emotional or soulful nature. This could be an opportunity for a fresh emotional start for those of us feeling the calling. If you are unaware of any underlying emotional energy, this New Moon could make it come to the surface, allowing for some change to finally occur.

Venus in Leo is warm and generous, but it can be demanding too as it desires to be the center of attention. For some of us, we may be feeling the need for our partner’s attention more intensely with this. For others, we might find that we are wanting to indulge ourselves as Venus in Leo is a big fan of luxurious living! In general though, this is usually a pretty warm and fun energy for playing around with others.

Mars in Gemini can be a very creative energy to tap into as well as a motivator for social action. Make the best of this time by finding creative projects or by stimulating your mind, or why not both? Gemini is the best multitasker, you can take on a lot with this. Just be careful not to become too busy, as this energy can create overstimulation, restlessness and irritability when it’s not focused. You might find that you or the people around you are much more talkative than usual too! If you’re a Gemini, you might find that you are feeling extra energized this month and maybe even a force to be reckoned with!

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st is happening in the final degree of Capricorn and it’s near that little yet powerful planet of death and rebirth, Pluto. What could this mean for the world at large? It’s possible we see some (more) craziness in the governments around the world and this could act as some sort of catalyst for political action to occur. I would not be surprised to see something going on around in the U.S. this time at all as this is the final year that Pluto will be in this area of the zodiac for another 150 years or so and he’s bringing in some big changes. The last time he was here, we had our American Revolution and America was born. Anyone still asleep to the system by this time is due for a harsh wake up call once Pluto is done with us, but I doubt many will still be asleep once this planet has done its work!

On a more mundane level, the Full Moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees could possibly bring about some emotional drama all depending on your chart. If you were born near the end of a cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra) and near the beginning of a fixed sign (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, this could mean a big (and possibly uncomfortable) change for you. The emotions are reserved with a Capricorn Moon, but when it becomes full, it can dump all of those emotions upon us like a tidal wave. So if you’re feeling the tension of this moon, I would encourage you to go and spend some time with yourself and allow yourself to feel your emotions in private before confronting anyone. Otherwise, if it’s not you feeling this, be prepared to witness others feeling the effects. The good thing about Full Moon energy is that once the emotional release occurs, it allows for positive change to begin.

When the Sun enters Leo at the later part of this month, the energy shifts to the playful and creative energy of the summer we all love! This is a time for play, for recreation, creativity, spending time with children and for showing your best side. Depending on where Leo is in your chart, this is where you are being asked to focus your energies this month. For help on that, come and see me for a consultation or better yet, sign up for my Intro to Astrology class starting in September and learn how to read your birth chart!

Finally Mercury will enter Virgo at the end of the month but he will only be there for a short time before he goes RETROGRADE again on August 5th. He will be going back from 4 degrees of Virgo and going back into Leo for about three weeks in August, so heads up! Mercury in Virgo is an excellent time to get organized and to clean out clutter. The retrograde is a golden opportunity to do just that and in fact, might demand that from some of us. So if you have any clutter lying around or any unfinished project or just a really messy closet, this will be a good time to finally tackle it!

In numerology, July 2024 is a number 6 universal month. The number 6 carries a sense of duty and responsibility to it. It’s also a number that seeks beauty and harmony in its environment. It’s also the number of family, the home and the domestic life in general. This is a good time for taking care of duties when it comes to your home and those you love, but do be careful to do so with love in your heart rather than resentment. The number 6 is a nurturing energy and asks us to be more kind and aware of the needs of others as well as ourselves. This energy allows us to connect with others on a more emotional level which is sometimes a good thing, but at other times it can be very draining depending on who we are hanging around! Take some time to nurture yourself and others this month, and spend some time bringing more beauty into your life. You’ll feel better, I promise.

As we continue through the year of 2024, I can’t help but wonder what sort of things we are about to witness in this world. I would like to remind you that what you see on the internet and on the news is, by far, not the only information out there and more than likely, it’s not even accurate. Over the next several months, Neptune will be retrograde. Neptune rules film and television, he is the planet of illusions and his lesson is to listen to our intuition. This is a good time for us to see through the illusions, for us to use our intuition to discern the truth and for us to look at everything with a more spiritual and broader picture perspective so that we may understand ourselves through all of this.

Remember, you are the creator of your reality. That means that even if the rest of the world has lost its mind, you don’t have to have the same experience. You can have your own experience of consensual reality, that’s what I’m doing. All you have to do is care enough about how you feel to do something about it so that you feel better. Then you just get in the habit of that, making how you feel your number one priority. Before you know it, you find yourself caring less and less about the drama going on out there and more and more about creating a sense of peace within yourself. It’s simple but it’s not easy. It takes practice being optimistic in a broken world, but it can happen. I beat a 30 year depression this way and I did it without medication and without therapy. If I can do it, anyone can do it! If you want help with this, come see me. I am a certified spiritual life coach, psychic healer and psychic counselor. Life is meant to be good and something deep inside you knows that.

I hope you have a good month. I’m starting up a new evening class on Psychic Development on July 18th. If you’re interested, please be sure to register soon as spaces are filling up! This is a great way to learn how to tap into your natural abilities and to make new friends. I also give all my students a special discount in my store and at Avebury Mystickals. I hope to see you there and as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique


Starting July 18th, I am teaching a new series of classes on psychic development. This is a structured, 12 week course designed to help you: increase your psychic abilities, open your third eye, increase your spiritual connection and help you to use your intuition. We will cover many topics in this class from clairvoyance to tarot to psychometry to lucid dreaming.

Classes are Thursday nights from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Cost is $25 a class. This is NOT a drop in/drop out class! Each class builds upon the last. Seating is limited. Buy your first class ticket online or in person by July 15th.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 17,18 Challenging: 12,13,14

TAURUS: Rewarding: 19,20,21 Challenging: 15,16

GEMINI: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 17,18

CANCER: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 19,20,21

LEO: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 22,23

VIRGO: Rewarding: 1,2, 28,29 Challenging: 24,25

LIBRA: Rewarding: 3,4,30,31 Challenging: 26,27

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 5,6,7 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 7,8,9 Challenging: 3,4,30,31

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 5,6

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 12,13,14 Challenging: 7,8,9

PISCES: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 10,11

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