Subject: July 2023 Astrological Forecast 🌞🔮

July 2023 Astrological Forecast

I apologize for being a day late with this! I've been so busy lately, but that's a good thing because things are about to get very interesting! This month we have some karmic energy bringing things into balance. In addition, the numerology promises change while Venus makes us revisit issues around love and money.

Starting off the month, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3rd. This moon is a time for releasing things that are blocking or hindering our long term goals, for grounding and getting into our bodies and for making space for new growth in our lives. Emotions are challenged under the Capricorn energy, so have patience with yourself and others if the emotions are having a hard time flowing. Make the most of this moon energy by reviewing the goals you set for yourself at the start of the year (at the Cancer Full Moon) and adjusting your sails as needed in order to meet those goals. We won’t be having a meditation that night.

On July 10th, Mercury enters Leo and the energy becomes more confident, creative and fiery for a few weeks until Mercury leaves this sign on July 29th. More on that later. This is a good time for showing off.

We have a New Moon in Cancer on July 17th and this can be a bit of an emotional time so head’s up! This can be a good time to set intentions in your life that correspond with the energies of Cancer: home, family, food, safety, security, roots, ancestors. Join us that night for our New Moon Meditation!

On July 18th, the Nodes of the Moon change signs. The North Node will enter Aries and the South Node will enter Libra. Typically when we see node signs change, we see some sort of karmic retribution come into play. The last axis was Scorpio/Taurus, signs that reveal secrets. This time, it’s Aries/Libra, signs that bring balance. Libra, the sign of equality, is the South Node, acting as the issues being placed on the scales of justice. Aries, the sign of the warrior, acts as the bringer of justice for all those who have acted selfishly. On a personal level, this might mean bringing into balance two opposing aspects of your life, especially those having to deal with partners.

On July 22nd, Venus, the planet of love and money, goes retrograde at 28 degrees of Leo. She’ll be here quite some time as she moves back over the sign of Leo. She goes direct once more in September and finally leaves Leo in the beginning of October. So we have a longer than usual time with Venus in the normally warm and fuzzy sign of Leo, but when she’s retrograde things can turn more dramatic, selfish, attention-seeking and unjust. Wherever she is in your chart, you are encouraged to take a closer look at what you value and your relationship with those things (including people!). This can sometimes mean having to let go, but it can also mean reconciliation once values have been reassessed. For help on how this affects your chart, book your appointment with me. For the world, we might see some very interesting things with Venus moving backwards in the sky! Considering this planet rules finances, it isn’t hard to guess that we might see something going down in our financial system. In fact, Venus rules anything of value so that would include stocks, land values, material resources, precious metals, etc. She also rules beauty and considering the sign of Leo (a sign that loves all eyes on them), we might see some celebrity karma coming into balance or some interesting activity involving the entertainment industry.

Also on July 22nd, the Sun enters the sign of Leo until August 23. The Sun is at home here! It naturally rules the sign of Leo. It is the time of year where we folks in the northern hemisphere enjoy the full exposure of the Sun and the wonders of the growing harvest! This is an excellent time for creativity, playing with children, playing sports and having fun in the sun! Leo energy says celebrate you and don’t be afraid to shine bright!

On July 28th, Mercury enters Virgo, the sign it rules. It will stay there until October due to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde! That happens on August 23rd so until that time, we can take advantage of the awesome mental powers Mercury in Virgo can bring. This is an excellent time to review things, to make tweaks to projects and to get organized. Just be careful not to become overly analytical that you neglect to take action!

In numerology, July 2023 is a number 5 Universal Month. The five is an interesting number in numerology because it is the number of chaos, destruction, change, transformation and freedom. This can bring with it a great intensity and a strong energetic power which can strike fear in the hearts of many, much like the Tower card in the Tarot. But it needn’t be seen as only a destructive force, for as any good contractor will tell you, destruction is a necessary step in transformation. This force brings change and it brings the opportunity for freedom as we can now choose to break free from those things that might have held us back, kept us small or inhibited our personal freedom. This number holds possibilities and opportunities which we must take if we wish to see positive change.

This month might bring changes and it might bring chaos at first glance. But despite the chaos we might see under these influences, keep in mind that this means new pathways are emerging. Get yourself grounded in your values, know what freedom means to you and go boldly into the unknown with faith knowing that life is meant to be good for us and it can be if we can just allow it. You will find the guidance within you, meditate and see. Your soul’s wisdom is connected to the universal intelligence, the Creator Source, God, All That Is, whatever name you wish to give it. This wisdom lies within you, be still and listen. As Master Jesus told us, “For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV). Meditate and ask for guidance. You will receive it. If you want guidance on this, book your appointment with me. I’m happy to coach you in your spiritual life.

On a more personal note, the lease on our shop is up this month and we need to find a new place by August! We are looking, but nothing has worked out so far. We are faithful though as our guidance tells us something is coming. I wanted to give you all a heads up though in case we are quiet for a while. I will keep you posted as we know more. In the meantime, if you know of any good retail/reading spaces in Kitsap county, let us know!

I hope you have an amazing month. Take care of yourself and as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


Due to many people expressing financial difficulty, I have temporarily reduced my rates back to my old prices of $25 for every 15 minutes so an hour would be $100. I feel that the need for spiritual guidance is increasing and is likely going to keep increasing as the energies shift. I also work in trade so if you have something to offer, don’t be afraid to ask! People are looking for help and I don’t want money to be an obstacle.

Support Our New Etsy Store!

In case you missed my announcement last month, Brandon and I are excited to announce the opening of our new Etsy store! We are both artists and we enjoy designing things. So we wanted to put our designs on things and we started with t-shirts! We partnered with a printer to get these quality and one-of-a-kind t-shirts to you as quickly as possible and soon we hope to include other items such as sweatshirts and mugs! Please take a moment to check us out and follow our shop. We will be adding more designs as time goes on. We appreciate any feedback and support you can give!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 23,24

TAURUS: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 25,26,27

GEMINI: Rewarding: 13,14 Challenging: 1,28,29

CANCER: Rewarding: 15,16,17 Challenging: 2,3,4,30

LEO: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 5,6

VIRGO: Rewarding: 20,21,22 Challenging: 7,8

LIBRA: Rewarding: 23,24 Challenging: 9,10

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 25,26,27 Challenging: 11,12

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 1,28,29 Challenging: 13,14

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 2,3,4,30 Challenging: 15,16,17

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 18,19

PISCES: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 20,21,22

Awaken the magick within you and unlock the secrets to your abilities in this weekly class focused on personal and spiritual empowerment! Classes are Fridays at 4 pm. Come to whichever ones you like. Stay posted on the forums!

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