Subject: July 2021 Astrological Forecast ⭐🌜🔮

July 2021 Astrological Forecast

No doubt about it, it’s summertime and things are really heating up! And no, I don’t mean just the weather. Our planet is receiving some rather powerful new energy and we humans are definitely going to feel it this month! We are receiving new light from the galactic center and this means more and more things that were in the shadows are now being seen as we Ascend as a planet. This can be a rude awakening for some of us, but it’s a necessary step in our process of evolution so it’s important for us to be grounded and to tap into our intuition for guidance during these times.

We start off with some intense interplay between Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius, both of which are in conflict with the planet Uranus in Taurus. This is fiery energy pushing against the system, and this is a rebellious call to arms as we see the people pushing back against the limitations and restrictions placed upon them. On a personal level, you might find yourself needing to break free from something which was once a responsibility taken on with a quiet acceptance but has now become a heavy burden. Uranus in Taurus encourages that you change your approach to things and shake things up dramatically - it’s time to break up the routine!

Soon after, Venus will join in as she makes the challenging aspects with Saturn and Uranus too. Simply put, Venus rules love and money. When she gets involved, we might see either one of those areas (possibly both) being highlighted in our personal lives. If you’ve got some restrictions in those areas, this could act as a catalytic event to get you focused on your life lessons. With Uranus, change is inevitable so it’s better to go with it than to fight it and realize that things are changing so that you can grow. A plant that is never given a big enough pot to grow in will never live up to its full potential. In order to grow, it needs to change its pot. Uranus reminds you that if you are refusing to upgrade your pot on your own, then the universe will do it for you!

Look near 12 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) in your personal chart to see how this will affect you personally or book your appointment with me and I’ll be happy to help you.

On a worldly level, we could see the areas ruled by Taurus being hit: financial market, real estate, food, land and natural resources. We could possibly see the major changes to our systems we’ve been anticipating and it could possibly crash our markets thanks to the shocking nature of Uranus. But Uranus is also the planet of the unknown, so...who knows? One thing I know for sure is that things will ultimately be just fine. When things get rough, humanity never fails to prove itself to be caring and compassionate. I trust that we will always have that in our spirit to rely upon.

Should we see financial shocks, don’t let the worries of the system get to you. The old systems must go before the new ones will begin. My advice is not to panic and remember that it’s all funny money anyway. Who do we actually buy the land from? The planet earth? Does she deposit that in her cosmic bank account? It’s all nonsense if you think about it. Our current financial system is a rigged game and sooner or later the game will be over. But no worries. Something new will take its place and since it's the Age of Aquarius, you can bet it will be for the people and not The Man. Listen to your intuition and be sure to get grounded should you find your anxiety building. It’s always wise to have a little tucked away just in case but never forget your power as a focused creator and never forget the strength of the human spirit!

On July 9th, we have a New Moon in Cancer. This is happening at 18 degrees of Cancer and those with personal planets and angles near that degree in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will most likely feel this one! This conjunction is assisted by a beautiful aspect called a trine with the planet Neptune, currently in Pisces, which brings in a healing aspect as well as a need for finding your spiritual footing. This is a good New Moon to utilize the power of your imagination to set your intentions for manifesting great things in your life! The energy behind the Cancer New Moon is protective yet nurturing and it seeks emotional security through connecting with loved ones. This is a wonderful time to spend with family, especially your mother!

On July 11th, Mercury enters Cancer and we get more of that homey energy when Mercury is here. Mercury in Cancer is more concerned with being heard and connecting with those closest to us. Communication becomes more feeling and less intellectual when Mercury is here as it tends to speak from emotion rather than logic, but connection is taken on with the intention of finding and bringing comfort. This is a good time for reaching out and reconnecting with people from your past.

On July 21st, Venus enters Virgo and the energy shifts to be more conservative in our financial and romantic lives. After its playful and flirty time in Leo, Venus gets serious in Virgo and wants to make some improvements. Although not as fun, Venus in Virgo is good energy for getting our checkbooks balanced and taking care of business in our personal lives. Just don’t let it cool your affections too much. After all, all work and no play makes Venus a critical nag and nobody wants that!

On July 22, the Sun enters Leo. The Sun is at home here, it rules Leo naturally. This is a very creative, flashy and “look at me” energy which likes to celebrate the glory and pride of its own awesomeness! This is great energy for showing off and getting people to notice you. Leo is naturally a very optimistic sign and it encourages others to be creative and playful. It also rules children, so go be playful with your kids if you have them and if you don’t, get creative and be a little silly. Either way, just let your inner kid play this summer. Take advantage of that positivity and go have some fun in the sun!

On July 23, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius...well, it’s the first of two full moons in Aquarius. Yes, that’s right. Aquarius, that quirky sign that just has to be different than everyone else, gets two full moons this year. This first Full Moon is happening at 1 degrees of Aquarius and the next one in August will be at 29 degrees. The Full Moon in Aquarius encourages us to think differently, to produce new solutions to old problems, to dare to be different and to go after our freedom. It also wants us to connect with others, to create communities and to develop solutions that help humanity as a whole. We get a double dose of the Aquarius Full Moon this year to really drive home the need for us to think more globally and to connect as a collective rather than as nations, races, creeds or classes in society. This is a good time to release anything holding you back from experiencing personal freedom in your life, this includes belief systems. It’s also a great time for daring to be different, for getting together in groups, and for contributing more to the world at large.

On the world stage, all this Aquarius energy could see an increase of protests and civil unrest as it rules the people and the people are restless! Remember, Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the non-conformist and the revolutionary. Well, it’s the Age of Aquarius now and things must change, so buckle up! And remember to keep your focus on the new world you want to see rather than on the old one that’s falling apart because your focus is your superpower and what we focus on multiplies. Imagine if we all focused on the love in the world rather than on the division? Don’t be swayed by the media’s cameras, go out and look with your own eyes. What is the world you really see before you? Not on the screen. Focus on the love, focus on the joy, focus on what you want to see in the world and be it. Use your superpower to focus yourself into that reality and hold love in your heart for those who cannot find it. This is how we will usher in the New Earth.

On July 27th, Mercury enters Leo. While Mercury is in Leo, our communications become more self-focused and the need to connect, to be heard and to be understood is linked to our sense of self worth. Be careful not to let your ego get in the way of your communication. Mercury in Leo is often playful and somewhat mischievous, especially in times of boredom so it’s a good time to not take things too seriously, but to get creative instead!

On July 28th, Jupiter enters Aquarius again as it is in retrograde still. Jupiter’s retrograde first through Pisces and now in Aquarius is amplifying the energy of the current restlessness of the world. As it moves to conjoin once more with Saturn in late December, we are sure to see a lot more.

Finally we end the month with Mars entering Virgo on July 29th. Mars in Virgo is productive and efficient, so this is an excellent time to make some adjustments in your personal life where you need to get things sorted, organized, trimmed up or cleaned up. Just be sure to temper your energy so that you do not become a workhorse - remember, everything in moderation!

In numerology, July is a number 3 universal month and that denotes the possibility of new information coming our way, especially on the world stage as it’s the number of communication. The number 3 in numerology is often a fun, expressive, curious, creative and talkative number. Combined with the fun loving energy of the Sun in Leo, this could be a good month for having some fun and letting loose in our personal lives! Sounds like a nice break to me, especially if the rest of the world is falling apart. Utilize the best of this and express yourself in fun and creative ways this month!

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding 1,2,28,29,30. Challenging 15,16,17

  • TAURUS: Rewarding 3,4,5,31. Challenging 18,19

  • GEMINI: Rewarding 6,7. Challenging 20,21

  • CANCER: Rewarding 8,9,10. Challenging 22,23

  • LEO: Rewarding 11,12. Challenging 24,25

  • VIRGO: Rewarding 13,14. Challenging 26,27

  • LIBRA: Rewarding 15,16,17. Challenging 1,2,28,29,30

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding 18,19. Challenging 3,4,5,31

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 20,21. Challenging 6,7

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding 22,23. Challenging 8,9,10

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding 24,25. Challenging 11,12

  • PISCES: Rewarding 26,27. Challenging 13,14

Announcement: Locals, there will be no Moon Meditations for the month of July because I am prepping a new space for us to meet. Stay tuned for more!

JULY SPECIAL - $60 Career Reading

Feeling stuck in your current career? Are you having a hard time manifesting the kind of work you really want? This reading is designed to help you identify and remove the things in your life that are holding you back from experiencing the kind of career you really want. It’s also a look ahead to see where your current direction is leading you and if you need to adjust your sails. Get this special 60 minute reading for only $60 this month by using the coupon code: WORK2021 when booking your appointment with me.

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