Subject: Join us for the Full Moon Meditation Friday Night! 🌜♋🌞♑

There's a full moon in the sign of Cancer on the horizon and I would love it if you could join me for a guided meditation tomorrow night! Afterwards, we'll have a short spiritual discussion followed by socializing with like minded people over free snacks! Plus, enjoy an additional 15% off all store merchandise just for attending. RSVP HERE.

In the sign of Cancer, we're feeling all the feels so some of you may not be up to socializing. If that's you, then I encourage you to stay home, ground yourself in comfort and release any old stuff that needs to go! This can sometimes be an emotional moon, so give others and yourself grace to be human and feel those feelings!

Hope to see you tomorrow. If not, I understand and maybe you can join me for the next one coming up on the 21st. That Moon is in Aquarius and it's a great time for setting new intentions!

Take care of yourself,


The Laughing Gypsy

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