Subject: Join me for this very powerful Aries New Moon!

There's a very powerful Aries New Moon coming! New Moons represents new cycles, new beginnings, fresh starts. This one on Tuesday is a potent one because it is happening at the very first degree of the entire zodiac - this is a cosmic reset for the entire planet! And it's wonderful planetary energy to use to manifest good things in your life as well as for the entire world! I hope you take advantage of this time and set your new intentions for this cosmic reset for a happier, more fulfilling life, despite what's going on in the world.

Speaking of the world...

Join us Monday night and help bring in higher loving vibrations to planet Earth! We are going to do our special Green Light Meditation and help our planet out with the power of our heart centers. Afterwards we will have a spiritual discussion about the Two World Split and the Great Awakening and these crazy, yet exciting times we find ourselves in! Then we'll get grounded by enjoying some snacks and some good conversation with like minded individuals. If you've been wanting to make new friends, this is a great opportunity to meet new people. I hope you can join us and help bring in some loving energy to our planet! RSVP HERE. Here are the details...

6 pm to 8 pm

Monday, March 20th, 2023

Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique

2326 Wheaton Way, Suite 140

Bremerton, WA 98310

If you can't join us in person, then feel free to listen to my YouTube video and add your heart energy on your own time! The New Moon is technically happening at 10:23 am on Tuesday, March 21st. This is a very energizing Moon and we just might see some exciting things happening in the world. I feel that with this New Moon, we are seeing a new timeline emerge. Hang on to your faith and hold love in your heart to find the timeline of the New Earth. The world is going to show us some more darkness and things will likely get even more chaotic, so we must shine the Light and hold space for the New Earth to emerge. Be strong, be kind, be well.

And may the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

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