Subject: January Classes - Numerology 101

January Classes - Numerology 101

Have you ever wondered about the energy behind your birth day? Your name? Your street address? Your automobile? The universe speaks to us in numbers and our spirit guides will often send us number sequences to send us messages.

Numerology is an ancient form of divination and a tool for gaining spiritual insights about yourself, your energies and your patterns in this lifetime and others!

Join me this month for a series of classes and learn the ins and outs of this form of divination. These are tiered classes; each class builds upon the last class, so you don't want to miss any! 

Also SEATING IS LIMITED so you will need to REGISTER for your spot. Registration is free, first come, first serve. Pay at the start of each class.


  1. January 5th - Introduction to the Numbers

  2. January 12th - Finding and understanding your Core Numbers

  3. January 19th - Finding and understanding your Life Patterns

  4. January 26th - Numbers Everywhere: angel numbers, number vibrations in your life

Classes are Fridays at 4 pm for 60 to 90 minutes. Cost is $25 per class.

I hope you can join us!


The Laughing Gypsy Boutique

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