January 2025 Astrological Forecast
This new year, we can expect some major shifts in society. Grab your popcorn, history making events are about to happen! This is due mostly to some outer planets changing signs making some very special configurations in the sky for us throughout the year. They are aligning to advance us into higher frequencies, and although it’s not always a pretty ride to get there, it’s worth it in the end. We also have the Lunar Nodes changing signs this year, from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo which shifts the human collective’s focus.
The first half of the year is where most of the turbulence is, most notably because the Lunar Nodes, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all changing signs! The second half of the year shows where we make breakthroughs and create major societal shifts. Many of us will be feeling this, some will manifest as wanted changes while others might challenge us to let go of something or someone. My advice is to get a reading from me or another astrologer to see what you can expect personally this year and to do your best to pay attention to your intuition.
Your intuition will speak to you, letting you know when it’s time to change something. Pay attention to your emotions and follow your heart toward peace and joy. You will be led to where you need to be for your soul’s journey. Trust that there is an older, wiser part of you that is guiding you and speaking to you through your intuition and you will grow as your soul intended. Come see me if you need any help with this and may 2025 be a year of positive growth for all of us on planet Earth!
Now on to this month’s noteworthy planetary activity:
1/2/25 - Venus enters Pisces
1/4/25 - Mars enters Cancer (in retrograde)
1/8/25 - Mercury enters Capricorn
1/11/25 - Lunar Nodes enter Pisces/Virgo
1/13/25 - Full Moon in Cancer
1/19/25 - Sun enters Aquarius
1/27/25 - Mercury enters Aquarius
1/29/25 - New Moon in Aquarius
1/30/25 - Uranus Direct
First we have the planet Venus entering Pisces on January 2nd. Venus is exalted in Pisces, so she’s very happy here as she awakens our imagination and we are invited into fantasy worlds that call to us from a dream. This is excellent energy for dating and romance and for any sort of creative or artistic work. Wherever Pisces is in your chart, Venus brings harmony to it this month. She’s in Pisces until February 5th but in March, she will go retrograde (which often acts as a triggering event) and will go back into the last 6 degrees of Pisces before going direct once more (another possible trigger). More on this next month.
Then Mars, currently retrograde, re-enters the sign of Cancer on January 4th and we are tasked to get ourselves refocused and revitalized. Emotions might be a little more sensitive around this time so give yourself and others plenty of grace. Mars will go direct again on February 23rd at 17 degrees of Cancer.
On January 8th, Mercury enters Capricorn until January 27th. This is a good time for making plans, setting down foundations and setting goals. This energy is best used for long term planning. Then Mercury will enter Aquarius until February 14th. While Mercury is in Aquarius, our minds and our communication is quickened. This is a good time for tackling mental tasks, brainstorming and working with groups.
On January 11th, the Lunar Nodes change signs which can often act as triggering events. The Lunar Nodes move backwards through the zodiac and they work on an axis so two signs are always affected. As they shift from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo, the energy of the planet changes. We are going from an “us vs. them” energy to a “we are the world” energy which will help focus many of us into compassion, service and unity, which is desperately needed right now.
On January 13th, we have a Full Moon in Cancer at 24 degrees. This can be quite the emotional moon, so do be nice to yourself and others around this time. It will be close to Mars, which could act as a catalyst for putting to end some chapters in our lives, especially having to do with family or the home. It might be a good day to spend at home.
On January 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius and the energy shifts. Where the Sun is moving through your chart shows where your life is being highlighted so wherever Aquarius is in your chart, this is where to bring your focus now. If you need help with that, come see me. While the Sun is here the influence of the personal self is weakened as the focus becomes more about society and the future of humanity. This can sometimes create tension in our relationships and bring out our inner rebel. But this is a great time for thinking outside of the box and for trying new and radical approaches to old problems.
On January 29th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius at 9 degrees which is making a lucky and auspicious trine with Jupiter. This New Moon carries some very positive energies for change, growth and expansion! This is an excellent time for setting intentions for progressive change in your life, take advantage of it and set some goals for yourself.
Then finally, Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, stations direct once more. It will continue its slow journey through the final degrees of Taurus until July, where it will enter the sign of Gemini. If you have any personal planets or angles making an aspect to the final degrees of Taurus or the first few degrees of Gemini, be ready for some shifts towards your personal liberation this year. If you need help with this, come see me for an appointment. Uranus is the planet of shocks and surprises but he helps us get out of ruts and challenges us to be true to ourselves. My advice is to not resist the changes, let go of what’s asking to leave and make the changes that support your freedom. It’ll go much easier.
In numerology, the year 2025 is a number 9 Universal Year. A number 9 Year is one where we see things coming to a conclusion, we see justice served, we get much needed revelations, and we put things to a close. January is a number 1 Universal Month and a number 1 month is a month of new beginnings and fresh starts. As we move through the year, anything started now is likely to conclude by September (a number 9 universal month) of this year.
I know that this year will be a big one. History will be made somehow, I feel it. Hang in there, it may not be as bad as you are imagining. Just remember that in order for a new house to be built, we must first tear down the old one to lay a new foundation. Sometimes that’s messy as we’ve been witnessing for the past few years. There’s more to come, but I am eager to see what sort of things will come to a conclusion as we also see the outer planetary shifts this year, especially as we see the Lunar Nodes change signs.
As a collective, we are moving to a higher frequency and that means that anything that doesn’t support unity and humanity must first be exposed then done away with. Things we thought were long lasting are falling apart because they don’t support the people. This is what’s happening now. Despite the confusion and misinformation, we are getting more and more disclosure and people are beginning to see through the illusions. Remember you create your own reality. Anything that’s presented as something to fear, something to hate or something that creates division within us is false. It is designed to create a reality that is against the collective. There are forces out there that know this and use this to their advantage to create a reality more to their liking, they seek to control us even more than they already do. There is a spiritual war going on right now for planet Earth’s future. But you can be stronger than those dark forces. Listen to your heart, reach into your compassion and you will see the reality you want to create. Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Your focus creates your frequency and your perception creates your reality. Be love, give love. That is the only way out of the false reality.
I hope that you have a good year and a good month. Please keep in mind that this newsletter is a general guide to the energies going on right now. Your personal astrology and numerology will be unique to you, come see me for a reading if you would like to know more about how yours blends in. I am also a certified spiritual life coach and I offer one-on-one training on many subjects. I’m here to help you understand your soul’s journey. If I can be of service, please contact me. And please come to our free meditation events to come and get to know your local spiritual community! See below for the event calendar.
May January be good to you. Practice self-care, meditate and as always…
May the stars guide you,
Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique