Subject: January 2024 Astrological Forecast ❄️🔮

January 2024

Hi there. Are you ready for some more wackiness in the world? The year ahead looks to have some intense energy! As the two dimensions diverge, the split in humanity's consciousness becomes more prevalent. It's now more important than ever to be grounded in your spiritual truths to give you the foundation to stand firm no matter what the world might be up to.

We start the year off with Mercury going direct on the first day of the year, and I wish I could say that’s a good sign but in the year ahead, I see a lot more chaos coming our way. Pluto, the planet of power and control, death and rebirth, makes its final exit out of the sign of Capricorn this year. Capricorn rules governments and top down authority, Pluto represents death and rebirth. Combine the two and you see the radical breaking down of authority and governmental systems in order to create something new. We see authorities vying for power and most likely not in the healthiest of ways. Pluto’s tactic is usually more manipulative than it is cooperative, especially in the hands of a failing system. We are likely to see more governmental overreach in the year ahead as well as manipulation tactics to gain power. Personal sovereignty is now more important than ever as those in power do not want to give up that power.

We got a little taste of this already in the past few years as Pluto has been bringing destruction to many of the United States’ governmental controls but now as Pluto makes his way into the sign of Aquarius, we are sure to see a final hoorah from Capricorn’s energy before it’s over. This is authority losing its control and really not liking it!

As Pluto enters Aquarius, we can expect more upheaval as Aquarius is a sign of social change, progressive thought and forward movement. This sign is focused on the planet and its people and it takes a calculated look at the systems running it. Aquarius is the sign of the rebel. This is the same planetary energy that the United States experienced when this country was first founded, so it’s pretty revolutionary! What we are going to look like before the decade is up is really hard to say but I can tell you this much, Aquarius isn’t going to just sit back and take any flack from authority. This is the sign of the People and the planet of power, Pluto is moving into that sign. Power is going back to the people now and it’s exciting to think of the possibilities with that! But I don’t think we can expect a quiet transition, not with Puto involved.

On January 4th, Mars enters the sign of Capricorn until February 14th. While Mars is here, we can use this energy to get to work and apply discipline where we need it. Mars does well in Capricorn, asking us to focus on our long term goals and giving us the determination to see them through. But it can also bring challenges. Look to see which house is ruled by Capricorn in your chart to know which area of life to apply this to and if you want to understand your chart better, be sure to book an appointment with me so I can help you decipher it!

On January 11th, we have a New Moon at 20 degrees of Capricorn. This is a no nonsense kind of moon and it’s not an emotionally sensitive energy. This moon is a good moon for setting intentions for long term goals, for investing in the future and for applying discipline in our lives. Take advantage of this moon by planning for the future and getting serious about your goals.

On January 13th, we get some more Capricorn energy as the planet of communication, Mercury once again enters in the sign of Capricorn. He spent a short part there last month, but this time he stays there until the 4th of February. This is good energy for achieving mental tasks and getting serious about what must be done to make things work. This is a good week to make plans and decisions.

On January 20th, the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius. As the energy shifts to Aquarius, there is an electricity in the air that can sometimes bring restlessness. This is a good time of year for tapping into our eccentric side, for exploring the unique and unusual and for thinking in brand new ways. Aquarius is a social energy too so you might find that you are seeking more social interaction, especially on the internet while the Sun is here.

On the same day, January 20th, the planet Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius until it will go backwards once more in May. Pluto in Aquarius energy is what I mentioned earlier, that revolutionary energy that is giving power back to the people. Not to mention the Sun being conjunct as it enters the first degree of Aquarius on the same day! January could bring some shocking or explosive news to the world due to this! The keywords for Aquarius might give us some clues as to how this might play out. Some things Aquarius rules are: astrology, electricity, the internet and computers, nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, and aliens! It’s possible any of those topics may become more prevalent as we move further into the Age of Aquarius.

This year we have Pluto going in and out of Aquarius until 2025 where he will finally settle fully into the sign of Aquarius. Upheaval is one word that comes to mind with this. I’m not trying to alarm you, but it’s never a bad idea to be prepared with some extra rations and emergency plans just in case. But eventually it will even out. Remember, it’s all in the stars. We’re going to get through this time eventually. As my mother is fond of saying,”This too shall pass.” Just keep your feet on the ground, love in your heart and hope for the future and we will find our way out of this mess.

On January 25th, we have a Full Moon at 5 degrees of Leo and this one can sometimes be a bit dramatic! Leo moons are typically a very active time and people tend to be a little more over the top with this energy. Be sure to ground yourself so you don’t get caught up in petty drama and tap into the positive side of this moon by being more playful, child-like and creative!

We end the month with Uranus, the planet that rules the sign of Aquarius, going direct once more in the skies on January 26th. This planet goes retrograde a lot so it’s not usually a big feeling difference when it goes direct unless it’s a personal planet. If it is, then you might feel a small shift of energy with this in the area where the sign of Taurus is in your chart.

In addition to all that, in numerology, the year 2024 is a universal number 8 year. The number 8 rules power, authority, money and finances, governments and big business among other things. Combine Pluto’s power with the number 8 and I see an explosive year ahead for us! And let’s not forget, it’s an election year so who knows what kind of nonsense we might see unfold?

As for January 2024, it is a universal number 9 month in numerology. The 9 months are usually ones where things seem to come to an end, where things are wrapped up and put away or where we get the reward for a job well done. Number 9 seeks perfection and completion. It is the number of brotherhood and of the humanitarian too. Ideally we will seek understanding and connection under the number 9 influence, but sometimes we expect too much from others to allow for that. Forgiveness is a keyword for number 9 to keep in mind should you find yourself in those circumstances. Come February, we will get new energy to start a new cycle for the year ahead so this month is a time for completing things before starting that new cycle.

Although the year ahead looks like it will bring more chaos, I think it’s important to remember that we are not helpless victims against the world. We are creators, each and every one of us and we are creating the lives we are living. Although we may not be able to control the world and what’s going on in it, we can certainly create a sense of peace within ourselves and we can control how we respond to the world. That is truly our only power; the power to choose how we are going to perceive things and how we are going to respond to them. I encourage you to use your power, choose to look at the world with optimism simply because you care about how you feel. Use your power to choose how you are going to respond and to help you to create a better life for yourself. You are the one creating you, not anyone else and certainly not the world. Take your power back. Like Gandhi told us, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” and that is how we will make the changes happen.

If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to book an appointment with me. In addition to being a psychic and an astrologer, I am also a certified spiritual life coach and ordained minister. I offer spiritual counseling and coaching to those in need of metaphysical guidance. I hope the year treats you well and as always...

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

SHOP NEWS: We are making a change to our monthly meditations! Starting in January, we are going to hold our free meditations on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month. We are also going to be doing more themed meditations so be sure to check in every month to see what we have in store. I hope to see you at one of them in the future!

January’s meditations:

Join us for a short guided meditation to help you relax, let go and be at peace. Followed by a short spiritual discussion and socializing over snacks to get to know your local spiritual community. Click the links to RSVP.


Have you ever wondered about your spirit guide and how they are helping you in your soul’s journey? This special intuitive tarot spread is designed to help you uncover the secrets behind your spirit guides, who they are and how they help you. They can also provide us with additional information or guidance for any current circumstance you are going through. This reading is 60 minutes but can sometimes extend to 90 minutes, depending on the situation. Use coupon code when booking: SGUIDE24 to save $25 off your reading of 60 minutes or longer for the month of January!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. Those are days to give yourself space. 

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding: 25,26,27 Challenging: 10,11

  • TAURUS: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 12,13

  • GEMINI: Rewarding: 3,4,30,31 Challenging: 14,15

  • CANCER: Rewarding: 5,6,7 Challenging: 16,17

  • LEO: Rewarding: 8,9 Challenging: 18,19

  • VIRGO: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 20,21,22

  • LIBRA: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 23,24

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 25,26,27

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 3,4,30,31

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 20,21,22 Challenging: 5,6,7

  • PISCES: Rewarding: 23,24 Challenging: 8,9

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