Subject: January 2023 Astrological Forecast ❄️⭐🔮

The Year 2023

Are you ready for the new year? The energy of 2022 was pretty intense and I wish I could say that things will settle down for 2023 but unfortunately, the stars say otherwise. Pluto is in the last degrees of Capricorn this year and is still making its return in the chart of the United States. This is creating quite the uproar in the structures and governmental systems as Pluto rules power and Capricorn rules structures. Pluto has a way of destroying before it rebuilds; it has a tendency to expose lies, secrets and corruption especially for those in power. As you see the lies exposed and the structures fail, do not fear. This is a sign that better things are coming, but first the old and outdated structures have to be torn down. Just like you would any home renovation project, you first have to demolish the old before putting in the new and improved. Pluto will be dipping into Aquarius in late March for the first time in 225 years and once it is fully settled into Aquarius at the end of next year, this is sure to bring change on a massive level. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, Aquarius is the sign of the people and the rebel. I can see this playing out in a few different ways, especially with Saturn’s activities.

Saturn will enter Pisces this March and will be there for the next three years, which could bring some issues with water so be sure to find some ways to collect some for you and your family just in case. Pisces is a water sign, ruled by Neptune, the planet that rules the oceans. Saturn is the planet of restrictions and hard work, he often brings delays or limitations to what we can do and makes us work hard for our rewards. When Saturn entered Aquarius, the sign of the people, back in March of 2020, we experienced the lockdowns and restrictions placed on the people as well as the suppression of many people’s voices. In Pisces, we might see more sobriety brought in on an ethical level. We might see more people fighting for stricter protections put in place for children and marketing to children, we might see new regulations placed on technologies, we might see new rules put in place for our prisons, we might see the pharmaceutical companies come under fire, we might see a rise in frauds being exposed, we might see more and more people looking for spiritual structures as the church of old fails them, we might see hospitals put under scrutiny and we might see more restrictions placed on the film industry. All of these things fall under the rulership of Pisces and with the accountability of Saturn entering this sign, we are likely to see activity in these areas that leans toward responsibility, discipline and structure.

These two planets alone are set to bring upheaval and change to the world this year and into the next few years. These are indeed hard times and many people will be feeling the need to ground themselves in a spiritual belief system (Saturn in Pisces) so I encourage you to take time everyday to listen in and get guidance from the spirit within you. This is your best path of wisdom through these times, the Light within you will guide you to your highest good. I encourage you to meditate daily and to spend time in quiet contemplation about your life and the big picture. If you can, do this outside, in a natural setting. This will help stabilize you and ground you in your own energy. Looking at the stars, the years ahead look a bit rocky but I can tell you this - your thoughts are powerful and what you think about you attract so be mindful about your focus and care about how you feel so that you don’t allow yourself to focus on what’s not working (which just brings more things that aren’t working). Instead, take time everyday to focus on what is working in your life and find gratitude for that. This will shift your vibration to a higher frequency, allowing you to have a better experience through the Apocalypse (from the Greek apokalypsis which means to uncover or unveil). Yes, that is what is happening now, the uncovering of things.

In numerology, 2023 is a number 7 universal year. The number 7 is a very wise and intellectual number. It teaches us that great wisdom can be gained through solitude, research, specializing and soul seeking. It can sometimes carry a very lonely energy to it, but so is the path to wisdom on one’s soul journey. This year could be a challenging year for many and the number 7 reminds us to claim our sovereignty and to find our own truths through our discernment as we will be presented with many so-called facts. The year 2023 carries the energy of the seeker, the loner, the skeptic, the wise hermit and it advises us to retreat within to find our wisdom.

Astrological Forecast for January 2023

As for January, the first major activity is Venus entering Aquarius on January 2nd. While Venus is in Aquarius, we might find that we seek new and different people to hang out with or that our spending habits might lead us to doing something completely different in our free time. We tend to seek more stimulation with Venus in this electric sign. We might also find that our affections become a little more intellectualized as Aquarius isn’t exactly a warm and fuzzy sign.

On January 6th we have a Full Moon in Cancer at 16 degrees. This can be quite the emotional moon so headsup all you sensitive moon people! Look to see where 16 degrees of Cancer is in your chart to see how this will affect you personally. If you have a personal planet or angle in a cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra) within 8 degrees of 16, you might feel this stronger than others. If you need some help with this, book your appointment with me and I’ll be happy to teach you about your chart. Join us that night for our free Full Moon meditation and get some support in releasing unwanted energies.

On January 12th Mars goes direct at 8 degrees of Gemini. Now that Mars is moving forward once more, you just might find that some action can finally take place where perhaps you have been feeling blocked or challenged in the past few months. Or if you’ve been considering taking action but haven’t done so yet, you might feel inspired now. If you get the green light from the universe, this is good energy for taking charge and going for it!

On January 18th Mercury goes direct and we can all breathe a sigh of relief from the Mercury Retrograde. With Mercury moving forward once more in Capricorn, it’s time to get to work! This is very productive energy to work alongside Mars’ energy too!

On January 20th the Sun enters Aquarius and the energy shifts from the sober and productive energy of Capricorn to the innovative and progressive sign of Aquarius. The focus is often on progress and finding new freedoms on an individual as well as global level. Aquarius doesn’t like to be told what to do and is always looking for new solutions to old problems. Aquarius is also the sign of the rebel so you might find that your inner rebel just might want to pop out every now and then too.

On January 21st we have a New Moon in Aquarius at 1 degree. This is a very forward thinking New Moon and is one best utilized for making changes in your personal life that have to do with expressing your unique, individual self. Aquarius strives to be unusual and prides itself on being unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. So this New Moon, set your intentions for expressing your individual freedoms and let your inner weirdo out! Join us for our free guided New Moon meditation and let’s bring some positive change to the planet!

Speaking of weird, on January 22nd, Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, goes direct once more. This is an outer planet and so when it goes retrograde and direct, it isn’t typically felt by a lot of people. However if you have a personal planet or angle in Aquarius, you might feel a new surge of inspiration come your way. Uranus is the planet of shocks and surprises, and it is the planet of instability and unpredictability. It is currently in Taurus, the sign of finances, material goods, natural resources, land and property, food and physical security to name a few. Uranus has been kicking things up in all of those departments since it entered the sign in 2018 and he’s continuing his journey through Taurus for another three years and will go retrograde and direct a few more times in between.

And finally on January 26 Venus enters Pisces and we can all enjoy a little more romance, art and compassion for a few weeks. Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning that she expresses herself well here and seeks beauty, connection and romance in her relations. This is a great time for planning a romantic getaway, especially if it involves water or for creating artwork that expresses beauty. Venus will be here until February 21st.

In numerology, January 2023 is a number 8 universal month. The number 8 is a number that means business. In fact, it rules business, commerce and finances. The number 8 also governs power, authority and influence. This is the number of the boss, the director, entrepreneur, and the one in charge. Money is a big factor with the number 8 and we usually see it coming and going in our lives during 8 phases. It is a good month for taking care of your financial life; creating a budget, starting a savings plan, investing, etc. But not a great month for gambling without a plan. Keep in mind we are still in Mercury Retrograde until the 18th so use caution when it comes to taking risks and making big decisions until after that time to avoid the bumps.

Overall, it’s a month for slowing down, planning and looking ahead with optimism as we enter in the new year. I would advise taking some down time to get back into your body and back to basics. This has a wonderful grounding effect which we all need during these crazy times!

Astrology and numerology are global as well as personal and will affect you differently depending on when and where you were born. To see how the above transits affect you personally, book your appointment with me. I also offer life coaching and psychic counseling should you be in need and don’t forget, I offer long distance readings too! I hope you have a wonderful month!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 13,14

TAURUS: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 15,16

GEMINI: Rewarding: 3,4 Challenging: 17,18

CANCER: Rewarding: 5,6,7 Challenging: 19,20

LEO: Rewarding: 8,9 Challenging: 20,21,22

VIRGO: Rewarding: 10,11,12 Challenging: 23,24,25

LIBRA: Rewarding: 13,14 Challenging: 26,27

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 15,16 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 17,18 Challenging: 3,4

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 19,20 Challenging: 5,6,7

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 20,21,22 Challenging: 8,9

PISCES: Rewarding: 23,24,25 Challenging: 10,11,12

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