Subject: February Astrological Forecast 2023 ❄️💝🔮

February 2023 Astrological Forecast

This month, we have just a few major transits to mention but we also have all planets moving forward in direct motion so there is an overall feeling of progress. There is an ending of a cycle happening in numerology too so it is a time to start tying up loose ends, making plans for the future and taking action towards our goals.

The first major transit is the Leo Full Moon on the 5th. This is happening at 16 degrees of Leo. This can be a rather dramatic moon as Leo is the performer of the zodiac and usually requires excitement at some level. But this can also be an energizing and fun Moon if you are drama free! With the Moon, our emotions might be triggered especially if our egos are threatened. This is only likely to really affect you if you happen to have a personal planet or angle that makes an aspect to 16 degrees of Leo. If you need help with this, book your appointment with me and I’ll be happy to teach you about your chart. Join us for a guided Moon Meditation on Saturday the 4th and release unwanted energy. Afterwards join us for snacks and socializing with like minded individuals. Plus enjoy an extra 15% off your store purchases that night. RSVP here.

Mercury enters Aquarius on February 11th. When Mercury, the planet of communication and mental processes enters this electric sign, we just might feel a surge of mental activity, pushing us to use our minds more and to become less emotional. Mercury in Aquarius energy is quick, social and very cerebral. Use this time to invent something new or to think up new ways to do the same old thing in your life. Mercury will be here until March 2nd.

On February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces and the energy shifts as the Sun enters the last sign of the zodiac before starting on a new cycle. Pisces season marks the end of the astrological year and we can sometimes feel a shift happen right at the end of Pisces and right at the beginning of Aries. I can sense something like that coming for us this year. As Pisces season brings this cycle to an end in March, we will also see some significant planetary changes as Saturn moves into Pisces and Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time in 225 years or so. While the Sun is in Pisces, we can feel the call to retreat from reality. Whether that is in the positive expression through meditation, prayer and rejuvenation or in the negative expression through escapism such as through drugs, alcohol or our smartphones, will be up to you and your ability to follow your intuition. Pisces is a very intuitive sign, this is the perfect time to practice getting in touch with yours!

Since it’s Pisces season (my season!), that means this month’s New Moon is in Pisces. This New Moon is on February 19th at 1 degree of Pisces. This can be a somewhat lazy and passive moon, making us want to just stay home in bed. Pisces rules dreams, afterall! Speaking of dreams, this would be an excellent New Moon to set intentions with, especially if it has to do with fulfilling your daydreams! Join us on February 18th for our Guided New Moon Meditation and set your dreams into motion! RSVP here.

Also on February 19th, Venus, the planet that rules both love and money enters the sign of Aries. While Venus is here, we can expect our patience to be tested and our impulses to be stronger. Venus in Aries knows what it wants and takes the fastest route to it, sometimes this means that we can be brash or forceful in our pursuits. With money we might find that we purchase without thinking, buyer's remorse is often a thing for Venus in Aries. With love, we might find that we jump head first into something only to later regret the lack of foresight or planning. Venus will be here until March 17th.

In numerology, February 2023 is a Number 9 Universal month. This, along with the Pisces season, denotes the end of a cycle. In Number 9 months, we usually see things coming to a close, things being uncovered or exposed, mysteries being solved, rewards being given, things ending and wrapping up. This is the number of the Humanitarian, the Spiritualist and the Mystic. There is usually a calling to connect with the universe in some way under the 9’s influence and to see the bigger picture. In the spirit of ending one cycle and beginning a new one, this is an excellent time to do some cleaning out of spaces in your home, office or in your life in general! Be sure to take some time to go within this month and get some guidance from your inner being and I’m sure you will see where it is you need to clean up!

Overall I do see things coming to a close this month as we prepare for a major shift in March. Enjoy your down time whenever possible, meditate, pray and seek your spiritual guidance. These are the best uses of this month’s energies.

Astrology and numerology are global as well as personal and will affect you differently depending on when and where you were born. To see how the above transits affect you personally or to get some guidance from your spirit guides, book your appointment with me. I also offer life coaching and psychic counseling should you be in need and don’t forget, I offer long distance readings too! I hope you have a wonderful month!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


This month we are focusing on Numerology and learning how to use that as a divination tool as well as a method to explore and understand the karmic energies in one's life patterns. Please bring a pen and notebook! Each class will build upon the last, so it's a good idea not to skip any this month. 

Future classes are in the works, I just need more time to get them all organized and ready to teach! You can look forward to: energy healing, astrology, tarot, palmistry as well as more practice with the clairs! Check the psychic and paranormal board on the forums for updates. You will not see these listed on my Classes page. You will need to register to become a member in order to access the forums, but it's free and you can deactivate it at any time!

Psychic Class is held every Friday at 4 pm. It runs from 60 to 90 minutes. All levels welcome. Drop in/Drop out, although for this month, you might not want to miss any as each class will build up on the last. $25 per class. No need to register, just show up!

Hope to see you there!


This month’s special reading is for all Love Life readings. Get your first 15 minutes free by using the coupon code LOVELY23! upon booking or checkout at the register. That’s a $40 savings on all Love Life readings! This includes Couple’s readings too!


Did you know that my website now has a Wix Spaces app? This makes it easier to receive announcements and updates on your phone. So now you won't miss out on any events or specials going on!

I put event and class notices on there instead of on the forums, so please be sure to check it out if you want to stay informed. Just go to on your smartphone and you'll be asked to download our free app. Then I'll get your membership request and I'll give you access as soon as I get a moment!

Benefits of the App:

  • Event announcements

  • Post on forums

  • Message fellow members

  • Register for events and classes

  • See our photo gallery

  • Access our blog

  • Shop our online store (coming soon!)


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 9,10

TAURUS: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 11,12,13

GEMINI: Rewarding: 26,27,28 Challenging: 14,15

CANCER: Rewarding: 1,2,3 Challenging: 16,17

LEO: Rewarding: 4,5 Challenging: 18,19

VIRGO: Rewarding: 6,7,8 Challenging: 19,20,21

LIBRA: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 22,23

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 24,25

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 26,27,28

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 1,2,3

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 4,5

PISCES: Rewarding: 19,20,21 Challenging: 6,7,8

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