February 2025 Astrological Forecast
This month’s planetary activity:
2/3/25 - Venus enters Aries
2/4/25 - Jupiter direct Gemini
2/12/25 - Full Moon Leo 24 degrees
2/14/25 - Mercury enters Pisces
2/18/25 - Sun enters Pisces
2/23/25 - Mars direct Cancer
2/27/25 - New Moon Pisces 9 degrees
3/1/25 - Venus Retrograde Aries
So what do you think of 2025 so far? You think things look a little wild? Just wait. The planets are just getting started. This year is going to make history, I would bet on it. As for February, things are just beginning to line up and come March, I believe we shall see significant shifts. And there are more to come as we continue throughout the year. June and July look pretty wild too. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show because there’s not much we can do about these planets playing out their drama on planet Earth except control how we respond to it. So I say, choose how you want to feel about the world, don’t let the world tell you how to feel or anyone else for that matter. You attract what you focus upon so focus on the positive as much as possible. That’s important all the time but especially this year and especially as a collective. Be love, give love. That’s the only way to create the world we want. Now let’s take a look at February.
We start the month off with a lot of Pisces energy going on as Neptune, Venus, the Lunar node and Saturn are all in Pisces. This is making an aspect to Mars currently in retrograde, which can create a little more sensitivity and emotional vulnerability. It’s good creative energy though as many will feel the need to express themselves.
Venus enters Aries on the 3rd, at the same time Mars in Cancer is making a square to Chiron in Aries. Venus will be going retrograde at the beginning of March through the first 10 degrees of Aries and going back at 24 degrees of Pisces. If you know your chart, look to see which houses will be affected by this. This time period leading up to March 1st, will give you a preview of the Venus related issues you might face. This could stir up some sensitive relationship or money issues. Be mindful of moodiness. This is a time to be aware of our motivations, our psychology and our emotions. Arguments or disagreements are possible until the underlying psychology is faced and processed. Come see me for a consultation if you need help reading your chart.
Right around the same time, Jupiter will go direct at 11 degrees of Gemini. Jupiter’s forward motion should help get things moving again in our communication and our information gathering. When the Sun joins up with Mercury in Aquarius on the 9th, the flow of information will be charged by the square to Uranus, ruler of Aquarius until the 11th. We might hear some shocking or surprising news, and bizarre or unusual events may occur around this time. I would not be surprised to hear more information about Aquarius or Uranus related themes such as: electricity, internet, aliens, rebellion, revolution and big society changes.
On March 12th, there is a Full Moon at 24 degrees of Leo. This is an extremely tense time as the Sun, Moon and Uranus form a T-square (very challenging and very stubborn) while Mars, Saturn and Chiron are bringing the stress and sensitivity that might be set off by this dramatic full moon! Do take time to check in with yourself and channel this tension in a constructive manner. You can use this energy to be creative if you are mindful. Otherwise, you might find that you just need to move your body and get your stress out through physical activity.
On the 14th, Mercury enters Pisces and the Sun follows shortly after, joining Pisces on February 18th. This could help ease some of the tension through emotional release or creative expression or both. Be gentle with yourself during this time. Pisces energy is compassionate, sensitive and very aware of other people’s pain. Let’s hope this brings a desire for more peaceful interactions.
On the 23rd, Mars ends its retrograde motion and begins to move direct once more in the sign of Cancer at 17 degrees. With Mars moving forward once more, many of us will feel like we can take action again. This could also work as a release of tension in areas where we might have been feeling blocked. Look to see which houses are ruled by Cancer and the houses ruled by Aries (and Scorpio in traditional astrology) to get a better idea of where action is needed in your life right now.
We have a New Moon in Pisces on the 27th at 9 degrees, square to Jupiter. We can expect our emotions to be on high during this time and our ability to tune into others will be highlighted. This is a beautiful and spiritual energy that can be used to heighten your spiritual awareness and awaken your intuition. Embrace your emotions and your compassion.
In numerology, the month of February could be considered an 11 or an 2 universal month. You will often see the number written as 11/2. This is because with 11, we have a choice on how to utilize this energy. As a Master Number, the 11 is the number of spiritual messages, illumination, leadership, wisdom and intuition. If we choose to, we can tap into this higher expression and receive guidance from within. Or if we live by default, as most people do, then we will be operating under the combined energy of the two 1’s in the 11, that is the number 2. With the 2 energy, we are asked to harmonize, to make peace, to negotiate and to work with others. Either way, it’s a balancing energy. So this month, I encourage you to meditate, to go within, to be willing to work with others and be open to the guidance available to you when you take the time to check with yourself.
As we move forward into the year of 2025, the need to go within and find peace will most likely increase for many of us as the planetary shifts happening this year are quite intense. If you do not already meditate on a daily basis, now is the time to start. Check out the article I wrote a few years ago if you need some help on how to get started on that. And if you need my help, book your appointment with me and I’m happy to coach you on how to live a more spiritual life. Get ready for the Great Awakening, it’s in full force now!
I hope you have a good month and as always…
May the stars guide you,
The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique
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