Subject: December 2022 Astrological Forecast ☃️🔮❄️

Astrological Forecast for December 2022

Greetings! Did you get any snow recently? We did but thankfully not too much...yet!

This month the stars are looking pretty good until the end of the month. On December 6, Mercury enters Capricorn. This is a good time for thinking about the future, making long term plans and setting goals, at least until it goes retrograde at the end of the month. More on that later.

On December 7, there is a Full Moon in Gemini at 16 degrees. This can be a very busy moon, keeping us active and trying to juggle many things at once. This is a good time to rethink your schedule and maybe release any old patterns or habits that no longer serve you. On December 8th, we will hold our Full Moon meditation. I hope you can join us! Learn more here.

Venus enters Capricorn on December 9th. This is a good time for investing in your future, for purchasing quality or luxury items or for splurging a little on something nice for the holidays!

Jupiter enters Aries once more on December 20th and the energy shifts, encouraging us to be brave, to take chances and to take action! Now that Jupiter is moving forward once more, we can expect to see more taking place in our personal lives. Jupiter blesses the area of the natal chart that it’s transiting and he’s going to be there for the next 6 months. Look to see which house is ruled by Aries in your chart to see which area of your life will be blessed in the coming year. If you need help, contact me for an appointment and I’ll be happy to teach you about your chart!

Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st and once more we feel the changes as this marks the official beginning of winter. While the Sun is here, you expect to feel more responsible and goal orientated. It’s a great time for getting work done especially on your personal goals.

There is a New Moon in Capricorn at 1 degree on December 23rd. This is a good time for thinking long term, for investing in your future and for taking care of business.

Also happening on December 23rd is our annual HOLIDAY WINTER PARTY! Join us for a potluck, games, prizes and our Dollar Store gift exchange! It’s a lot of fun and I hope you can join us. Learn more here.

The big news this month is Mercury’s Retrograde starting on December 29th! He’s going back through the sign of Capricorn, so whatever you’ve been dealing with for the first couple of weeks of this month will mostly be brought up again. This could create a few bumps for some people as Mercury rules so many things and when he goes retrograde, pretty much everyone notices it. Mercury rules our thought processes, all forms of communication, short distance travel, technology and mechanical things to name a few. When Mercury goes retrograde, these things tend to run into problems. This is not a good time for any serious business dealings or for serious traveling if you can avoid it. If you can’t, be sure you look over every detail, double check messages before hitting send, have backup copies and be ready to change your plans at the last minute. Patience will be required. I always advise focusing on the “re” part of the retrograde and doing things that also start with the prefix “re”. As in redo, repair, rewrite, rejuvenate, etc. Because it’s not a time for starting something new, it’s a time for reworking things. Mercury will turn direct once more on January 19th at 8 degrees of Capricorn.

The universal number for December 2022 is 9. This is a number that speaks of unity, perfection, forgiveness, humanitarian efforts and spiritual connection. It is also the number of endings and conclusions so we might see some things come to some sort of head on the world stage. With all these worldwide protests going on in the world, let’s hope it’s for a positive end. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you aren’t going to see much news about these protests on the mainstream media. You’re gonna have to dig a little deeper. Like they say “The Revolution will not be televised”. It’s a very exciting time to be on planet earth right now as we are undergoing some major, major changes as the planet raises her vibration and asks us to do the same. Ascension isn’t necessarily a pretty process. Questions about this? Come see me and I’ll be happy to discuss the Ascension.

Astrology and numerology are global as well as personal and will affect you differently depending on when and where you were born. To see how the above transits affect you personally, book your appointment with me. I also offer life coaching and psychic counseling should you be in need and don’t forget, I offer long distance readings too! I hope you have a wonderful month!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

This Month’s Featured Vendor: Three Witches Tea Shop

We’ve got a new vendor at our shop, Three Witches Tea Shop! They make quality products, many of which are kitchen tools intended for magickal purposes! From engraved spoons to slates to trivets, the Three Witches Tea Shop has all your kitchen witchery needs. Come check them out in our shop!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 2,3,29,30,31 Challenging: 17,18

TAURUS: Rewarding: 4,5,6 Challenging: 19,20

GEMINI: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 21,22

CANCER: Rewarding: 9,10,11 Challenging: 23,24

LEO: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 25,26

VIRGO: Rewarding: 14,15,16 Challenging: 1,27,28

LIBRA: Rewarding: 17,18 Challenging: 2,3,29,30,31

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 19,20 Challenging: 4,5,6

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 7,8

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 23,24 Challenging: 9,10,11

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 25,26 Challenging: 12,13

PISCES: Rewarding: 1,27,28 Challenging: 14,15,16

This Month’s Coupon Special - THE YEAR 2023 FORECAST

This month my speciality reading is a personalized forecast on what 2023 looks like for you. We’ll go through each month, checking the stars and pulling cards to see what I can see. This reading is typically only 30 minutes long but can be extended if you like. Get this speciality reading for only $60 for 30 minutes or $100 for 60 minutes throughout the month of December 2022 only. Use coupon code: FORE2023CAST upon booking.

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