Subject: August 2024 Astrological Forecast ♌✨♍

August 2024 Astrological Forecast

This month’s planetary activity:

  • 8/4 - New Moon in Leo

  • 8/4 - Venus enters Virgo

  • 8/5 - Mercury Retrograde

  • 8/14 - Mars conjunct Jupiter

  • 8/14 - Mercury enters Leo (again)

  • 8/19 - Full Moon in Aquarius

  • 8/22 - Sun enters Virgo

  • 8/28 - Mercury goes Direct

  • 8/30 - Venus enters Libra

Well, this should be a rather interesting month! The first part of the month carries some light hearted energy, encouraging us to have some summer fun while the second half looks to be rather wild and intense! We have some rather explosive planetary energy hitting us. Let’s break it down.

First we have some nice energy greeting us with the New Moon at 12 degrees of Leo on August 4th. This Moon is receiving some friendly aspects from both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, promising a lively energy for us. This should be a good Moon for socializing and celebrating life. It’s a great time for setting intentions and for having some fun!

On the same day, August 4th, Venus, the planet that rules our relationships, desires and finances enters the earth sign Virgo. When Venus is here, it’s a good time to get to work on our relationships and to get to work on our budgets. This energy is practical and grounding and it helps people be a little more realistic in their desires, but you just might find that affections are waning. Venus in Virgo isn’t necessarily lofty or romantic, rather it shows its love in the pragmatic, everyday care of others.

And just in time for summer vacations….Plans might go awry after August 5th as Mercury, the planet of communication and mental processing goes retrograde. Whenever we have a Mercury retrograde, we often see things going a little wonky. Usually this is seen in our machinery and technology but pretty much anything is subjected to Mercury’s influence since he rules our daily routines too. It’s a good idea to take things slow during this time and if you can put off making any important purchases or decisions until September, that would be best. But if you can’t, then just make sure you go over the details and do your best to be prepared for the unexpected. If you must travel during this time, practice patience and be ready for alternative routes to show up. Have backup plans.

Mercury will go through the sign of Virgo at 4 degrees backward towards Leo until August 28th where he goes direct again at 21 degrees of Leo. If you have any personal planets or angles between those degrees, you are being asked to rethink and redo these areas of your life during this time. If you need help with that, book your appointment with me. I am happy to help you understand your chart. Better yet, come join my Intro to Astrology class starting in September and learn how to read your own chart as well as the charts of your friends and family members!

The week of August 12th is where I see things shifting big time as we head into the second half of the month. We have an explosive combination of Mars and Jupiter joining up in the sign of Gemini as well as some difficult aspects to the Moon this week. Sagittarius and Geminis, heads up! You might be feeling extra saucy this week. And the other mutable signs, Pisces and Virgo, you might be feeling extra irritable. Take time out for yourself if you need it!

On the world stage, small arguments could quickly turn into a metaphorical war if we’re not careful. A few days later, Mars squares off with Saturn right before the full moon and this could get some people ready to grab their pitchforks! This could just add more fuel to the fire for some. The themes of justice and what is right are strong with this one. It is very volatile as it is in Gemini, a sign that changes quickly and always has two sides to it.

This country is already on the brink of a social civil war and this energy could make it even more pronounced! I encourage each and every one of you to look beyond the distractions on the world stage. Where our attention goes, the energy of Creation goes. There is an energetic war going on for your attention right now. Don’t be fooled into thinking in terms of “us vs them”. Anything that promotes division among us is meant to weaken us as a nation and as a species and there is a reason for that. I remind you of the scenario of the ants in a jar.

If you put a bunch of black ants in a jar and you put a bunch of red ants in the same jar, they will get along just fine. They go about their business as usual. But if you shake the jar...the ants become agitated and they begin to attack one another! But the thing is, they never bother to see who’s shaking the jar! I encourage you to look to see who’s shaking the jar. Here’s a clue, follow the money.

I encourage you to look upon the world through a lens of compassion and reach into your heart for loving understanding. The energy that is needed for positive change is not found in the “us vs them” mentality, it is found in the “we are all One” mentality. Politics is not worth your peace. No matter what side someone is on, the way I see it, everyone really is wanting the same thing - to be left alone to live their lives their way. So live and let live. Not everyone is going to agree with you and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We don't need everyone to agree with us in order to find our peace. We can grow and learn from one another.

Do your best to forgive others for getting caught up in the drama and extend your loving compassion to the world. Give yourself and others grace through these tough times. We are stronger when we are united and if we can unite under the umbrella of love and compassion, we will be guided to the pathway of peace as a planet. Trust that you came here at this time for a reason and follow your heart. We are creating the future right now and your personal experience of it is based on your vibrations.

So raise your vibrations, find more loving thoughts, act in more loving ways, perform random acts of kindness and choose to be happy just because you can. You don’t need any reason to be happy, just choose it because it’s your right to do so! Nobody can take that power away from you so care enough about yourself to choose how you want to respond to the world. That’s your power here. Use it and help yourself find your path to peace. If anything is taking away from that peace, care enough about yourself to gently walk away.

And I highly encourage limiting your social media time! That’s so not good for you in so many ways, it’s not even funny. Don't let it take your power. Alright, enough preaching. Back to the stars...

The Full Moon on August 19th is a big one and it is receiving some difficult aspects. It’s at 27 degrees of Aquarius so if you have any personal planets in the fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) around that degree, you might want to take that day off. It’s also in a T-square aspect pattern with Uranus, the Sun and Mercury retrograde. There may be a strong impulse to make changes with this, but reason and logic might be overlooked so do be careful not to act too rashly if you can help it.

Venus is also receiving some challenging aspects that day, making a T-square with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. Venus rules love and money and you might feel the need to make some shifts with this. In addition to the Full Moon, this could have many of us on edge for a couple of days. Venus rules our desires and if we are not getting what we want, we might feel like it’s time to let things go or make some big changes. Sometimes there is a big struggle with that but Venus being in the sign of Virgo could help us to be more realistic and help us do the sensible thing.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd and the energy shifts. Positive Virgo energy is practical, orderly analytical and very much in the role of service. You can use this time to get organized and clean up the clutter in your life. Look to see which house Virgo rules in your chart to see which area of your life is being highlighted right now to make the most of this. If you need help with that, book your appointment with me.

Mercury goes direct once more on August 28th at 21 degrees of Leo. Hopefully the retrograde period was a useful one for you and now you can once again make plans to move forward. There’s a lot of hype about the pre-shadow, the shadow and the post-shadow period of this planet’s retrograde but personally I don’t think there needs to be. The only one I really pay attention to is the shadow. The shadow is the period of about 9 days before the retrograde where you get a preview of what you will most likely encounter during the upcoming retrograde. This is because of the rate of movement of Mercury and the rate of planet Earth passing each other in their orbits. But the pre and the post shadow period? Hardly a thing in my experience and not anything to worry over in terms of planning. Don’t worry about the social media nonsense about it, and don’t let the interwebz take your power!

Finally on August 30th, Venus moves into the sign of Libra. Venus rules Libra so she’s quite at home here and we just might find that our desires turn more towards cooperation and partnerships. This is an excellent time for love and romance and maybe even a little luxurious living. Look to see which house is ruled by Libra in your chart to see where your desires will be right now. Venus will be in Libra until September 23rd. Enjoy!

In Numerology, August is a number 7 Universal month. A number 7 month is usually one that requires us to go within. It is the number of the loner, the truth seeker, the skeptic and the philosopher. This energy is analytical, it researches, it specializes, it learns and it teaches. Information is coming at us rapidly, we must seek discernment, we must hone our intuition to see the truth. We must hold a space of neutrality so we remain objective. I feel that in combination with the astrology for the month, the universe is sending us the message to seek our inner Truth and to find harmony with our inner being. This would be a very good time to start a new spiritual routine: meditate, pray and connect with your inner self on a daily basis. The number 7 tells us to go within, ignore the drama outside of ourselves and seek the inner knowing that All Is Well deep within our being. You create your own reality. There is so much Truth in that, if only you could believe it. The number 7 asks us to find this Truth and live it. This is especially important right now as the world crumbles before us.

This month, I encourage you to keep your focus on the positive as much as possible and care enough about how you feel to do something about it so that you feel relief. Then, rinse and repeat. Love yourself. This is the process right now. One of my personal heroes, Louise Hay said, “All problems in this world stem from a lack of self-love” and I have to agree. I see it in my work everyday, but I also see and live the effects of self-love now. Try it yourself. Practice self-love and watch the world change around you. Your personal reality will change, I guarantee it. Now imagine more of us doing that. See the world change too as we take our focus off the negative and start to create a new reality through the power of Love. What an amazing world we are creating! It’s already happening, I see it. I live it. If you can’t see it now, I assure you, practice self-love and you will see it too!

I hope you have a good month. Book your appointment with me if you need your guides or a little life coaching or book your past life regression with Brandon, my amazing husband, if you need some karmic insight. Those sessions can be very enlightening! Stay grounded and do take care of yourself. You’re worth it. And as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique


Do you have a life goal you have been meaning to take action on but just can’t seem to find the motivation? Do you feel that your dreams are impossible? Is there somewhere in your life that feels stuck, blocked or restricted? This reading is designed to help you discover your blocks, find guidance on how to remove them and find pathways of possibilities for you to achieve your goals. Typically this reading is about 60 minutes long but may run longer depending on your questions. Save $15 off your reading this month by using the coupon code: UNSTUCK24 upon booking. 


Intro to Astrology

Sure you can read an app’s synopsis of your chart, but can you read a birth chart? There is an art as well as a science to reading astrology charts that no app can teach. Plus there’s an entire world to discover in the subject of astrology that no app will ever provide. Learn everything you need to know to get started on reading and interpreting birth charts as well as other types of charts in my new Intro to Astrology class. From beginners to dabblers.

This class is held on Saturdays from 3 pm to 5 pm and it runs for 6 months. First class is September 7th, 2024. The cost is $100 by the 7th of each month starting on September 7th. Class size is limited. Secure your seat by purchasing your first month’s class online or by coming into the shop. We are now open Fri-Sat 11 to 5 and Sundays 11-4, the rest of the week by appointment. REGISTRATION CLOSES SEPTEMBER 6, 2024.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. These are your personal new moons. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. These are your personal full moons. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 8,9,10

  • TAURUS: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 11,12

  • GEMINI: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 13,14,15

  • CANCER: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 16,17

  • LEO: Rewarding: 3,4,5,30,31 Challenging: 18,19

  • VIRGO: Rewarding: 6,7 Challenging: 20,21

  • LIBRA: Rewarding: 8,9,10 Challenging: 22,23

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 24,25

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 13,14,15 Challenging: 26,27

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 3,4,5,30,31

  • PISCES: Rewarding: 20,21 Challenging: 6,7

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