Subject: August 2023 Astrological Forecast ⭐🔮🌜

August 2023 Forecast

Hi there!

We’re starting the month of August off in the midst of a Full Moon on August 1st. This one is at 9 degrees of Aquarius and if you happen to have any personal planets near that degree in the fixed signs, you might be feeling this one. The fixed signs are: Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. Full Moons are always a time of things coming to conclusions or it acts as a catalyst for change to come. In Aquarius, we are asked to look at ourselves as a species and what we are doing to either hinder or support humanity and the planet at large. Social issues are hot topics right now and many of us are faced with looking at serious choices when it comes to the future of humanity. Many are asking just who is pulling the strings to make the world go around these days? And do they really have our best interests at heart? This isn’t normally too much of an emotional moon, Aquarius is more of an intellectual and forward thinking sign, it’s interested in solutions that benefit the whole. However it can be somewhat of an opinionated moon, so it’s best to choose your conversation partners carefully for this Full Moon.  We're having our Moon Meditation tonight for this if you care to join us!

Let’s not forget that Venus is also currently retrograde and is bringing up many issues having to do with relationships, money and material goods. This is a time to go within, to ask yourself serious questions about what you value in this life, to review your relationships as well as your financial and material life and make adjustments where they are needed. This isn’t always an easy time as we are dealing with our heart’s desires with Venus and sometimes it’s difficult to separate our hearts from our minds to gain clarity. Take your time, don’t jump to conclusions and keep asking yourself what’s most important to you and you will be guided to the right answers for you. Venus is retrograde until September 3rd in the sign of Leo.

Speaking of Leo, on August 16, we have a New Moon at 23 degrees of Leo. This is an excellent time for celebrating! Leo energy really just wants to have a good time and this is an excellent time to bask in the Sun (which rules Leo) and make some fun summer memories! Leo can be a bit dramatic, especially if there’s an audience, so just do your best to keep your cool and go have some fun instead of getting involved in more drama!

Join us on August 17th for our New Moon meditation where we get together to talk about deep stuff but have fun while doing so! This is a wonderful way to meet like minded friends! RSVP here.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 23rd and the energy shifts as Mercury also goes retrograde that same day! The Sun here wants us to get focused. This is a time to get down to work, to look at the details, to clean up the clutter, to get organized and back on track! Check to see which house Virgo rules in your chart to get a better idea of where your focus will need to be for the next few weeks. If you need help, book your appointment with me. Better yet, join my Fall season Intro to Astrology class and learn how to read your chart and others! I had to push back the start date for this season. Classes now start August 19th! Learn more here.

This Mercury retrograde just might over-emphasize the need for getting things organized as it’s happening in the sign of Virgo, the master of organization. This is not a good time for starting a new project, but it is an excellent time for going back over one, that’s because reviewing and editing are favored with this. This is not a good time for signing any serious contracts, making important purchases or for making any serious commitments if you can help it. Rather, this is a time for gathering data and for analyzing that data, wait to take action until after Mercury goes direct once more if you can help it and that will be on September 15th. This is also not a great time to travel if you can help it as Mercury rules transportation as well as short distance travel. If you do need to travel at this time, have patience and make backup plans just in case. Be prepared for delays, mishaps or canceled flights. Bring a book with you too in case your phone goes on the fritz as Mercury rules communication too! 

Mars enters Libra on August 27th and while the planet of drive and ambition is in Libra, his energy is weakened and challenged. Mars is a warrior and Libra is the sign of justice. Combining the two, we can sometimes take up the sword to fight against injustice with this. The problem is, sometimes we can’t see clearly what that means and we might be fighting for the wrong thing. We are encouraged to look closely at what drives us and to be fair in our dealings while Mars is here. Look to see which house is ruled by Libra in your chart to see where you will experience this. Mars will be here through October 13th. 

On August 28th, Uranus goes retrograde until next year. This is an outer planet and they go retrograde quite often so this isn’t usually a big shift for us. Those with a strong Aquarius influence in their chart might feel something with this, usually it’s felt as a need to get back on track. In the bigger picture, this could also foretell more talk of aliens and UFOs as the mainstream news has been quietly reporting for some time now. They are now becoming more vocal. I encourage you to look closer at any of these stories and use discernment. Are the messages supportive of humanity as a whole? Or do they support those in power? This is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, it is the time of the people and the power will go to the people. Any institution not supporting the people will fail in this new age. We must learn to look through that lens if we want clarity in the coming times. As sad as it is, the truth is our mainstream media cannot be trusted to give us the unbiased truth and we must learn to develop our intuition and trust that more than what the news tells us. We each have a third eye and when it is open, we can see the truth. If you want help with this, consider one-on-one training with me to develop your psychic abilities. 

Finally on August 30th, we have another Full Moon, a Super Moon, a Blue Moon, in Pisces at 7 degrees. A Super Moon is when the Moon is closest to the earth when it is full. This brings more intense energy to our planet. A Blue Moon is when we have more than one Full Moon in a month. A Blue Moon is considered to be a very spiritual time, it’s a wonderful time for divination and for increasing your intuition. In Pisces, this is also a good time to work with your dreams and practice your psychic abilities. This is some powerful, spiritual and psychic energy to work with. It would be a good time for astral traveling. It would be an ideal time to get a past life reading, an energy healing or a clairvoyant reading! 

Join us for our Full Moon meditation on Friday, August 31st!

August 2023 is a universal number six month in numerology. The number six month in numerology is a number of the family, the home, romance, art, and beauty as well as duty, responsibilities, obligations and service. This is energy that encourages us to be responsible, to do our part and serve where we can. Ultimately this number wants peace and harmony, especially in the home and private life. This would be an excellent time for doing some artwork, beautifying the home, spending time with loved ones and for getting your ducks in a row. Know your priorities with this energy as it’s easy to get scattered, trying to appease too many people at once. 

The card that was pulled for August was the Tower reversed! While normally an explosive card, in reverse its power is weakened. This is a card of warning, saying that we can avert disaster if we make changes now. Sometimes this means a small emergency but the problem is manageable if we are prepared. Sometimes this shows up when things are about to explode and we really just need to make some changes before things get worse. And sometimes this means that it’s time to shake things up! Sometimes this means it’s time for a huge purge and we need to throw away clutter. Sometimes this means we have to break free and give ourselves a vacation! Sometimes this means we have to stop ignoring our bad feelings and pretending that things are ok when they are not. Regardless, the message of this card is that it’s time for change! Where in your life do you need to change? What needs to go? What needs to stay? This month, look at your priorities and put them in the right order so that you can get back on your feet!

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal. The above information can be applied on a personal level to gain a better understanding of what it means for you as an individual. To know more about yourself and to understand how to take advantage of these energies, consider getting a monthly subscription with me! Meet with me once a month and get a personalized horoscope, numerology and tarot reading to know how to navigate the month ahead. Plus, get a personalized horoscope recording sent to you every month to help you plan ahead. Curious? Reply to this email and I’ll tell you more!

Thank you to everyone who sent your well wishes for our predicament with our building. Thankfully we were able to negotiate another extension on our lease. So we will be staying where we are for another two years! I really appreciate the community’s support and I appreciate all of you for coming in and celebrating life with us! I do hope you consider joining us in our meditations or our classes and events. I have recently started up a new Charm Circle where we meet up to do magickal crafting!

Be sure to check out our event calendar to see what is in store. And as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


Refer a new client in the month of August 2023 and have them use your name in their referral and I will give you $25 off your next reading of 60 minutes or longer! To qualify, tell them to put your name in the referral section of my booking form when they book. I will contact you after their appointment and give you your own unique coupon code to use on your next reading with me of 60 minutes or longer. 


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 19,20,21

TAURUS: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 22,23

GEMINI: Rewarding: 9,10,11 Challenging: 24,25

CANCER: Rewarding: 12,13  Challenging: 26,27

LEO: Rewarding: 14,15,16 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

VIRGO: Rewarding: 17,18 Challenging: 3,4,30,31

LIBRA: Rewarding: 19,20,21  Challenging: 5,6

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 22,23  Challenging: 7,8 

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 9,10,11

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 26,27  Challenging: 12,13

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29  Challenging: 14,15,16

PISCES: Rewarding: 3,4,30,31  Challenging: 17,18

Intro to Astrology - Fall 2023 Semester

Have you always wanted to know more about astrology? Would you like to learn how to read for your friends and family? Then this course is for you! Join me as your instructor as we take our time to digest this complex and fascinating subject. From complete beginners to weekend dabblers, all levels welcome. This is an ongoing class as interest persists. A new semester will start in the Winter. Registration is now open until August 18th. First class begins August 19th. Cost is $100 a month. Classes are every Saturday at 3 pm for two hours. That's quite a bargain! I have limited seating of 10, so be sure to register soon!

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