Subject: Astrology Forecast February 2024 🔮❄️♒

February 2024 Forecast

The transformative power of Pluto is well underway this month and it could very well keep us guessing! Pluto is the planet that represents power and control, death and rebirth, releasing and letting go, and utter and complete transformation from the inside out. Now in Aquarius, the sign of the people, Pluto is going to be playing ball with Mars, Venus and Mercury this month as they too join the Aquarian energy. For the world at large, this could stir up some political and social issues! We might get news on any Aquarian related subjects that could prove to be quite surprising; A.I., bio-technology, the Internet, electricity, aliens and UFOs are a few subjects that come to mind. And let’s not forget that Aquarian energy involves social movements so we could get more shocking news around social justices with this.

We start off with Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation and mental thought processes entering Aquarius on February 4th. He will immediately meet up with Pluto at the same time that Venus squares Chiron which could create some hurtful words that might require healing in your personal relationships or it could invoke powerful conversations geared toward change. On the world stage, I can’t help but go to the topic of electric vehicles with Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Pluto, perhaps we are going to see some surprising new developments there?

While Mercury is in Aquarius, the mental energy is strongly focused on solutions, innovation and conversations for progressive change. Make the best use of this time by focusing on your projects that involve helping groups, organizations or communities. This isn’t an especially warm and cozy energy for socializing, it is better put to use for working on mental tasks and solving problems with others.

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th occurs at 20 degrees of Aquarius. The planet Uranus (ruler of Aquarius and currently in Taurus) is creating tension with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius around this time and many of us might be feeling the strong urge to make changes in our personal lives. While others might be left feeling a little confused about what they really want.

On February 13th, Mars enters Aquarius and will remain there until March 23rd. Mars and Pluto together are a powerful force! While Mars is here, we might find ourselves feeling brave and bold about expressing our personal desires or even a bit more rebellious in pursuit of those desires. In the mundane world, this could mean someone doing something unexpected or brazen which changes things completely. In an election year, anything could happen!

On February 16th, Venus joins the Aquarius energy and immediately meets up with Pluto. She will be here until March 12th. This can be a dynamic force in our personal lives as Venus rules both relationships and money, and Pluto asks us to transform and renew. Make the best use of this time by taking a serious look at those two areas of your life and be willing to make the changes necessary to improve your situation. On the world stage, this could mean some strong changes to our financial system or at least to our value systems. In Aquarius, we might be looking at the subject of digital currency and new socio-economic systems either being disrupted or being renovated. Also we might see shocking social issues pop up around certain groups of people with this.

On February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces and remains there until March 21st. Soon after we have a conjunction of Mars and Venus, creating quite the powerful blend of masculine and feminine energies. While the Sun is in Pisces, we are asked to retreat, let go, forgive and rejuvenate our spiritual selves. This is an excellent time for prayer, meditation, daydreaming and creative works but not necessarily the best time for doing physical or mental tasks.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 23rd and will be there until March 11th. Mercury is weakened in the watery sign of Pisces. Blending and blurring boundaries between us and others, our communication becomes less logical and much more empathic and intuitive. This can sometimes confuse things if you are not well practiced at boundaries. My advice is to listen to your heart and you can’t go wrong. This is a good time for art, music, design and abstract work, but avoid the detailed work if possible.

We have a Full Moon on February 24th at 5 degrees of Virgo and this Moon likes for us to get real. Mercury and Saturn are flanking the Pisces Sun at this time. It’s a good time for balancing your emotional needs with practical steps to improve your life. Are you spending enough time in the real world, doing the daily tasks required to reach your goals, or are you lost in fantasies and daydreams, waiting for something to change your life? This moon says you have it within you to take practical steps toward your loftiest goals if you are willing to do the work on a consistent basis. This is also a good time for setting new spiritual goals for yourself. The discipline of Saturn and the intuitive flow of Mercury support spiritual attunement at this time.

The need for quiet retreat and self-care is apparent on February 28th as we end the month with Mercury, Saturn and the Sun closely conjunct in Pisces. This is a good day for going within and giving your soul the much needed attention it needs. I suggest prayer, meditation, journaling or creative work to help you process this energy.

In numerology, the month of February is a Number 1 Universal Month. This signals the time of new beginnings, of fresh starts and new cycles. On the world stage, this could usher in some changes in leadership as the number 1 is the number of leaders. This could also begin a new phase of something, a shift in consciousness or a renewal of energy. On a personal level, this is good energy to follow your own lead, to take charge in your own life and to make a fresh start. Your own personal numerology will, of course, affect this but in general, February looks to be signaling the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. Take advantage of this by setting some new goals for yourself.

I personally find that the energy of February often carries with it the feeling of endings and transitions into something new as March approaches. I find that March often brings shifts in the world, especially around the Spring Equinox. My belief is because it has to do with the ending of one zodiacal year and the beginning of a new year as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and Aries is the first. To me, the new year actually begins on the Spring Equinox.

The Ascension Comes

When I look at the year ahead, I do see quite a bit of chaos as we approach the Ascension and the Age of Aquarius, but I find peace in my heart because all is as it should be. We are evolving. We must be made aware of the secrets, we must be shown what was hidden, we must know what has been held back from us as a planet before we can break free from the restraints of the old system that didn’t support the people. It must come to a point where enough people are Awakened and Aware of the unity that lies underneath all of humanity, bypassing political and social structures that keep us divided and distracted, so that we can change as a species. In order to achieve this, much has to be brought to the surface, to awaken the souls who have been sleeping in the Piscean Age. It’s been happening since 2012, and the wake up call is getting louder and louder!

We must be made aware of our soul choices here. One choice is to work through our soul’s karma, forgiving others, healing trauma and letting go of what no longer serves us as a soul so that we may raise our vibration and join planet Earth in her Ascension. This Ascension is evolving us as both a planet and a species to a higher frequency of love, unity and compassion. The other choice is not to grow, not to let go and to hold on to our karma and our trauma so that we will find our souls reincarnating on a different planet, one where the lower vibration dominates, to work out the rest of our karma. The way I see it, you make a choice to either get better or to grow bitter. I encourage you to get better. And don’t fret for those who make the choice not to evolve. There is never a point that the soul can’t choose to change. They will get their chance to Ascend in the next cycle of humanity’s evolution, again and again. As long as it takes, I believe that all souls will eventually Ascend for really there is nowhere else for us to go!

For now though, for this exciting time on planet earth, you have this choice. If you are quiet and still, you will hear the choice being made by your soul. If you are going through much heartache and grief right now, rest assured that your soul is calling you to let go, release and transform. This is your call for Ascension. Feel your painful feelings, but do not act on them. Allow yourself to feel your soul’s pain, knowing that this too shall pass. The pain is part of the healing process for the soul, it must be felt before it can be released.

Imagine this planetary spiritual Ascension as a hot air balloon. In order to rise higher, you must get rid of the sandbags, the extra weight that keeps you down. To Ascend as a soul, you must release your emotional and mental resistance just as you must release the sandbags in the air balloon. This emotional processing, while not necessarily fun and pretty, is a matter of being willing enough to be emotionally aware of yourself and then doing the work necessary to help yourself. Sometimes that could mean meditation, other times it could mean a conversation with a friend, other times it could mean watching a movie and having a good cry. I can boil it down to this: care enough about how you feel so that you do something to help yourself feel better. Whatever you do, don’t ignore your soul by stuffing down your emotions and pretending that everything’s Ok. I can tell you from experience, that only works for so long. Sooner or later, your soul is going to demand that you pay attention to it and do something to change.

So I encourage you to slow down, to meditate, to go within and discover what messages your soul has for you about your Ascension and what must be done in order for you to live your best life. Peace in your heart and in your soul, despite what the world is trying to tell you, is the sign that you are achieving your spiritual goals.

And if you aren’t sure how to meditate or if you need some help understanding your spiritual journey, please reach out to us. We offer free meditations twice a month and both myself and my husband, Brandon are well versed to help give you some peace of mind when it comes to the Ascension. Just come in and ask your questions. And join our community of spiritual seekers by coming to our meditations, so that you have more support. It’s a scary time for a lot of people, but it doesn’t need to be. It's also a very exciting time to be alive! We are on the brink of great change and I, for one, am excited to welcome in the new era of humanity where there will be peace not only in our hearts, but across the globe. I see great things for us beyond the chaos. Keep love and faith in your heart, and you can see it too.

Keep in mind that the above planetary and numerology energies are personal as well as universal. To see how these affect you personally, come see me for a consultation.

I hope February treats you well and if I can be of service, please use the button below to book your session with me. I am a certified spiritual life coach and psychic as well as an ordained minister. If I can be of service during your spiritual journey, I am eager and honored to help. Have a good month and as always…

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique


This month save $25 off a Couple’s Love Reading (90 minutes) or save $10 off your love life reading if you are single (30 minutes). My Couple’s Love Reading includes an astrology, numerology and tarot reading on your relationship, designed to help you understand each other and what you can do to make your relationship even better. This is a reading designed for two people to be present for the reading. If you’re single and would like to know what’s going on in your love life, you can save $10 off your love life reading which includes astrology, tarot and clairvoyance. Use coupon code: LOVELY24 when booking to use this coupon on your reading in February 2024.


Join us for our free guided meditation events! We will guide you on a different themed meditation each time followed by a short spiritual discussion on whatever I’m inspired to talk about that night! Then we will enjoy some snacks while we shop and socialize. Brandon and I give you a special 15% off all store merchandise the night of the meditation. It’s sort of like a church service for people who don’t fit into conventional churches. I hope you can join us!

This Month’s Meditations are:

Please RSVP so we know how much food to bring. Meditation starts around 6:10 pm and the doors are locked during the meditation. Parking is available outfront, near the coffee stand or across the street. Feel free to bring a food or beverage to share with us! Our meditations are free but store purchases and donations are greatly appreciated. Please quiet cell phones during meditation. Ages 16+.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. Plan ahead to take advantage of those days. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. Those are days to give yourself space.

If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 21,22,23 Challenging: 6,7

TAURUS: Rewarding: 24,25 Challenging: 8,9

GEMINI: Rewarding: 1, 26,27,28 Challenging: 10,11

CANCER: Rewarding: 2,3,29 Challenging: 12,13

LEO: Rewarding: 4,5 Challenging: 14,15,16

VIRGO: Rewarding: 6,7 Challenging: 17,18

LIBRA: Rewarding: 8,9 Challenging: 19,20

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 10,11 Challenging: 21,22,23

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 12,13 Challenging: 24,25

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 14,15,16 Challenging: 1,26,27,28

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 17, 18 Challenging: 2,3,29

PISCES: Rewarding: 19,20 Challenging: 4,5

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