Subject:Ā Astrological Forecast for September 2021šŸšŸŒžšŸŒ›

September 2021 Astrological Forecast

Can you feel it? Changes are coming. I was walking outside a couple of days ago and I felt the coming changes upon the wind. Iā€™ve always been able to detect the changing winds for some reason, perhaps because I was born at the end of winter? Nevertheless, this is an exciting feeling for me because it means new things to come. I equate it to the turning of the wheel, the inevitable changing of the seasons and the evolution of the spirit that follows.Ā 

As spiritual beings coming to inhabit a physical body, we are naturally born to expand our consciousness, to grow and to become more as souls - this is the natural process of life. But this requires change and if we resist the changes, we only create suffering for ourselves because this change is out of our control. The only thing we can control is how we respond to it. So I encourage you, if you are feeling the winds of change in your life right now, do your best to lean into it and remember that nature has a way of breaking things that do not bend in the wind. Itā€™s not always easy to trust that things are meant to work out for you, but I encourage you to adopt that attitude because it allows for a lot more opportunities to come your way. Besides, it just feels better to have hope, donā€™t you think?Ā 

The month of September naturally brings with it the winds of change as we progress from one season to the next on the wheel of the year. In numerology, this is always a month where the energies of the year escalate and move us deeper into our personal energy of the year. If you want to know what your personal year is, I wrote an article here explaining how to calculate your own. In astrology, Libra is the most active sign this month, so look to see where Libra falls in your chart to see where most of the focus will be for you. If you need help with that, book your appointment with me and Iā€™ll be happy to explain it more.

We start off with an opposition between the planets Mars and Neptune on September 2nd, this can have two different effects depending on your approach to and delegation of this energy.Ā  One one hand, this can create confusion around what action to take in your life or possibly create a total lack of desire to follow through on something. On the other hand, this can be a time for taking action in your life towards things that hold more meaning and depth for you such as volunteering or donating, or things of a more spiritual nature might call you to be more physical such as a building desire to start a new yoga routine or Qigong practice. Look to see which houses have 22 degrees of Virgo (Mars) and 22 degrees of Pisces (Neptune) in your chart to see how this will affect you personally.

The New Moon on September 6th is happening at 14 degrees of Virgo and this is also making a beautiful and helpful aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This can be a really good energy for organizing things that require your detailed focus and for cleaning up the clutter in your life, literally and figuratively. Virgo is a sign of practical service so applying this energy in your personal life can help you feel of use and to also help improve the world around you. With the helpful aspect to Uranus, we are seeing a need to really think more globally in our daily choices and a need to focus on the collective needs of humanity rather than our own. What can you do to bring positive change to the planet? What can you do to be of service to others at this time? What knowledge or skill can you share with the world? In what way can you help others even if just a little bit? And Virgo reminds us not to overlook the little things. Sometimes even just a smile is enough to give someone hope in humanity again. What a wonderful way to be of service to others - smiling!Ā 

Speaking of helping out others with this Virgo New Moon, how about you help me out and come join me for the GRAND OPENING of my Psychic Boutique? Weā€™re open now if you want to come in and check us out, but we are going to have extra savings, psychic readings, specials and more on Labor Day, Monday, September 6th. At 6:15 pm, join us for our guided New Moon Meditation followed by a discussion and socializing over drinks and snacks. Learn new things, set intentions, eat free food and make new friends! RSVP here. I look forward to seeing you there!

Venus enters Scorpio on September 10th and when Venus is here, we might find that the need to meet our personal desires becomes more urgent. Sometimes we may even become a little obsessed with the objects of our desires while Venus is here. Look to see which house Scorpio rules in your chart to see where you might need to check your obsessiveness.Ā 

On September 14th, Mars enters Libra and the energy shifts from taking practical action to taking cooperative and harmonizing action. Mars in Libra seeks movement in areas where we need to maintain balance in our lives. If you need to make some adjustments to how your energy is being utilized between work and home, for example, Mars will bring your attention to that while itā€™s here, and not always in the gentlest of manners. Look to see which house is ruled by Libra in your chart to know where to take action in your life. Come see me if you need help.

Then we have the Full Moon on September 20th happening at 28 degrees of Pisces and this can be a time where we are challenged to remain faithful. For some, this can be when tension mounts between the seen and the unseen, between what is real and what is imagined and what is practical and what is not. Remember, Full Moons are a time for accumulating and releasing energy so if you are feeling this tension in your personal life, I encourage you to reach for the higher octave of these two signs and through faith in something greater than you, seek ways to be of compassionate service to yourself and others at this time. Stay grounded, have patience, look for what needs to be released, practice compassion and be ready for change for itā€™s coming, ready or not! RSVP here to join us for our Full Moon Meditation that night.Ā 

On September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra, ushering in the new season and preparing us for the next turning of the wheel. In the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the Fall Equinox, a time of year when the day and the night are of equal length. Hence the relation to Libraā€™s need for equality and fairness. While the Sun is here, we can expect more emphasis on how we are relating to others and the need to find workable solutions for everyone involved. Libra wants harmony, peace, and order but it also really likes beautiful surroundings. While the Sun is here, it is a good time to find ways to bring more of those things into your life. Perhaps itā€™s time to make peace with that friend you had a falling out with. Or maybe itā€™s time to compromise with your significant other on that long standing issue. Or maybe a new piece of artwork, flowers or an ornate mirror will be just what you need to beautify your space and lighten the mood. Finally, it is a good time for improving your appearance as Libra resonates with beauty, fashion and making good first impressions. Have fun but donā€™t get too caught up in what others think, please yourself first then share that energy with others.

On September 26th, Mercury goes Retrograde at 25 degrees of Libra. As with any Mercury Retrograde period, it is always wise to prepare ahead of time and make backup plans while Mercury appears to be moving backwards in the sky. I always advise people to remember the prefix ā€œreā€ during this time as itā€™s a good time for doing things that start with ā€œreā€: rethink, regroup, repair, redo, rewrite, review, etc. Trying to get things going and off the ground during a Mercury Retrograde is usually a futile effort. Great patience is sometimes needed. Itā€™s not that things cannot be done but you might find that you meet obstacle after obstacle before you can achieve your goals. So if you can put something off for a few weeks, do so but if something simply must be done during a Mercury Retrograde, then make the best of it. Have backup plans, practice patience should you meet delays, do as much preventive maintenance as possible, read over the fine details and be prepared for misunderstandings and miscommunication especially in your closest relationships since Libra is all about relating. Also, this is probably not the best time to get a major haircut or get a tattoo or do any sort of elective changes to your appearance either since Libra rules that too. Mercury will go direct again on October 18th at 10 degrees of Libra.Ā 

In numerology, September 2021 is a number 5 Universal Month. The great need behind the 5 energy right now is freedom. Freedom in our personal lives and freedom on a national and global scale for sure! The number 5 is a rebel, it needs change, variety, stimulation and it needs its freedom to do what it wants when it wants. As an energy of the current year (the year 2021 is a number 5 Universal year), we can see a building restlessness, a need for major change and a rising up of the people as they protest against the governmental controls being imposed upon them. You wonā€™t see this in the mainstream news, but itā€™s happening if you know where to look for as they say, the revolution will not be televised. This is very much in alignment with the Age of Aquarius energy which is being exacerbated by both Jupiter and Saturn currently retrograde in Aquarius. The time of the People is now.

The New Earth is on its way, in fact itā€™s here for many of us already. You just have to align yourself with it to experience it. You have to tune your frequency, if you will. Itā€™s in alignment with unity, harmony, love and hope. Be those things and you will find it. There is a major split happening on the planet and it is playing out on many different levels. It is a split in dimensional realities and a split in humanityā€™s consciousness. This is a necessary change and one that has been foretold for thousands of years. But donā€™t let the changes scare you. Think of home renovating - before you can have a brand new kitchen, you first have to demolish the old one, right? Well, this demolition started in 2012 and it became obvious to those still sleeping in 2020 as it came in the wakeup call known as COVID-19. It's going to take quite a while from what I read in the stars, but hang in there and keep hope in your heart. As these old structures crumble, remind yourself of the necessary destruction which comes before new creation. Something better is coming, the blueprints have already been made. Our lovely planet and our entire species are on an evolutionary path which means growth is inevitable and improvements are on the way because life always goes on. Keep the Light and the Love in your heart at this time and that is what will lead you to the New Earth weā€™ve all been creating.Ā 

If this confuses you, raises more questions or simply makes you curious, then I encourage you to join us for our Moon Meditations where we talk about these things and look for ways to connect on a more spiritual and local level. We are building a spiritual community because these are rough times and like it or not, we humans are social creatures - we need one another! We are always stronger together and nobody needs to go through this alone. So if you can join us, please do and come feel the love. And if you canā€™t, then do what you can to bring more love into your life right now. Remember that even though the world may appear to be Dark at times, if we keep Love in our hearts, it will always lead us to the Light.

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

ANNOUNCEMENT - Weā€™re on Instagram!

For those of you who know me, you know that Iā€™m no fan of social media but with the recent opening of our psychic boutique, weā€™ve decided to get on Instagram again. This is the best way we can keep you informed of our new products, flash sales and specials on our psychic readings. We'll also treat you to a special Card of the Day Reading. And we will occasionally offer exclusive savings through Instagram, so be sure to follow us!

SEPTEMBER SPECIAL - Twin Flame/Soulmate Reading $75

Is this person your twin flame or just a soulmate? What is the past life connection? What are you learning from them? What are you teaching them? What is your soul contract in this lifetime? How can you deepen your relationship? And where is it headed? All these questions and more are answered in this special 60 minute reading. Save $25 when you book your reading with this special coupon code: TwnFlm21 for the month of September 2021.Ā 

Book Your Reading


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others donā€™t quite get you. If you donā€™t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and Iā€™ll be happy to help you!

  • ARIES: Rewarding 21,22. Challenging 8,9

  • TAURUS: Rewarding 23,24,25. Challenging 10,11

  • GEMINI: Rewarding 26,27. Challenging 12,13

  • CANCER: Rewarding 1,2,28,29,30. Challenging 14,15

  • LEO: Rewarding 3,4,5. Challenging 16,17,18

  • VIRGO: Rewarding 6,7. Challenging 19,20

  • LIBRA: Rewarding 8,9. Challenging 21,22

  • SCORPIO: Rewarding 10,11. Challenging 23,24,25

  • SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 12,13. Challenging 26,27

  • CAPRICORN: Rewarding 14,15. Challenging 1,2,28,29,30

  • AQUARIUS: Rewarding 16,17,18. Challenging 3,4,5

  • PISCES: Rewarding 19,20. Challenging 6,7


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