Subject:Ā Astrological Forecast for January 2022 šŸŒœā­šŸ”®

Thoughts on the Year Ahead

ā€œWhen are things going to settle down so we can get back to normal?ā€ Thatā€™s a question I hear often from my clients these past few months and I wish I could tell them when that might happen, let alone that it will but letā€™s face it. The world has and is changing and thereā€™s no going back, but I ask youā€¦is that such a bad thing? If you ask me, ā€œnormalā€ isnā€™t necessarily what we want to get back to anyway. The old systems which served us in the past do not serve humanity nor the planet, only a handful are benefited from the old systems. Mother Earth is giving us all a big wake up call to come to terms with whatā€™s important for us as a planet and as a species. Many of us are having this happen in our personal lives as well and this has everything to do with the split in humanityā€™s consciousness. If you want to learn more about what I think this might mean for us, you can check out my post here.

As far as what I see in the stars, the year 2022 has milder planetary alignments than the previous two years which does give us some hope that things might calm down a bit more, however it is important to note the significance of the shifting of the Ages. This is creating a major overhaul on the planet. Although astrologers are in debate over the actual timing of the Age shift from Pisces to Aquarius, many believe that we are experiencing the birthing pains of the new age right now and I am inclined to agree. As Pluto moves through the final degrees of Capricorn over the next two years, we are sure to see more breaking down of old power structures: government, big banks, health and educational institutions and big corporations, not to mention those people who are in powerful positions.

The year 2022 also brings in a Lunar Node sign shift to the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Taurus North Node has us focused on our security, our basic needs, our food, our land and our resources. With the South Node in Scorpio we are dealing with issues of secrets coming to the surface, especially in regards to those who are in power. This exposure can have a transformative effect on the world once those secrets are exposed and a transfer of power occurs. The Scorpio South Node asks that we bring all of the secrets and fears into the light so that we are able to enjoy the comfort and security that we long for under the Taurus North Node.

As astrology teaches us, these celestial activities reflect the happenings on planet earth but they do not control us. We mustnā€™t forget our power to focus and align ourselves with higher energies. We are not powerless beings subjected to the gravity of the planets, victims of fate and the will of the gods. We are co-creators in our reality along with the cosmic forces and as free will beings we get to choose how we want to align - with the ego or with the Higher Self.

So I encourage you to align with what feels good to you, what feels better to you and what brings you more peace and joy. Rather than aligning with your ego and making choices from a state of fear, loss or scarcity. By aligning with your peace, your joy, your bliss, you will naturally find yourself in the flowing stream of life. The answers you need will come to you when you stop struggling and go with the flow.

Many of us will be challenged this year to remain optimistic and to have hope in our hearts. So no matter what the year ahead brings for you, I remind you of your power to choose how you are going to respond to life for that truly is the only thing that will always be in your control. Your life is formed around your emotions, thoughts and beliefs, and you manifest through your focus so I encourage you to mind your focus and let your emotions be your guide so that you can create the kind of life you truly want.

And why not? Life is short, you might as well make the best of it!

January 2022 Monthly Astrological Forecast

The month/year starts off with a beneficial aspect called a trine between the Capricorn Sun and the planet Uranus currently in Taurus. I see this as a good omen for positive change to be possible this year for those who are willing to work with the changes rather than resist them. We could see some new technologies come through that could really make some lasting changes. And we could see more restlessness thanks to the erratic energy of Uranus.

This neednā€™t be a troublesome thing though because this could be a push for more freedom and independence on a global as well as on a personal level. Uranus reminds us of the necessity to push our boundaries and think outside the box. But itā€™s also the planet of the People and humanitarianism, and with this trine aspect with the Sun, we can be hopeful that the people will begin to unite against the injustices of the world and find new solutions to old problems, especially when it comes to top down authority such as governments.

With the combination of Pluto in Capricorn (which represents the power of authority) accumulating energy towards its U.S. Pluto Return (meaning it is going to the same degree it was at when our country was born), the Venus Retrograde and Uranus going direct this month, we could definitely see a lot more revolutionary energy being played out. We can also possibly see some changes in power because of this. Pluto will be exact to its U.S. Return in February and itā€™s the same energy as it was back in 1776!

Also on January 1st, Mercury enters Aquarius and our minds shift into high gear with this energy! This is a great time for focusing on solutions rather than on our problems. This energy is socially active and forward thinking. This is a good time for putting your attention on any projects that need your mental acuity, however keep in mind that in two weeks, Mercury goes retrograde so you might just find that you need to go back over whatever it is you start now!

On January 2nd, we have the New Moon in Capricorn happening at 12 degrees. This New Moon is still carrying the positive trine aspect to Uranus I spoke of earlier and I like the implications of this! This could be a really big year for changes on a massive scale! Setting your intentions with this cardinal New Moon energy is sure to boost your efforts and enable you to hold steady energy to see your goals met. If you have something important to start now, this is a great time to do it! And if the weather allows, join us for our New Moon Meditation at my shop that night! We will help you set your intentions. We do a guided meditation followed by a discussion on spiritual topics, then we enjoy snacks and socializing all while shopping with a 15% discount! I hope you can join us - itā€™s a lot of fun!

A beneficial aspect called a sexitle between Neptune and retrograde Venus on January 5th suggests the possibility for healing to begin, especially in our personal relationships although it may be first triggered by the retrograde motion of Venus which can sometimes create confrontations with the very issues we need to address. The Sun joins Venus on January 8th, aiding in the lessons Venus brings in regards to what we hold most dear. To help us out, there is a sextile between Mercury and Chiron on January 9th which suggests that we can find healing if we are willing to communicate and do the mental work necessary for growth.

On January 10th we will enter the Storm just before the Mercury Retrograde on January 14th. The time known as The Storm of a planet refers to the accumulating energies that build up just before the planet goes retrograde. This is the period to pay attention to what is occurring in your personal life so that you are prepared for the lessons of the upcoming retrograde period. Once in the retrograde time, you will be faced with the issues and the few days after the planet goes direct once more is the time to reflect and learn from these lessons so that you grow and change where you need to. Astrology teaches us that nothing stays stagnant and that change is a good thing for without it, we would never grow and evolve. So I encourage you to use this knowledge to help you grow and become a more advanced being because thatā€™s one of the reasons you came to this planet, remember?

This Mercury Retrograde starts at 10 degrees of Aquarius and finishes at 24 degrees of Capricorn, so look to see where that is in your chart to get a better idea on how this retrograde will impact you personally. Mercury rules our communications and our thought processes and where it goes retrograde shows us where we need to rethink or redo things. If you need help, book your appointment with me and Iā€™d be happy to help you make the best use of it!

During the Mercury Retrograde period, it is always a good idea to play it safe and make backup plans and backup copies because things have a way of going haywire during this time. Mercury rules communication, remember and that covers a very big area of life! Mercury also rules transportation so be sure to get your travel plans in order and be prepared to change them! Electronics tend to go wonky during this time and cars often run into more mechanical problems so patience is needed. This is generally considered to be an unfavorable time for important dealings or making important purchases so it is advisable to wait if you can until the planet goes direct once more on February 3rd. I always remind people to remember the prefix ā€œreā€ when it comes to Mercury going retrograde, such as redo, rethink, rewrite, review, repair, etc. This is a time to do the ā€œreā€ things and to make adjustments as needed. Mercury Retrograde gets a bad reputation but it neednā€™t be a time of pain or struggle or frustration if you keep the ā€reā€ words in mind and practice patience with the breakdown in communication and/or transportation that you might encounter.

On January 17th, thereā€™s a Full Moon in Cancer at 27 degrees and this one could have many of us feeling rather emotionally raw if we havenā€™t been doing our inner work. This is a time when we are challenged to face our inner selves and take the inner journey to discover why we feel the way that we do. The Moon is ruled by Cancer and when it is full here, our emotional selves are vulnerable and exposed. And if we are unconscious of our innermost feelings, then this will act as a trigger for you to become aware usually through confrontations with other people. The key to this is being open to doing the inner work and asking yourself why you were triggered in the first place. While it is easier to blame someone or something else for the way we feel, ultimately the truth is, we are the ones responsible for the way we feel. No one else is making you feel the way you feel, thatā€™s coming from you and if someone triggers something in you, the challenge is to move past the temptation of blaming them and stopping there. To move past it, you must take ownership of your feelings and ask what was triggered in you and why. This is the psychological shadow work that people talk about and it is uncomfortable and no oneā€™s favorite thing to do, but it is necessary in order to heal and evolve as a spiritual being. But donā€™t fret if someone you know refuses to do their shadow work, they will get countless more opportunities to do it in other lifetimes. For if we donā€™t get it this time, we might get it next time. Good news is, thereā€™s always a next time in this universe because energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is simply transformed. And guess what? Youā€™re energy and so is everything else.

Full Moons are about releasing and this Full Moon asks you to release toxic emotions especially when it comes to your fears about being vulnerable with your emotions. Join us for our Full Moon Meditation on January 17th and we will guide you on how you can release that energy.

On January 18th, Uranus, the planet of shocks and surprises, the planet of freedom and revolution, the planet of the people and humanity in general goes direct once more in the sign of Taurus. It does so at 10 degrees and 49 minutes of Taurus. What does this mean? On a global level, I see it moving us forward toward a very revolutionary energy where the people gather more and more in protest to the tyranny being seen all around the world under the guise of public safety. I see this as people beginning to wake up more and more to global problems, rather than on their own. And I see this as a call for freedom on all levels.

The next day, January 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius whoā€™s modern ruler is Uranus and it carries much of the same energy as the planet. When the Sun is here, the focus is on the areas in our lives where we need to express our uniqueness while still being within a group or society. Itā€™s about allowing our unconventional ways to find expression in our lives. Look to see which house is ruled by Aquarius in your chart to get a better idea of where the focus will be for you while the Sun is here. If you need help, book your reading with me and Iā€™d be happy to help.

January 24th, Mars enters Capricorn and this is a nice place for Mars to visit. Heā€™s pretty comfortable here because he knows how to use his energy to help him complete long term tasks. You can tap into that energy where Capricorn falls in your chart while heā€™s visiting here and let it boost you toward your goals. Mars can be volatile though, especially when met with opposition or competition, so pay attention to where your ego is driving you to place your energy and choose your battles wisely.

A day later on January 25th, Mercury joins up in Capricorn too and more emphasis is placed on the serious nature of this sign with Mercury here because it impacts our thought processes. Mercury in Capricorn can be very productive, but donā€™t forget that it is in retrograde so this means you will need to rethink this area of your life in order for you to meet your goals.

Finally on January 29th, Venus goes direct once more and hopefully things will have settled around the Venus issues for you by now if you had any pop up while she was retrograde. She went retrograde in December in Capricorn and was there for quite some time. So anything you have been dealing with when it comes to relationships, love and/or money will be triggered during this retrograde but by the 29th, hopefully you have done the inner work to know what it is you truly value in your life and what needs to go. This can be a tough planetary retrograde, especially when it comes to relationships so be gentle with yourself and if it comes to the point that a relationship must end, then this planetary influence can help you release it with a clear conscience and to do so with love for that is what this planet represents - how and who/what we love.

In Numerology, the year 2022 is a number 6 Universal Year - a year of service, duty, responsibility, the home, family and domestic life. That will be the theme throughout the year and will be emphasized in September. January is a number 7 Universal Month - this calls for us to go within. The 7 is a very spiritual number and it requires time for quiet reflection. This month is a good time for doing just that - reflecting on our lives, on what we value and on whatā€™s most important for us to focus upon in order for us to achieve our future goals. On a personal level, this monthā€™s 7 energy can be utilized to help us go within, find inner wisdom and to rethink our personal pathways. On a global scale, this can play out as a time of information coming to the surface, of specialists and experts sharing their insights and many of us reflecting on the future of this planet and of humanity. So I encourage you to keep your thoughts positive and your eyes on the things that are working and wanted in your life and for the world because that is whatā€™s going to help attract more of it!

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Donā€™t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and Iā€™ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I sincerely hope the year ahead for you is a good one and I wish for you all a very blessed new year!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


What does the year ahead look like for you? In this special reading, I take a look at your astrology and your numerology followed up with a clairvoyant card reading to see the likely events coming up for you in each area of your life and of course, advice on how you can make the best of the year ahead! Get this special 60 minute reading this month for only $75 using the coupon code: YEAR2022 upon check out.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others donā€™t quite get you. If you donā€™t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and Iā€™ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 8,9 Challenging: 23,24

TAURUS: Rewarding: 10, 11, 12 Challenging: 25,26

GEMINI: Rewarding: 13, 14 Challenging: 27,28

CANCER: Rewarding: 15, 16, 17 Challenging: 2,3,29,30

LEO: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 4,5

VIRGO: Rewarding: 20, 21, 22 Challenging: 6,7

LIBRA: Rewarding: 23, 24 Challenging: 8,9

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 25, 26 Challenging: 10,11,12

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 27, 28 Challenging: 13,14

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 2, 3, 29, 30 Challenging: 15,16,17

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 4,5 Challenging: 18,19

PISCES: Rewarding: 6,7 Challenging: 20,21,22

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