Subject: Astrological Forecast for December 2021⭐🎄🔮

December 2021 Monthly Forecast

We start the month of December off with Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams and psychic visions turning direct on December 1. What does this mean? Literally it means that from our perspective on earth, it appears that the planet is moving forward once more through our zodiac. Currently it is in the sign of Pisces, the sign Neptune rules in modern astrology. For most people, when the outer planets such as Neptune go retrograde and then turn around and turn direct again, it’s hardly a noticeable thing. However if Neptune is a personal planet in your chart or if it’s hitting a particular placement in your chart, then you might notice this direct motion. You might feel things beginning to shift for you on a deeper level, Neptune asks us to take a spiritual approach. Or you may discover deception and break some illusions, Neptune rules both. Or you may feel an increasing need to develop your intuition or have increased psychic visions. Or you might suddenly get a new burst of inspiration in an area of your life that has been calling you to rise above the pettiness and reach for what truly matters.

On a grand scale, I see this playing out in a couple of ways throughout the month especially in light of the other astrological occurrences going on. Namely, the new moon solar eclipse coming on Friday the 3rd of December at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. This particular eclipse carries a punch and interestingly enough, this is the last eclipse in Sagittarius until 2029! In Sagittarius, we are being asked to expand ourselves in new and pioneering ways. Eclipses often act as catalysts for change and this one is being accompanied by a conjunction to Mercury, a square to Neptune and a trine to Chiron. On the world stage, this could be something that brings big change for us, especially as we usher in the year 2022. Combining all those pieces, I see this eclipse playing out like so: One is the arrival of news (Mercury) that speaks of truth or big new discoveries (Sagittarius) which break illusions or expose lies (Neptune) in order to facilitate healing (Chiron). We’ll have to see what the next 6 months will bring on that one as eclipses usually have an impact for that long.

On a personal level, it will depend on your chart but for the most part, you can use this energy to help you make big changes in your life and set yourself on a new course! Sagittarius is a very optimistic sign. One that seeks adventure, knowledge, truth and the living of big dreams! To see how this might affect your chart, look to see where 12 degrees of Sagittarius falls in your chart. If you need some help, book your appointment with me and I’ll be happy to help you. And if you want to come celebrate this new moon and the holiday season, please join us for our Winter Holiday Party this Friday, December 3rd at 6 pm! This is going to be our New Moon Meditation as well, so come for that and stay for the party if you like. Read more about it here. I hope to see you there. Brandon and I appreciate your support and participation!

The next significant thing I noticed for December is Mercury entering the sign of Capricorn on December 13th. As Mercury moves into Capricorn, our minds are typically more focused on producing results, on long term goals and on taking care of our responsibilities. This is an excellent time for bringing in a little structure and routine into your life, for making plans and for investing in your future. However it’s not the best time for intimate conversations or even heartfelt ones. Oftentimes, with Capricorn, it’s not personal, it’s business and that’s sort of the approach we need to take when Mercury is here.

On Saturday, the 18th we have a Full Moon in Gemini at 27 degrees. Gemini Full Moons can bring a lot of activity to our lives! This is a very busy sign and when the Moon is here, we are often inundated with information. With the Sun illuminating things over in the sign of Sagittarius, the opposite of Gemini, we are seeing the communicating of information that can challenge our beliefs and question what is true. If you have any planets or angles at or around 27 degrees of the mutable signs, you might be feeling this one more than most. The mutable signs are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Join us that night for a guided Full Moon meditation to help release anything that might be weighing you down and utilize the social energy of Gemini to get out of the house and meet some new folks! I hope to see you there!

We have two planetary shifts happening on December 19th. We have Chiron going retrograde in the sign of Aries and because this is such an outer influence, most people won’t feel this. But if you have something at 8 degrees of the cardinal signs in your chart, you might. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” in modern astrology and his presence in our chart will represent where we hold our deepest soul wounds. Some believe that these are typically carried over from past life influences. However the thing with Chiron is that he holds a gift within his wound, this is where the healing comes in. If we are willing to face and deal with our soul traumas, we heal at the deepest level and we are then able to share our wisdom with others. If you want help finding where Chiron is in your chart, contact me and I’ll look it up for you!

Also happening on December 19th, is a Venus Retrograde. She is doing this in the sign of Capricorn at 26 degrees. Venus goes retrograde every couple of years or so and when she does, we often see some shifts happening in both our personal lives as well as on the world stage as it makes certain aspects with other planetary objects. In modern astrology, Venus represents our desires and what we value the most. Venus rules finances, possessions and material goods as well as our love lives and our relationships with others (among other things). So when she appears to be moving backwards in the sky (i.e. goes retrograde), we are often directed to place our focus on either or both of those areas of our lives. This can sometimes act as a catalyst, depending on your chart. Often we find that we are faced with reconsidering what is valuable to us with a Venus retrograde. Sometimes that’s in a dramatic way, like when I lost everything in a fire the day Venus went retrograde while it was conjunct my 8th house Pluto and trine my 12th house Jupiter. But it wasn’t all bad, that trine with Jupiter was what it was all for. This event led me to totally reevaluate what was important in my life and look for the true treasure which led me through a deep spiritual transformation and eventually a new career more in alignment with my true values (Jupiter rules my career house).

So should anything pop up for you while Venus goes direct, keep it in mind that ultimately we are here to learn and to grow and if we look for that, we will find the Light in any situation. It is important not to let the bigness of astrology and other occult practices overwhelm you. The planets do not conspire to punish us or make our lives miserable, but they move in accordance to the divine will and wisdom of the universe, from which you came and to which you are returning. The planets are here to act as teachers and motivators in order for us to grow as a soul. It’s a beautiful thing if you think about it - the solar system acting like our school for our soul growth in order for us to make our way back and ascend to the higher realms of consciousness. I love it!

On a bigger scale, Venus moving retrograde could trigger some major events in the world. Some of the keywords associated with Venus in mundane astrology are: economics, land, food, and natural resources. And some of the keywords associated with Capricorn are: government, rulers, authority, structures and traditions. This could spell some bumps in our world affairs too as Venus also rules diplomacy and retrograde usually means having to renegotiate. Could we see economic collapse? It’s been a threat ever since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018, and with Venus retrograde through Capricorn, joining up with Pluto on Christmas day, we could see something happening that changes the way we deal with our resources and our values in big way. It’s not always easy to make such predictions, so instead I like to just look at the general feel of the energies involved and prepare for that. Just don’t forget the lesson here which is to find what you truly value and drop anything that doesn’t serve you or your future.

On December 21, the Winter Solstice, the Sun enters the last cardinal sign of the zodiac, Capricorn and heralds the start of winter. As the Sun is in Capricorn, we tend to approach things in a more stoic and serious manner, making it easy to go after our goals and make our plans for the future. However, we can sometimes neglect the people in our lives in the process, so just be sure that you don’t lose sight of that while the Sun is here and you can make the most of it. Look to see which house is ruled by Capricorn in your life to see which area is highlighted for you until January 19th when the Sun leaves Capricorn.

We end the month with Jupiter entering the sign of Pisces on December 28th. It made a short visit here earlier in May of this year before it went retrograde back through Aquarius. This time however, it’s staying in Pisces until May of 2023. With Jupiter in Pisces there is a tendency to become rather zealous and dogmatic in our beliefs, judging those who do not see things our way as wrong, sinful or downright evil. There is a risk of strongly held beliefs being pushed upon us or of institutions forcing their ways upon the people, where if someone should step out of line with the official narrative, there will be Orwellian consequences straight out of his novel 1984. That’s one possibility, but let us instead focus on the positive side of this where Jupiter’s optimism and straight shooting approach to life can have an uplifting influence upon planet Earth, pushing us instead toward our spiritual goals and Utopian ideals (Pisces). With Saturn currently in Aquarius, this is possible as we are becoming more and more aware of the need to work together as a collective, rather than as institutions.

In numerology, December is a number 8 universal month - the number of money and finances, power structures, government, and authority. On a world level, we are likely to see issues dealing with these themes and it contributes greatly to the Venus retrograde theme too, doesn’t it? On a personal level, this is a good month for getting your finances in order, for making long term plans and for watching your wallet. It’s easy to overextend ourselves in a number 8 month, but this will impact you differently depending on your own personal numerology. For more insight on that, come see me. One thing I want to point out with the number 8 month though is the need for us to step into our own authority, to claim our sovereignty and to take back our power in our personal lives as well as a collective. We must remember that we are stronger together and those who would rather see us dependent upon the system don’t want us united.

I encourage you to keep that in mind as the need for us to unite as a collective against the tyranny we are seeing in the world becomes even more intensified as we move into the new year. Not sure what I’m talking about? Look into what is going on in Australia, but don’t stop at the mainstream news. Dig deeper, for the revolution will not be televised.

And in your personal life, I advise that you do your best to overlook the small, petty things and instead, keep your focus on the big picture and on the type of world we are capable of creating if we learn to work together. Jupiter in Pisces asks us to have faith and to believe in a better tomorrow, despite the illusions that can make us question that faith. We are all on a path of Ascension for that is the natural order of all things in this universe. So trust in your heart, have faith in a brighter future and most of all, follow your bliss. For it is through our joy that we discover our natural ability to create the kind of lives we truly want for ourselves and ultimately the type of planet we wish to live upon. In the end, it’s all vibrations, so tune yourself to the frequency of your joy and watch what unfolds before you. It sure worked for me!

Happy Holidays!


The Laughing Gypsy


What does the year ahead look like for you? In this special reading, I take a look at your astrology and your numerology followed up with a clairvoyant card reading to see the likely events coming up for you in each area of your life and of course, advice on how you can make the best of the year ahead! Get this special 60 minute reading this month for only $75 using the coupon code: YEAR2022 upon check out.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 12,13. Challenging 26,27,28

TAURUS: Rewarding 14, 15. Challenging 1,2,29,30

GEMINI: Rewarding 16,17,18. Challenging 3,4,31

CANCER: Rewarding 19,20,21. Challenging 5,6

LEO: Rewarding 22,23. Challenging 7,8

VIRGO: Rewarding 24,25. Challenging 9.10,11

LIBRA: Rewarding 26,27,28. Challenging 12,13

SCORPIO: Rewarding 1,2,29,30. Challenging 14,15

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 3,4,31. Challenging 16,17,18

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 5,6. Challenging 19,20,21

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 7,8. Challenging 22,23

PISCES: Rewarding 9,10,11. Challenging 24,25


Come celebrate the season with us! First join us for a guided meditation followed by games and socializing over snacks and beverages. Join in the scavenger hunt and have a chance to win a $25 or $10 Gift Card for our boutique!

Please bring a dollar tree gift (or an item worth $1) to join in the games. And feel free to bring a snack, baked good or potluck item (with ingredients list for food allergies) for others to enjoy!

Get to know your local metaphysical community, remove negativity and make new friends, plus enjoy a special 20% off all store merchandise to help you prepare for the holidays!

I sure hope to see you there!


Dec 03, 6:15 PM – 8:15 PM PST

Laughing Gypsy Psychic Boutique, 2326 Wheaton Way, Suite 140, Bremerton, WA 98310

Event is free, but seating is limited so RSVP is required. Donations accepted. Ages 16 and up.

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