Subject: Astrological Forecast for August 2021 ☀️🌛🔮

August 2021 Astrological Forecast

Hello! It's another hot month!

So we start the month off kind of slow, planetary wise, until a few days before the New Moon when things pick up! On August 8th, we have the New Moon in Leo at 16 degrees and it’s making interesting aspects to both Chiron and Uranus. This is also happening during the Lion’s Gate, a time of a powerful cosmic alignment that brings in higher light frequencies from the cosmos. Leo New Moons are typically a bit showy and can sometimes be loud as it demands attention. The Lion’s Gate encourages opening our hearts and being more open to love. If we have any blockages to that, this New Moon could help remove them - sometimes dramatically. Chiron represents our old wounds and the need to heal and learn from them so that we can help and teach others with our new understanding. Uranus represents our need to break limitations, our need for change and our need for freedom!

On a global scale, I can’t help but interpret this to mean that we are going to see a lot more protests around the world in regards to the new limitations being proposed by those in authority right now. I’m also seeing a resurgence of alternative healing modalities as we see the impact of the choices people have made over the past year in regards to their personal health care play out. One thing I admire about the influence of Chiron is that, although painful, its lesson is always rewarding and far-reaching as we are led to teach from our experience and with Uranus involved, we are sure to see never before seen solutions coming to the forefront.

On a personal level, I see it possibly playing out as an emotional display of our need for our personal freedom! I see people embracing the fiery spirit of Leo and dropping the shackles in their personal lives in order to make way for healing and a better way of life. If you are true to your heart, then you will know what to do but if you ignore your heart, then this is where the drama may come out in unexpected ways. The Moon represents our emotional responses and our subconscious mind so if you’ve been ignoring your feelings, the New Moon could act as a catalyst for you to wake up to how you really feel about something. Pay attention early on and you can avoid unnecessary drama and instead open up your heart to more love.

Mercury enters Virgo on August 11th and we can all get to work now! This is great energy for organizing things in your life so if you’ve got some things to sort through, now’s the time. This is also a fantastic time for analyzing data and making logical decisions. Mercury rules the mind and it rules Virgo (as well as Gemini) so it really excels here. The only drawback is that sometimes it’s a challenge to shut off the mind. I recommend ending the day with some relaxing activities such as a Zen garden or a jigsaw puzzle to calm that active mind down before bed. Mercury will be here until August 29th.

Venus enters Libra on August 15th and we can all stand to bring a little more beauty and harmony into our lives with this planetary influence. This is a good time for buying nice things for yourself or your environment. It’s also a great time for enjoying art and music. Venus is at home in her own sign of Libra and when she is here, we can see our relationships and the need to get along with others become our focus. This is good socializing energy too so if you want to have a summer get-together, this is a great time for it! Venus will be here until September 10th.

Uranus goes retrograde on August 19th. Typically when the outer planets go retrograde, we don’t feel it as much (unless it’s hitting a personal point in our charts) because the outer planets go retrograde quite often. However, this time Uranus will be making more squares to Saturn as it does so and we’ve been under this influence pretty much all year long. In our personal lives, the retrograde can sometimes put a damper on our motivations to go after our own goals. On a global scale, this could see some more moves from the government to impose restrictions and possibly more pushback from the people who have had enough. This could also bring some shocking and revealing information as Uranus is the planet of shocks and surprises.

On August 22nd, we have the Full Moon in Aquarius for the second time this year but we will probably feel the build up to this a couple of days prior. This time it’s happening at the last degree of Aquarius; 29 degrees and 37 minutes. Is the degree significant? Sometimes and for me, this one feels like it’s one of those times when it is. You see the 29th degree, also known as the Anaretic degree in astrology, holds a certain karmic energy to it. Some say that it denotes karmic baggage that a person brings with them in a natal chart. Others say that it means the soul came in with a karmic mission. In either case, there is always a restless sense of urgency with the 29th degree and with the Full Moon in the rebellious sign of Aquarius - this could be a doozy! I see this Moon playing out as some sort of karmic retribution on a global level as it’s conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. I see the whole planet crying out for change and personal freedoms and this could also bring out some shocking behavior as Aquarius also likes to shock people.

A few hours later on August 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo and the energy shifts once more as we welcome in the more down to earth and practical minded energy of this earth sign. While the Sun is here, it is time to get to work and get your ducks in a row. This is also good energy for doing preventive maintenance work, wrapping up summer projects and preparing for the new season to come.

On August 29th, Mercury enters Libra and we will have plenty of time to settle into this as it will be in Libra until November 6th! That’s because Mercury Retrograde through Libra is coming in September. While Mercury is in Libra, our communications focus on relating with others with fairness and equality. Diplomacy is the name of the game with this and while it is retrograde, we will be challenged to be fair and equal in our communications as well as open to compromise. The mind is very active with this energy as it considers all angles to things and weighs every option before it can decide on something. Be sure to take some time to meditate during this or at the very least, engage in relaxing, creative projects such as crafting, painting or drawing to help give the mind a break from thinking so much!

In numerology, August is a number 4 universal month. The number 4 is a hard worker, it’s the planner and the manager. For an energy to work with, this is a great time for setting goals for the future, for building things to last and for setting down foundations for new projects. Number 4 struggles to have fun though so be sure to balance all that work with some play otherwise your cranky side might show. Just be sure to take some time for yourself every now and then and you should be fine.

Overall, August 2021 looks to bring in some changes due to all that Uranus/Aquarius energy happening this year and with that Full Moon, I’m sure we’re going to see something big! Hang on to your hats, more surprises are coming, but I see this as a good thing in the long run. Don’t let what you see on the internet frighten you, listen to your intuition and follow your emotional guidance to know how to navigate through these crazy times.

One thing I can tell you from what I have learned is that we are all here on purpose, nothing is random and we all wanted to be here during this crazy time, believe it or not! So trust that you are being guided by that part of your soul that knows what’s best for you - because you are! You know this because it speaks to you through your heart so just listen in and you’ll know what to do. And if you need a little help, don’t forget I’m also a life coach and I’m here for you if you need me.

On a more personal note, I am right in the middle of moving my new office over and setting up my new boutique! I will only do online readings the first week of August but I hope to have my doors open by the Lion’s Gate because I just love the symbolism and I’m a sucker for that sort of thing. For those of you not local, I do plan on having an online store eventually, stay tuned!

For now, I wish you all the very best and as always, may the stars guide you.



The Laughing Gypsy

ANNOUNCEMENT: With the opening up of my new shop, this is the best time for me to announce my new price rates. My rates are now $25 for every 15 minutes. I also offer a new service Monthly Personal Horoscope which is one 90 minute session once a month where I do your personalized horoscope, give you a psychic reading and offer guidance on how to make the best of the month. I also have new student rates for those who are interested. Check out my website for details.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 25,26. Challenging 12,13

TAURUS: Rewarding 1,27,28,29. Challenging 14,15

GEMINI: Rewarding 2,3,4,30,31. Challenging 16,17

CANCER: Rewarding 5,6. Challenging 18,19

LEO: Rewarding 7,8. Challenging 20,21

VIRGO: Rewarding 9,10,11. Challenging 22,23,24

LIBRA: Rewarding 12,13. Challenging 25,26

SCORPIO: Rewarding 14,15. Challenging 1,27,28,29

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 16,17. Challenging 2,3,4,30,31

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 18,19. Challenging 5,6

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 20,21. Challenging 7,8

PISCES: Rewarding 22,23,24. Challenging 9,10,11

AUGUST READING SPECIAL - Health Reading $100

How’s your physical health? Does your body have messages for you? What can you do to improve your health? This reading will answer these questions and more as we explore your physical health and the link to your emotional wellbeing. Get this special 90 minute reading for only $100 this month with coupon code: HEALTHY21.

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