Subject: Astrological Forecast September 2022 ⭐🔮🌜

September 2022 Astrological Forecast

Hello! Are you ready to get serious? This month we are tasked to get down to business, to get practical and to get organized. This month carries with it the energy of duty and responsibility and adjusting to the sweeping changes many of us find ourselves in. The conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the Moon Nodes last month was a catalytic event for some of us and we may find ourselves adjusting to the wake up, shake up or break up energy of this astrological configuration this month! This was to break us free of stagnation and to move us forward towards the growth we’ve been asking for. We’ve most likely felt the need to make major changes, but we might have been reluctant or fearful to make the changes ourselves and therefore, the planets helped us along with that. Whether we wanted it or not.

Venus enters Virgo September 4th. We start the month off with Venus, the planet of love, money and desire moving into the practical and down to earth sign of Virgo. This slows down our passions a bit from the fiery energy of Leo and puts us in a more serious but warm mood when it comes to Venus issues. This is a great time for tending to your garden, your health and your schedule. The Virgo Sun also encourages us to get more organized and take care of the day to day things that help our lives run smoother. Venus is only here for a short while as she will enter Libra on September 30th and the energy becomes more sociable, superficial and geared towards partnerships. So use this month to get things sorted out and organized in your life. You’ll find that things run a whole lot smoother.

The big news this month is that Mercury goes retrograde on September 9th. He will start off in the sign of Libra then move backwards into Virgo again on September 23rd. He will go forward again on October 2nd and enter Libra once more on October 10th. While Mercury is retrograde, we can expect communications to be challenged and it may be difficult getting things in working order. We might find that finding the right words is challenging or we might find that our words are quite angry (Mars is still in Gemini). We might find that we have to make many adjustments and do some fine tuning before our lives seem to be working smoothly again. This is an excellent time for repairs, renovations or redoing anything that needs tweaking. Practice patience during this time, and it might be a good idea to get your car tuned or do any other type of preventative maintenance. This is not the ideal time for traveling if you can help it and make sure you make backup plans as Mercury retrograde has a way of creating the need for flexibility!

There is a Full Moon in Pisces on September 10th at 17 degrees of Pisces. This can be a manifesting Moon. If you took advantage of the last Virgo New Moon, you just might see results coming in with the Pisces Full Moon. This can be an emotional moon, so do be sure to take time for yourself and get connected to your spirituality. Pisces is a very spiritual sign when using its highest expression and it denotes the need for compassion for a very hurting world. This would be an excellent moon for doing dream work, astral travel or spirit communication! Join us that night for Full Moon Meditation and release your blockages!

On September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra and the energy shifts to be more aware of others. This is a time for compromise, when our relationships become more of a focus and when our thoughts might turn towards finding harmony with others and balance in our personal lives. Use this time to beautify your home, your body or your work environment, especially going into the first three weeks of October as Venus will also be in Libra at this time. This is a great time in general for negotiations too, but much will depend on your personal chart and what Mercury is up to in it. Come see me for an appointment to learn about yours!

We have a Libra New Moon on September 25th at 2 degrees of Libra. And speaking of relationships, this is an excellent time for having those not so easy talks with others as Libra is all about relating with others. Set your intentions to create more harmony and balance in your life with this New Moon. Join us the night before on Saturday, September 24th for our New Moon Meditation!

On September 29th, Venus enters her own sign of Libra and the focus becomes more about other people in our lives as we feel the energy shift from Virgo. Venus in Libra isn’t necessarily deep or introspective, but it does look for harmony, love, romance and blesses relationships of all kinds. Venus will be here until October 23rd. Take advantage of this time to have tough talks with others, to ask for raises and make business deals.

The month of September 2022 in numerology is a number 6 Universal month. Keywords are: family, home, duty, responsibility, service, harmony and beauty. This is an energy that speaks of many things but I associate it a lot with the qualities of both Cancer and Virgo as it is a number that requires nurturing and service of some sort. Whether it’s taking care of your home, family and loved ones or if it’s taking care of your employees, friends or the public, this number wants us to serve with love and kindness. At its heart, the 6 desires peace, harmony and emotional security and that is the motivating factor behind the work that it requires.

This month, especially with Virgo Sun and Venus energy, it’s a time for taking care of business, getting organized and taking care of practical things so that we can manage our everyday lives. I encourage you not to get too involved in what the world is going on about if it drains you. It's too easy to get caught up in misinformation and to make assumptions. Things are very convoluted right now and they will make more sense once the dust settles. Politics and governmental structure is a real nightmare around the world and things will be sorted out in time. Just do your best to be kind, no matter what you believe and I think we can find a way for people to harmonize one way or another.

Right now, the old structures in our world are crumbling and it's going to seem pretty scary if you look at it with only one perspective. Just know that in order for a new world to emerge, we first need to see the old one go down. That’s not going to be an overnight process. Stay grounded, know your priorities and stay connected with your Higher Self to get the guidance you need to navigate through this. If you need me, I’m here to help translate what Spirit has to say. Book your appointment with me and we’ll see what your spirit guides have for you! I hope you have a wonderful month and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy

Class and Event Announcements


Join us, Monday, October 24th for our Halloween costume party and potluck! Come in costume, bring a dish and join in the fun! There will be food, drinks, games, prizes ans special treats. Open to all ages! I hope you can make it! RSVP here


Join me every Friday for instruction and practice designed to help you improve your psychic abilities and connect with your spirit guides! This is a drop in/drop out type of class, come to whichever ones you please. Fridays at 4 pm. $25 per class. Ages 16 and up. No RSVP required.


Are you ready to take your magick to the next level? Are you already familiar with the basics of the Craft but you’re looking for something more? Then this class might be what you are looking for! This class is for those who are already learning and practicing magick on their own but would like additional guidance, support and instruction. Designed to be more of a support and learning group, this class is for those looking to take their practice to the next level. We will work with intermediate and advanced magick topics and practices such as: shadow working, astral travel, spirit communication, servitors and tulpas, ritual workings, elemental magick and much, much, more! This class is geared toward solitary practitioners and is non-denominational, all life affirming faiths are welcome. All participants must be a graduate of my Witch School Level I or pass a short entrance exam to ensure eligibility. Class times are yet TBD. If you are interested, please RSVP here and I will be in touch!


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 11,12 Challenging: 26,27

TAURUS: Rewarding: 13,14,15 Challenging: 1,2,28,29

GEMINI: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 3,4,30

CANCER: Rewarding: 18,19, 20 Challenging: 5,6

LEO: Rewarding: 21,22 Challenging: 7,8

VIRGO: Rewarding: 23,24,25 Challenging: 9,10

LIBRA: Rewarding: 26,27 Challenging: 11,12

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 1,2,28,29 Challenging: 13,14,15

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 3,4,30 Challenging: 16,17

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 5,6 Challenging: 18,19,20

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 21,22

PISCES: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 23,24,25

This month’s featured product - Boho Beaded Rhinestone Pendants!

A fashionable way to welcome in the Fall Season! These fun beaded chain necklaces are made of rhinestone, braided rope and alloy material. They are reliable, sturdy, lightweight and delicate, skin-friendly and safe to use. The material does not fade or break easily, they are sure to be with you for a long while! On sale now for only $18. Come check them out!

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