Subject: Are you Ready for the Full Moon Eclipse? 🌞🌑⭐


There’s a Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse right around the corner, can you feel it yet? This is a big one and it packs quite the punch! This is happening at 5 degrees Sagittarius so anyone with personal placements in the first few degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and in the last few degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will most likely feel the impact of this more than others. But everyone is gonna feel this one because not only is this a full moon, this is a super moon meaning that it's closer to the earth and its emotional impact is greater. And not only is it a super moon, it’s an eclipse which is powerful but not only is it an eclipse, it’s a total eclipse! This is a major catalytic change, this is life changing, this is paradigm shifting energy which you can use to make changes in your life!

Eclipses have a powerful energy behind them which can act as a sort of spiritual reboot in our lives. They have a way of jumping us forward toward our destiny but if you’ve got expired stuff you’ve been hanging on to, this will make the jump forward more challenging. This one coming up on May 26th has to do with our personal truth, belief systems and paradigm shifts. It also has a powerful shape shifting energy behind it, giving us the metaphysical help to adapt to change. Sagittarius is about creative vision and with its ruler Jupiter currently in the sign of Pisces, the advice here is to take on a higher perspective and use your creative vision to manifest a peaceful and happy world for all of us. So use the energy of this eclipse to release the old and then make way for the new with the New Moon Solar Eclipse coming up on June 10th! 

For locals, I’ll be conducting a guided meditation on both of these eclipses if you care to join me. I have a few seats left, but registration is required so go here to register. If you provide me with your birth data too, I will also tell you your personal horoscope for each moon phase.

If you can’t join me, be sure that you are using this time to help yourself release old stuff and make way for new things. I have an easy Full Moon Releasing Ritual right here if you need help on how to do that. Be open to change and use your higher self's vision to help manifest a more peaceful and loving world for yourself and others. Together we can do it, I believe that.

Stay grounded,


The Laughing Gypsy

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