Subject: April 2023 Forecast ⭐🌷🔮

April 2023 Forecast

TAROT (Fantastical Creatures Tarot)

This month I decided to add a single tarot card reading to my monthly forecast. This is the theme of the month that I’m tapping into. The card I pulled for this month was the Eight of Cups. In combination with numerology and astrology, I feel that the main theme this month is making uncomfortable changes in order to restore balance. The Eight of Cups is a card about letting go and moving on even though it may be painful to do so. Oftentimes it means that we must take a spiritual quest, to take an inner retreat to go within and contemplate our deepest emotions. This card shows up when someone is feeling disappointed and is ready to find better things. 

In the stars this month, we’ve got a Solar Eclipse and Mercury goes retrograde. During the retrograde period, I always advise that people remember the “re” prefix and focus on things of that nature. Such as: repair, redo, rewrite, renew, revise, remove, etc. Mercury retrograde favors the “re” prefix and any endeavor undertaken with that in mind will benefit during this time. Things tend to go awry during Mercury retrograde so plan ahead and have backup plans. If you find you must travel during this time, it is wise to prepare for delays and mechanical failures. Keep these things in mind and practice patience, and you should get through it just fine.

So this month, there is definitely a need to get grounded, to go within and a need to rethink our plans. I see the Eight of Cups reflecting the need for us as a collective to move on from the darkness in the world in order to find better things for the planet. Although it’s painful to walk away from something we’ve invested a lot of time into (our worldview, perhaps?), it’s time for change. I think it’s about time we made some big changes in the world at large that supports a quest for more spiritual understanding.   


We start the month off in the solar energy of Aries, encouraging us to be brave and bold and to make fresh starts but the other planets want us to slow down and think about things first this can sometimes create a frustrated feeling of impatience. 

Mercury enters Taurus on April 3 and will remain in Taurus until June 11th due to the retrograde happening at the end of the month! While Mercury is in Taurus, we might feel a shift in our communications and our focus as we slow down with the earthy energy of Taurus. Mercury will go retrograde on April 21st at 15 degrees of Taurus and will go direct again on May 14th at 5 degrees of Taurus. Like I said, Mercury retrograde asks us to rethink, redo, rework and repair things. In Taurus, it advises us to be practical. Whether that’s expressed in the material or non-material will depend on the individual. Look to see what house is ruled by Taurus in your chart to get a better idea on how this might affect you personally. For help on this, make an appointment with me and I’ll be happy to interpret it for you.

We have a Full Moon in Libra on April 5th. This is happening at 16 degrees of Libra. With a Full Moon in the sign of relationships, most significantly partnerships, some of us might be feeling the tension in our personal lives with this one. Libra seeks fairness and balance, especially in our partnerships with others. Should there be an imbalance, a Full Moon can bring attention to any issues creating disharmony in a relationship. This isn’t necessarily a romantic relationship, but any sort of relationship where equality is needed can be highlighted with this planetary energy. This is also a good time for taking an honest look at yourself to see if there is any imbalance in your life and how you can rectify it.

Join us for the Full Moon meditation on Thursday, April 6th for a free guided meditation, snacks and socializing! RSVP here.

On April 10th, Venus enters Gemini until May 7th. While Venus is in Gemini, our desires tend to take on a more whimsical and changeable quality as Gemini loves to try all the things! This can be a fun energy when you don’t want to be serious and just want to have some fun flirting with things that make your heart happy. You might feel inspired to engage in more light hearted activities and artistic expression. Just don’t expect your devotion to last, Gemini is too fickle to stay with one thing for long.   

On April 19th, we have our second New Moon in Aries this year! This time it’s at 29 degrees of Aries. Last month’s New Moon in Aries was at 0 degrees of Aries. From 0 to 29 is the full 30 degree spectrum of any sign and personally I feel that this is a significant period! Not only do we have this amazing enterprising energy of the Aries New Moon, but it’s also a Solar Eclipse! I read this as a sort of Cosmic Reset as we break new ground with the energy of Aries leading us into the New Earth. Raise your vibes, drop the petty, unnecessary stuff and embrace your right to create joy simply with your decision to do so! What a powerful time to make changes in our personal lives! 

Join us for the New Moon meditation on Thursday, April 20th for a free guided meditation, snacks and socializing! RSVP here. 

On April 20th, the Sun enters Taurus. As the Sun is here, we can make use of this time by getting grounded in nature and getting back into our bodies. Taurus reminds us to slow down, be present and to enjoy the finer things this material plane has to offer. As the flower buds begin to bloom, Taurus reminds us that there is an abundance of new life emerging from the coldness of the past winter season and it’s with hard work, dedication and consistency that we will enjoy the fruits of our labor in the months to come. This is an excellent time to work in the garden, nurturing your soul with the restorative energies of Mother Earth. Even if you can’t do that, then at least enjoy some plant energy by going outside and spending some time in nature. Our energies shift when we’re surrounded by nature. Our electromagnetic fields literally fix themselves when we stand barefoot upon the ground. I encourage you to go get some earth between your fingers or toes this season, your body will thank you for it!   


In Numerology, April is a universal number 2 month. This is a time for cooperation, partnership and finding harmony and balance. With the number 7 energy of the year carrying us, we just might be rethinking the spiritual balance in our lives. Or we might be struggling with the need to balance our personal and our professional lives. Or we may be dealing with the need to find balance between our needs and other people’s needs. Or we might be challenged to get out of our comfort zone of isolation by the need to cooperate and work with others. Whatever the case might be for you, I encourage you to seek harmony and balance in all areas of your life. Because when we let it go for too long, the universe has a way of forcing us to find it, whether we like it or not! 

Overall this month I advise slowing down and getting into your body more. Find time to appreciate the little things in your life, this can really make a difference in your vibration for when we appreciate things, the universe has a tendency to bring us more things to appreciate! It’s all in the word itself. To appreciate something is to add a price to or to increase the value of something. So when you appreciate someone or something, you are increasing its value to you. When something is valuable to us, we want to take care of it and honor it. When you increase its value to the universe, the universe adds to it too and you soon find that you have more things to appreciate! It’s a wonderful snowball effect that happens thanks to the Law of Attraction. 

Of course, the reverse is true too. If you complain about everything and you only focus on what is not valuable to you, then the universe brings you more of that too! So at the very least, just care about how you feel so that you don’t allow yourself to stay grumpy and attract more things to complain about! And if you want to feel better, then start appreciating things. It’s simple but it’s not easy. Especially if you’ve lived your life being negatively focused under the guise of being realistic, but I encourage you to have a little faith in yourself and in the universe. Prove this to yourself by taking the 30 day challenge of starting your day with a 5 to 10 minutes focused meditation on appreciating everything going well for you. See what differences come from just this little bit of focus. I promise you, you won’t regret it. 

If you want help on raising your vibes and getting happier, then book your appointment with me. I’m a certified life coach and I rescued myself from a 30 year depression without drugs or therapy. I know what a battle it can be and you don’t have to be at war with yourself. 

I hope the month treats you well. Brandon and I are looking forward to the warmer weather! We’ve been busy finding new and fun things for our little shop. Be sure to come in and check out our newest collection of crystals! Crystals are a wonderful and easy way to raise your vibes, work with energy and to open yourself up to new spiritual insights. I hope you take advantage of the renewed energies coming at us this month with the Solar Eclipse and I hope to see you soon at one of our moon meditations! 

May the stars guide you,


The Laughing Gypsy


This month we are getting hands-on practice with the energy healing techniques we learned last month. Don’t worry if you missed last month, you can still participate and even receive healing from your fellow classmates. We will be covering clairvoyance and clairvoyant healing more extensively throughout the classes. 

Psychic Class is held every Friday at 4 pm. It runs from 60 to 90 minutes. All levels are welcome. Drop in/Drop out. Cost is $25 per class. No need to register, just show up!

Check the psychic and paranormal board on the forums for updates. And if you have a mobile device, be sure to visit my website to download my Wix app! That way you can stay informed on all classes and events.

Hope to see you there!


Are you curious what’s going on with your pet? Don’t worry, you don’t need to bring them in. Just bring me a photo and/or a collar or toy and I can tune into your pet’s energy. And if they are in need of healing, I’ll add that too with the aid of the guides and angels! Typical psychic pet readings are anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. Use coupon code: PETPSYCHIC23 to save $20 off any psychic pet reading booked through April 1 - April 30, 2023 with proper coupon code.


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding: 18,19 Challenging: 4,5,6 

TAURUS: Rewarding: 20,21  Challenging: 7,8

GEMINI: Rewarding: 22,23 Challenging: 9,10

CANCER: Rewarding: 24,25,26 Challenging: 11,12,13 

LEO: Rewarding: 1, 27,28 Challenging: 14,15

VIRGO: Rewarding: 2,3,29,30 Challenging: 16,17

LIBRA: Rewarding: 4,5,6 Challenging: 18,19

SCORPIO: Rewarding: 7,8 Challenging: 20,21 

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding: 9,10 Challenging: 22,23 

CAPRICORN: Rewarding: 11,12, 13 Challenging: 24,25,26 

AQUARIUS: Rewarding: 14,15 Challenging: 1,27,28

PISCES: Rewarding: 16,17 Challenging: 2,3,29,30

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