Subject: A Special Announcement and Upcoming Rate Changes 🔮⭐

Hello. Something interesting has been happening to me these past few months and some of you are already aware, but I wanted to take the time to announce it officially once I felt ready. I’m ready.

You see, in the past few months, I have been experiencing an increase in my mediumship ability (the ability to communicate with spirits) and it has become evident to me that this is a service I am now ready to provide on a regular basis. Mediumship allows me to converse with a deceased loved one, a spirit guide or anyone else you wish to contact. There are stipulations to this and I do ask that you familiarize yourself with my FAQs before booking. This service does require a lot more from me energetically but I am thrilled to offer it as another service!

In light of that, I have decided that it is time for me to increase my rates. I have stayed at a consistent rate for a few years now, but with the emergence of this new ability and with the current economic state, I feel that it is a necessary thing now. Starting on November 1, 2022 my new rates will be $160 an hour. Student rates will continue to be 50% of my usual rate. And I still also sometimes accept trade, so don’t be afraid to speak up!

I know that everyone and their mother is also increasing the prices of things and this is just another thing to add to the pot, but I appreciate your understanding and your support in adding my new ability to my list of services. As a special thank you, everyone receiving this email announcement may use this one time coupon code to receive $20 off your next reading. Use this coupon code on your reading of 30 minutes or longer: 20MEDIUM22.

Thank you and I look forward to reading for you one day!


The Laughing Gypsy

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