Subject: Friend, The 1st Quarter is almost over. How'd it Go?

Hey Friend,

The first quarter is almost over!

My goal for the first quarter was not to be LOUD, but be CONSISTENT. Most entrepreneurs hit the ground running giving all you got in the first two -three months of the year and by summer, they fizzle out. That has been the way I've moved most of my career.

In the last three years, life has caused me to intentionally ease into the new year. That doesn't mean don't show up, and don't go after opportunities, it means thats its important for you to determine you pace and establish a pace that you can keep up with ALL YEAR LONG!

My business tip for you this year is to PACE yourself to ensure that you're consistent!

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If you're ready engage with our complimentary active online community where we you'll receive exclusive teachings from Keandra and her friends, you’ll be amongst the first to know about all upcoming events and services, access to challenges, pop-in lives and more.

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Congratulations to our client Jenifer Breaux on her recurring Travel Feature of Tampa's Own Great Day Live!

Have you checked out Jenifers last summit " Let's Talk Travel?" Jenifer hosts several industry experts that share their genius on traveling, what to wear, where to travel and more!

Be sure to follow her @iamjeniferbreaux as she has some amazing events coming in the next few months as well

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