Subject: Friend, they want to feature you!

Include preheader text that reinforces your subject line.

Journalist are looking for you!

Friend, if you think about it. Some journalist have to curate 1-2 stories per day for 5-7 days of the week. Which means they are always looking for beneficial stories to tell. The key is determining what's beneficial to each journalist. Research and preparation takes time and are an important aspects for pitching your brand.

YES! we can pitch the journalist for you, however, it's equally important to ensure that your brand is ready for the potential influx.

Here are some things to consider when choosing an outlet to pitch

  • Why did you choose this journalist/outlet?

  • What time of conversions/outputs would you like to see from this level of visibility?

  • What do you want this outlets audience to know and remember about you?

Don't make over think and over analyze let us help you!

Remember someone needs what you have! It's time to get visible!

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