Subject: Windows of opportunity your business should take advantage of -- while you can!

Windows of opportunity your business should take advantage of -- while you can!

Getting your business going and growing again, not just surviving -- but thriving -- requires you to think, act, and transact business decisively differently than your competitors do it.

If you keep doing what everyone else does -- the way everyone else does it, your growth is limited and your profit increases can’t help but be limited symmetrical to the risk/expenses you invest.

But if you do things your competitors don’t even know about doing, using performance leverage they’ve never even thought about using, and you risk your downside so that your upside profit performance can be so significantly higher than anyone else -- you have what everyone is after in business: absolute advantage.

Here’s a few of the 21 windows of opportunity famed business growth Super Consultant, Jay Abraham, has all his private clients squarely focus on to hurtle their profit performance literally Beyond Exponential:

  1. Companies are seeking and searching for more cash flow and profit possibilities. They are open and eager to strike joint ventures, strategic alliances, power partner deals with you if you know how to structure them. 

Jay has 43 ways to do it -- none require any risk or investment on your companies’ part.

  1. Many once solid companies are weaker today due to Covid and are open to being acquired -- for no upfront investment. 

Just a profit-sharing earnings arrangement where you consolidate functions, economies of scales, overlapping buyer lists, people, IP or sales functions, distribution channels and access vehicles. 

Doing this you can create an entity overnight which can double, re-double even double again your bottom line and purchase other businesses for premiums -- on performance no one else can even fathom doing. 

  1. High level talent was displaced during Covid; many moved to entirely different jobs in different industries. But their previous relationships with high-level decision makers they serviced in their previous jobs can be mined by you for outrageous profits your competitors wouldn’t even think to go after. 

You can go on LinkedIn, find these people, contact them, prove your company is qualitative, get them to recommend you to their old contacts and -- literally in a matter of a month or less you can gain access to deals and high-end buyers you’d never be exposed to in a million years on your own.

  1. You can license higher performing processes, systems, procedures, sales approaches, advertising, marketing concepts from other companies outside your competitive field who spent a fortune perfecting and developing them and only pay for the increased profits those methods produce for you. 

You can also license out to others your successful selling, advertising, and process IP. 

One of Jay’s clients licensed a kiln drying methodology to lumberyards and made $5 million a year passively doing it. 

Another licensed their methodology for increasing the premium upgrade service to 2,000 other car washes and earned $200,000 a month passively for doing that. 

A dry cleaner licensed their marketing and advertising approaches to other dry cleaners (outside of Chicago) in their market and made almost $250,000 a month, passively.

You can go both ways with this and create enormous revenue streams which can produce recurring monster-sized passive profits for years to come.

These are just four of over 100 windows of opportunity Jay Abraham teaches his high paying, profit-sharing client companies every day. 

This, in addition to over 50 blockbuster strategies he’s devised for taking a client’s private business Beyond Exponential.

And TOMORROW -- for six nonstop hours Jay Abraham will be sharing -- for no cost to you whatsoever -- a condensed version of an all new $25,000 per person Master Course he’s about to teach in 2022.

In this six-hour, business super growth experience Jay will openly share up to 50 separate proprietary concepts he alone has mastered to drive bottom line performance literally off the charts. 

These include his famous:

  • 3 Ways To Grow A Business Model 

  • 3 Advanced Ways To Grow A Business (even more explosively!)

  • The 9 Drivers of Exponential Growth

  • The Power Parthenon of Geometric Growth

  • The Strategy of Preeminence

  • Rules For Relevancy

  • The (all new) Loyalty Royalty Strategy

  • Sunk Cost Marketing

  • Leverage Marketing

  • The 12 Strategy Multipliers

  • The Sticking Point Solution

  • Getting From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be


and dozens more!

If your business isn’t living up to the performance levels you want -- meeting the sales (and more importantly) the profit performance -- you’re encouraged to enroll in this unmatchable fast paced, non-theoretical, highly detailed, 6-hour knowledge transfer of the highest order.

Jay is doing it for high-level entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, or professionals who possess a prejudice towards action, a feverish commitment to growth and achievement, and a MONSTER commitment to implementation and execution. Which we know you are, because you are our subscriber.

Jay believes no matter the size, scope and type of business you run, he’s got the ability to give you the kind of explosive profit propeller no one else you’ve ever turned to -- can offer. 

Jay believes if you cannot afford his expensive services, he can afford to invest in your business first right now with the hopes you’re qualitative enough and committed to take these ideas and run with them in your business. 

If you do, it’s only a matter of time before you will absolutely have enough profit to easily afford Jay’s private services.

If your business is large enough to afford Jay at his elite group trainings or his private partnering, long-term consulting -- Jay wants to show you proof positive of why, how and that his methods with him leading you can make a profound positive impact on your bottom line, AND…

Continuously compound and multiply those results by orders of magnitude if you continue to collaborate with Jay.

No cost whatsoever to participate in the 6-hour, condensed version of Jay’s upcoming $25,000 Masters Course, titled: “Taking Your Business Profits Beyond Exponential”.   

You will learn exactly how Jay uses the power of geometry, mathematical theory, quantum physics, clinical psychology and a master level understanding of ultra-high-performance technology to deliver breakthrough results in any business’s sales, marketing, competitive advantage and bottom line.

Can he really do it for you -- and get you well on the way to grasping the magnitude of ways it is possible in just six blockbuster hours? 

Maybe. Maybe not. 

One thing is certain -- he’s done it for companies in over 1,000 different industries worldwide, on five continents. 

The press says he’s produced nearly $30 Billion (with a B, not an M) of profit increases using these same methods he wants to now share freely with you. 

So, your downside in signing up is a 6-hour investment of trust not just in Jay, but in yourself, to (frankly) do something with the knowledge he transfers! 

The upside is potentially millions, arguably multi millions more in profit performance over the course of your business life.

One more point; it’s probably important. 

While there is absolutely no strings attached to this offer, whatsoever, there are some straightforward requests Jay is asking of you in order for you to participate. 

First, do not sign up unless you’re going to show up. 

Second, do not show up unless you’re going to stay. 

Jay cannot achieve his goal in your and his best interests unless you’re there, fully attentive, for the duration of the process. So please don’t waste his opportunity cost or your own.

Lastly, he’s going to break at approximately every 90-minute to 2-hour intervals during which he will take questions and provide key action takeaway stats for you to apply. 

He asks your approval for him to also introduce the two different ways he works with private companies -- in group or one on one, merely so you know the opportunities available. 

This is absolutely NOT a sell-a-thon. Nor is it a teaser webinar delivering only superficial nominal information.

This 6-hour, PERSONAL encounter with Jay, live via zoom, will cover more in-depth explanation, demonstration, and case study illustrative examples of exactly how your business can grow its profits Beyond Exponential than any expensive training program, seminar or even consulting engagement you’ve ever experienced.

Enroll now at the link above.

If you are sad, you are not getting a business tip of the week this Thursday, don't be! This week is special and tomorrow you will get a ton of tips, strategies, and tactics from the best in the business!

