Subject: The mind behind $30 billion of business success stories shares 50 profit-explosion “secrets” - GRATIS!

The mind behind $30 billion of business success stories shares 50 profit-explosion “secrets” - GRATIS!

Jay Abraham is legendary in business growth circles. 

Called the $30 billion man because of all the estimated profit increases his strategies earned his clients -- Jay has discovered and created more famous business growth concepts than, arguably, MANY other gurus combined.

See for yourself just a few of Jay's blockbuster profit-boosting techniques:

  • The Strategy Of Preeminence

  • The Three Ways To Grow A Business Algorithmic Model

  • The Advanced Three-Way Asymmetric Business Growth Model

  • The Power Parthenon Of Geometric Business Growth

  • The Nine Drivers Of Exponential Growth

  • The Twelve Strategy Stimulators

  • The Rules For Relevancy

  • The Mind-Stein Effect

  • The Profit Piñata

  • The Mind Of The Market

  • The Funnel Vision Vs. Tunnel Vision Dichotomy 

  • Beyond Best Practices

In the United States, Jay grew:

  • Icy Hot – now the number one arthritis product - 20,000% in 15 months

  • Entrepreneur Magazine nine times in 10 months

  • A famous brokerage company 15,000% in 15 months to $500 million

  • Tony Robbins’ business 300% in a few short months

  • A low ranked candy company in China grew to #1 in two years using Jay’s methods

His ideas did it for Japan's top cosmetic surgery group with 87 offices. 

He contributed to Agora Financial’s Billion Dollar success. 

He contributed to Bulletproof Coffee, The Co-CEO of Keller Williams Real Estate, Shark Tank’s Daymond John -- and a staggering amount more who are now #1 leaders in more industries than you can imagine.

How has one man almost single-handedly been able to help add nearly $30 billion of profit increase to businesses in over 1,000 different industries, worldwide -- and usually without costing their business extra investment or risk?

The answer lies in what Jay calls “working the geometry of a business” -- where the most explosive profit increases can ALWAYS come from.

Jay studied mathematics, science, psychology, and quantum mechanics just to figure out how to get a business’ revenue system doubling, re-doubling and re-doubling over and over again -- it's profit performance. 

He developed a proprietary system called “Taking Your Business Profits Beyond Exponential” which uses an unmatched amalgam of levers and fulcrums, hyper-operationalizing borrowed from mathematics and psychology, and combines it together into a profit hyper-boosting system which delivers increases in the hundreds of percentage points from whatever approaches your business currently does to gain sales and profits.

Jay’s Beyond Exponential Profit Explosion System is fail safe -- because it utilizes various combinations of 50 different business hyper-growth methodologies.  

It's almost impossible NOT to grow your bottom line increases by leaps and bounds -- even if you don't execute properly or completely.

Sounds unreal -- but it IS real and so well verified, documented and results-proven, worldwide, that doing a search on Jay almost anywhere in the world will produce OUTRAGEOUS proof-positive validation of his authenticity and amazing abilities that perform result feats far beyond those of ordinary experts.

Jay can take a business -- any business -- and almost instantly identify, uncover and find hidden income sources, overlooked profit opportunities, underperforming revenue activities, under-monetizing revenue and relationships you never realized your business was missing.

We are talking about windfall profits, that come from knowing how to get ads pulling more, prospects converting and buying more, buyers coming back more, salespeople selling more, past buyers starting to re-purchase again, old unsold prospects becoming new lucrative profit centers, and a lot more.

Jay created 43 different ways to get other companies to promote, endorse and proactively offer YOUR products/services to their buyers. 

He came up with 12 ways to get any stuck or stagnant business unstuck. 

Jay has seven ways to make a business more relevant to your target market.

He's the one who created The Strategy of Preeminence and Leverage Marketing which uses up to 61 underrecognized “impact points” in a revenue generating system to rapidly (and radically) expand performance.

He gave the business world The 18 Power Pivots. 

He's the one who came up with the now-famous "Tactical Triple Play” concept, The Profit Prism Effect, the Friction Factors, and the list goes on and on. 

These are just a few of the moves and maneuvers he uses to stimulate that nearly $30 billion of profit increase for businesses in otherwise commodity-type, ruthlessly competitive fields and hurtle an enormous number to #1 status.

It requires far more than what all your competitors do: Jay possesses supreme critical and consequential thinking capabilities, a mastery at innovative, outside-the-box, non-linear, ultra-high-performance thinking.

To operate at the elevated levels of thinking, action and transaction Jay operates one needs to be a near wizard of marketing that monumentally outperforms what everyone else does. 

It requires one be so genius-like at preemptive, moat-producing/disruptive-level advertising approaches that run rings around other advertising.   

It demands that you position your client company, their product/service and people well above the madding crowd of competition.

In order to stimulate $30 billion of estimated newfound, windfall, outsized profit increases in a mercilessly cutthroat competitive business world -- someone like Jay has to be more than just a good marketer or strategist or mind. 

He has to be the best.

Judge for yourself in two weeks what a mammoth mind Jay Abraham really does possess, and the monster-sized profit power Jay’s strategies can produce for YOUR business.

We’ve persuaded Jay to conduct a 6-hour, condensed version of his $25,000, 5-Day forthcoming Beyond Exponential Profit Explosion Masters Course.

And he's doing it for high-level entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, or professionals who possess a prejudice towards action, a feverish commitment to growth and achievement, and a MONSTER commitment to implementation and execution – GRATIS.


Because Jay feels certain that, if he openly lays out all 50 ways your business can explode profits Beyond Exponential -- you’re bound to do one of the following:

  1. Take the foundational knowledge Jay openly shares and run with it yourself to produce massive bottom line gains in short order. 

If you do that, Jay’s confident you’ll come back to him and invest a small portion of those profits he’s made you in paid, high priced programs Jay offers in either elite group sessions or privately.

  1. You’ll be so utterly amazed and impressed by Jay’s methodology that you’ll be eager to engage in one or the other services Jay offers to either do it WITH you or do it FOR you!

  1. You’ll be so enthusiastic after experiencing this six-hour tour-de-force masters course -- you’ll contact other larger company CEOs and entrepreneurs you know -- encouraging THEM to immediately connect to JAY for direct help.

Jay says you should be able to double, redouble, even redouble again the bottom-line results all your current and future advertising, sales and marketing produces -- just by thinking, acting and transacting business IN THE EXPONENTIAL ZONE.

So, on Friday, November 19th from 10am - 4pm PT you are invited to encounter and learn these fifty no-cost, no-risk ways to propel YOUR business’ profit picture into the stratosphere -- taught-personally -- by one of the most legendary business builders alive today.

Enroll here

This week you will learn from Jay, not me 🙂 But only if you enroll. So don't miss out!
