Subject: Important: Welcome in the Free 6 day Business Course


And Happy Thanksgiving week to you! 

At this time, as the holiday season is starting and this week, you see all the black Friday deals. So, I decided to do something different. That is why I put together the top 5 of our articles and created a free mini-course to remind you of the most essential business know-how that we have shared on our side. 

You might have read some, but you might want to follow up on them, and it didn't happen. Maybe it wasn't the right time then for some, but it could be the right time now. Perhaps as we are closing this year, you are starting to think about the next, and one of the articles can help you. Or maybe you have missed some in the past, and it will create a breakthrough for you and your business.

In the next few days, I will be sending you more information and tips from our best articles and content so you get a jump start, learn new strategies, tactics, and tools, and use them to get measurable results in your business as soon as possible.

To kick this thing off, I am sending you again the free ebook with 10 very little known strategies to sell, turn around and exponentially grow any business size, profits, cash flow, and value. You can download the ebook here. To remind yourself of them and apply them.

Quick question:

Can I answer one question right now to help you with any challenge or opportunity to sell, turn around, or take your business to the next level? 

Press the reply button, send me an e-mail, and ask me this question.

Chat soon,

Krystof Bartos

Investor & Business Strategist

P.S.: I reply to all e-mails! 🙂

P.P.S.: Download your ebook here

P.P.P.S.: We are still looking to invest in and buy businesses with over

500,000 USD in annual sales revenue. Schedule a call anytime you are looking for an investor to acquire or invest in your business.

Or send us an e-mail (just hit the reply button) if you know about any other established company with over 500,000 USD in sales looking for an investor.

Thank you!