Subject: If you are afraid, read this!

What do you need to be brave? Is a person brave if they are not fearful? 

To me, they are not. To be brave, you need to have fear but do it anyway. 

What I have learned is that people are extremely excited about the free stuff. They got our e-book and are excited about the opportunities. They read a free article about taking their company public or how to sell their business for maximum valuation and are ecstatic. 

But when we open the course, everybody gets nervous. 

They then use self manipulative phrases like "I can not afford it" or "I don't have time." 

Let's face it; I am asking you to invest $149 to get the strategies that will help you to grow your business's size, profits, cash flow, and value. Am I crazy? Maybe

I am going to ask you a different question. Can you afford not to grow your business size, profits, cash flow, and value?

Can you afford to be at the same place in 6, 12, 36 months? Or 5-10 years? 

Just close your eyes for a moment (not literally, as you wouldn't be able to read further 🙂), and imagine that you would not do anything differently. Instead, you would just do the same thing over and over again. 

How does your life look like in 6 months? In 12 months from now? 

Are you making progress? Are you more frustrated? Is your business growing or dying? 

What about in 5 years? 5 whole years with doing the same thing over and over and over again. Not change anything. But expecting (and wishing for) different results. 

What about ten years from now? Twenty years from now? 

How does this make you feel? 

Whenever I face a tough decision, I always do the rocking chair test, thinking about me sitting at the porch in my rocking chair, 80 or 90 years old, and thinking about how I would feel if I make decisions A or B. 

So how do you look like in your 80s or 90s when the whole life you didn't change a bit? Wanting more, expecting more, but doing the same things and not changing anything.

WAKE UP! It doesn't happen yet! You have a chance to decide now and do what is right for you.

Think about it! How does your life look like in 6 months, after you learned the value-building strategies to grow your business value and become able to sell your business anytime you need or want?

How does your life look like in a year when you implement the strategies and grow your business size, profits, cash flow, and value?

How does it look like in 5 years, after you bought your competitors, your suppliers, bought new products, other resources. 

How does it look like ten years from now?

How about 20 years from now? Did you sell your business? Did you buy another one? Did you retire? Did you buy and sold multiple companies? 

How does your rocking chair look like now? What did you experience in your life? What people have you met? What value do you provide? What life has you're created for yourself and others you love?

What is the path your want to take?

Your decision will not change my life, but it could change yours!

What will you do?

Options you can do today.

  • Do nothing. Unfortunately, this is the most common decision! But it's not the recommended one for people wanting to live a wealthy life (not financially only, emotionally, spiritually too)

  • Send your burning question to (we will reply to all questions).

  • Or, if you are ready, sign up for Business Wealth Building Master Course.

To be brave, you need to take massive action.

Massive action is the cure of all!

The decision you will make today will decide how your life will look in 6 months, one year from now, five years from now, ten years from now, and how you will feel at the end of life sitting in your rocking chair.

I wish you to make an excellent decision for yourself, your family, and your community! 


P.S.: The end of the discount and one on one consulting bonus is approaching quickly. And I don't know whether we will ever lower the price that much and add the consulting bonus for free. So if you are ready to sign up, click here.