Subject: How to maximize profitability & cash-flow of your business fast

Learn how you can maximize the profitability by 50-100% in next 90-120 days and cash-flow.

How to maximize profitability & cash-flow of your business

Do you work on the business end of your business, or do you spend all the time creating value for your clients and employees? 

It's unfortunate how owners neglect this part of the business when it's probably the most important in making your business successful. 

Just growing the size of the business is not the solution to the profits and cash-flow problem. 

Business doesn't go bust by luck of size, not either probit - they go bust by lack of cash.

Unfortunately, when businesses are struggling with cash flow, they try to sell more to solve it. But because there is a cost involved, they have even fewer sales. There are smarter ways to do it.

Actually, there are only 3 steps to solve, maximize and run the business for maximum profitability and cash-flow (and inevitably value!!!!)

Three steps to optimize profitability & cash-flow

1st - Decide metrics to measure

2nd - Maximize & Optimize the key areas

3rd - Set new standards for business financial intelligence

What is the biggest challenge? What metrics to measure.

The critical areas for profitability and cash flow are, for example:

Financial Trends

Gross margin

Normalized expenses

Profit margin

Cash-flow metrics


Operating Cash-flow

Free cash flow

Do you measure these metrics? How often?

Correct answers: Yes we measure all of them every month

If you don't do that (and other things), there is a huge chance you are leaving money on the table.

Most accountants will not help you with that; their job is to account for things businesses do > for optimizing business, you need a strategist like CFO. But not all of them are business owners thinking in perspective of making businesses profitable & valuable.

We have a great team to help you with that. We do this for every company we own! And you can take advantage of that if your company is at least $500,000 in sales revenue.

It's easy. 

  1. Set initial phone call

  2. Send us your financial information: we analyze the numbers for you for free and build a plan to optimize and maximize your profitability & cash flow and find all money you are leaving on the table.

  3. We give you a plan for free, and if you want us to execute it, we just share a minority piece of the upside (no upfront or fixed fees) from the profits & cash we help you get.

We believe this is hard to decline the offer for business owners that take their businesses seriously. You don't pay if we don't create value for your business (new profits or cash in your bank).

Just reply to this email, and let's schedule a call! 

And if this is not right for you. Send us an email with what financial metrics you measure in your business and how do you plan to grow your business profitability and cash flow :) We hope this email inspired you to take another look at this.

Until next time,


We are looking to invest in and acquire businesses with over 500 000 USD in annual sales revenue!

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