Subject: How to break through the glass ceiling

How to break through the glass ceiling

Have you ever felt like you could not get to the next level of your business? 

Most businesses get there as you often need to be big to get big. It’s a scale paradox. 

You have to be big to pitch for bigger contracts, compete for the best talents, and get access to capital. And if you are a small business, even selling your business isn’t most of the time as exciting as it may sound in the first place. 

So what is the solution? 

Public markets!

“Wait, wait, wait, Krystof, this is a whole another level,” I hear you. 

There are ways most companies nor advisors don’t know about that are very accessible for companies at a certain level. 

The level is 1milion USD in profit (EBIT); at that level, you can gain access to the public market, which will allow you to:

  • Create liquidity (try to sell minority of your private business and buy a Porsche. It’s not possible) 

  • Use public stocks and bonds to buy your competitors, suppliers, clients, and any other resources you need without using any of your cash or leverage

  • Raising capital is much easier as investors can get public shares or bonds they can sell anytime they need or want (on the other hand: liquidity of small private businesses is basically none) 

  • Suppose you want to be part of the bigger group and have a portfolio approach. In that case, you can present yourself as a public company while pitching for bigger contracts. That will 1000x your chances to win it (one company in the group my partners have with 25M in revenue won a 25 million dollar contract; it will not be possible if they would be stand-alone small private business)

  • You can compete for the best talents as you can offer them stock options and other benefits big companies will give them, and private companies will never be able to offer (unless you do what this article suggests)

And much more. 

Is this not exciting to you? 

“Ok, tell me how.” 

Ok, ok. Should you have a 1 million USD profit (EBIT) already, schedule a call with me, and I will be happy to give you more insight and give you options. 

Suppose you are not on the 1 million profit mark. In that case, we have strategies to get you to this level quickly by organic, M&A, and partnership strategies. So should your business be at least 500 000 USD in revenue, just schedule a call, and let’s find a way together.
