Subject: How Apple make acquisitions to get the resources they need and how you can do it to

How to buy all the resources you need using mergers & acquisitions.

How Apple makes acquisitions to get the resources they need and how you can do it to

I am referring to this article published on the CNBC website

I highly encourage you to read this article; it's a beautiful lecture on business for all business owners. But, unfortunately, most business owners don't think strategically to add acquisition and M&A strategies to their business.

And that is a HUGE mistake. 

Basically, all big companies do partnerships, joint ventures, and acquisitions. But most small and medium-size businesses do not. 

I guess it's because they don't know how to do it, don't know whether they have enough capital, etc. But you don't need any capital to do deals like that. So the most important question is:

"what resources am I missing/I need to take my business to the next level?"

It could be:

  • customers

  • talent/employees (like Apple)

  • products

  • services

  • facilities

  • distribution channels 

And other things. 

So should you forget for now about all the "problems" with capital, knowledge, and others? What resources could you acquire that would take your business to the next level?

What would happen should you buy another business that already has your ideal clients, and you can just sell your product to them?

What would happen should you buy a business that serves the same clients as yours but has complementary products that your customer is buying before, after, during, or instead of your product?

What would happen should you buy a business with key talents that you are missing right now? 

What if you buy your competitor?

Your customers (if you are in B2B)

Your suppliers? 

Imagine you would go for a shopping spree and acquire everything you will ever need. 

Would your business double? Triple? 10x? 100x? 

Think strategically right now, tactics will come, or we can show you how. But first, think about the possibilities, what would be strategic. What would you do, buy, partner with to get your business to the next level?

Write it down on the paper and discuss with your team, add the mergers & acquisition strategy (and partnerships) to your business, and you will see the skyrocket in your business's revenues, profits, cash-flow, and value.

Do you know what you need to acquire? Great!

Now, how? 

You can search for free content on the internet; you can try to figure it out by yourself and spend years and potentially millions to learn from your own mistakes.

Or you can model someone who is doing it already and help other companies to do it as well.

That is why in our signature course, the whole module focuses on mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships. You will learn exactly what resources you need, what companies to buy, how to buy them, all the resources you already have to buy businesses, and much more.

And if you buy the course through this link. I will add a bonus 1 hour + masterclass on finding the businesses you want to buy and how to find off-market deals with motivated sellers using LinkedIn. You will learn step by step how to target these companies and automate campaigns on LinkedIn to create a consistent deal flow of companies to buy on autopilot. This bonus is 79 USD in value.

Don't wait, and learn more about the course here.

See you soon,


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