Subject: For entrepreneurs who own/run their own business – NO COST $120,000/day consulting with Jay Abraham?

For entrepreneurs who own/run their own business – NO COST $120,000/day consulting with Jay Abraham?

As a valued subscriber, we wanted to do something truly exceptional to help any business you own or run – grow and prosper.

So - we arranged with legendary business growth Super Consultant Jay Abraham to hold a private 6-hour, high level, no-cost compressive symposium version of Jay's newest, $25,000 private training program – for our subscribers – absolutely for no cost to you, whatsoever.

More importantly, this is Jay's most important/significant/enriching and breakthrough topic, titled:

Taking Your Business Profit Performance Beyond Exponential

It's the newest methodology Jay has discovered in the last year to propel any size, type, scope of business or professional practice -- into the exponential zone of bottom-line profit explosion.

Best of all, everything Jay summarizes in this fast-paced, non-theoretical, idea-a-minute, compression-training is the key essence of what he'd expand on -- if you paid $25,000 to attend the five day live in-person version.

Jay is renowned on a worldwide basis for discovering more ways to grow more profits, for more business owners, in more different types of business -- with less investment or risk -- than anyone can possibly imagine.

All his past business breakthrough training approaches pale in comparison to the 50 categories of exponential profit explosion “system” he developed for “Taking Your Business Profit Performance Beyond Exponential”.

This all new method uses three key drivers none of your competition know anything about to drive profit growth off the charts:

1). Revenue System Optimization (RSO) -- which stimulates outsized revenue yields from as many as 61 different, little-known elements in your business' current revenue system

2.) The Performance Enhancement Quotient-Optimization (PEQ-O) -- which is a scientific method Jay alone uses to gain Beyond Exponential results from every ad you run and marketing or selling approach you ever do. 

The key to this driver is a mathematical concept called “hyper-operationalizing” performance -- it's how you take results up to five times higher than mere exponential-growth -- it uses tetration, pentation, hexation, and octation to literally explode your bottom-line performance into infinity-potential level -- and beyond.

3). Finally, Jay incorporates the same strategy hedge funds use to achieve off-the-charts 50x, 100x, and 1000x yield from everything THEY do called Asymmetric Profit Return Thinking

It's the "secret sauce" Jay adds to propel profits into the stratosphere for his high-paying private clients.

Now your business is about to learn how to use Beyond Exponential profit performance too -- to hurdle your profit picture into a world of earnings most of your competition only dream of achieving.

Is this real? Ask Tony Robbins, who recently did this video recording for Jay.

Or Forbes, who called Jay “The Real Thing”.

But let's get down to what you’ll learn in this high-octane, ultra-cohesive, nonstop, non-theoretical condensed NO COST symposium masters course:

  • The 50 separate categories of geometric profit performance for no extra investment or risk, whatsoever.

  • The 100 levers that make all 50 of these categories produce such monumental results.

  • Nearly 30 case study, real-world examples of precisely how Jay applied various Beyond Exponential methods to produce some of the over $30 billion of newfound profit increases he's delivered for clients, worldwide.

  • Hands-on “how to do it” continuous instruction throughout the gratis-experience -- during which Jay will stop and tell you how to apply each leverage point; what to do first, second, third; when to use the different methods; what to expect each one to produce for your business' bank account.

  • A complete mindset makeover at the end so you won't just know what Jay does to provide Beyond Exponential profit explosions.

You’ll gain the same way of thought and action Jay uses, along with an understanding of the lessons Jay patterned after how Einstein drove breakthrough achievement - so you can do it too - without fear, hesitation, or confusion.

  • Continuous time out for questions, course-corrections, insights.

Finally, at the end, Jay will summarize all the key takeaways and end the day with a powerful action planning what to do/how to do it final segment.

A private day with Jay runs clients US $120,000.

But you're invited to the 6-hour masters course as our and Jay's guest -- for no cost, whatsoever, and no obligation or strings attached.

Why is he doing it?

Someone has to make the first investment if Jay ever hopes to develop any long-term relationship with you and your business -- so he's taking the initiative and sharing a rapid-results, short course primer on his most powerful business growth methods -- to put a huge boost of profits into your bank accounts.

Jay feels certain that, if he openly lays out all 50 ways your business can explode profits Beyond Exponential -- you’re bound to do one of the following:

  1. Take the foundational knowledge Jay openly shares and run with it yourself to produce massive bottom line gains in short order. 

If you do that, Jay’s confident you’ll come back to him and invest a small portion of those profits he’s made you in paid, high priced programs Jay offers in either elite group sessions or privately.

  1. You’ll be so utterly amazed and impressed by Jay’s methodology that you’ll be eager to engage in one or the other services Jay offers to either do it WITH you or do it FOR you!

  1. You’ll be so enthusiastic after experiencing this six-hour tour-de-force masters course -- you’ll contact other larger company CEOs and entrepreneurs you know -- encouraging THEM to immediately connect to JAY for direct help.

As long as you’re someone who possesses a prejudice towards action, a feverish commitment to growth and achievement, and a MONSTER commitment to implementation and execution -- Jay really can’t lose sharing the inner workings of all 50-drivers, levers and categories that produce Profit Performance Explosions Beyond Exponential.

Ready to encounter the potentially most life-changing business knowledge-transfer of profit power you may ever learn?

Join Jay on Friday, November 19th from 10 am - 4 pm PT for this 6-hour, condensed version of his $25,000, 5-Day forthcoming Beyond Exponential Profit Explosion Masters Course.

Enroll here

This week will be special because of this event! You will have a chance to learn from the best! Enjoy 🙂
