Subject: The weight of autumn comes in words and movements

Newsletter September 27

Graphic design: Victoria Albrecht


A physical space, a virtual place, 2–9 October 2021

Physical encounters have been limited during the last year and a half. Simultaneously the digital offers possibilities, enclosing on our everyday life, blurring the line between what is real and reel. 

Visit REEL LIFE in our self-organized gallery Centrifug.

REEL LIFE is a collaboration between Yuvia Maini (animator/artist) & Elsa Bladh (curator/writer). Learn more on Instagram:

The Facebook event

Photo: Johan Österholm

There is No Place Called Home

We end the exhibition on a high note.

James Webs sound work of marsh wren birds singing - There is No Place Called Home (Hökarängen) - is coming to an end on October 2nd. 


Webb introduces specific birds' singing via hidden speakers in the public space, songs that blend in and become part of Fagerlidsparken, far beyond the bird's home. In the sound installation, different sounds are mixed so that it appears as "real" and as "realistic" as possible in the environment. 

To end the exhibition There is No Place Called Home (Hökarängen), 2021 at Konsthall C, we want to invite poets to select poems that pick up different themes in James Webb's work. We proudly offer a new space of tension between poetry and birdsong. Invited poets are Jasim Mohamed and Abul.

Abul is a queer transfemme poet ( they / she), born in India, recently moved to Stockholm through Tokyo.

Jasim Mohamed, is a poet and translator. He made his debut in 2005 with the collection of poems Exercises into another language. Mohamed ran the international poetry scene Bagdad Café in Tensta for many years, today he lives in Uppsala and Athens.

Time and date for the event:

Saturday October 2nd At 13:00 Outside of Konsthall C

Photo: Johan Österholm

Don't miss our ongoing exhibition The Measure of City Pathways! We are showing Akinbode Akinbiyi's photographs until the end of October.

Konsthall C
Cigarrvägen 14, T-Hökarängen
Hours: Thursday–Sunday 12:00–17:00
08-604 77 08, 

Konsthall C is supported by Stockholm City Council, The Cultural Council, Kulturbryggan, The Region Stockholm Assembly and Stockholmshem. Public programs are made in collaboration with ABF Stockholm.

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