Subject: 🤑 How to make bank with Amazon Associates..

🤑 How to make bank with Amazon Associates..

February 23rd, 2021 at 9:49 am CDT

Hey Friend, Today I wanted to share a video with you explaining how people are making bank with the Amazon Associates program. In this video I'll cover the following: - how the Amazon associates program works- the payout structure for certain categ ...

🤨 I paid 3 Fiverr sellers to promote my affiliate links..

February 19th, 2021 at 11:37 am CDT

Hey there Friend, Today I just posted a video on my channel showcasing another affiliate marketing case study. In this case study I paid 3 different Fiverr sellers to promote my ClickBank affiliate links. The whole process had some pretty funny mome ...

Are you using BMM's? (Broad Match Modifiers..) 😜

February 4th, 2021 at 10:26 am CDT

Hey Friend, There are 2 common problems when it comes to advertising on Microsoft Ads Google Ads.. (#1): Broad Match keywords bring in too many unrelated search terms (#2): Phrase Match keywords bring in too few clicks If you've had problems with eit ...