Subject: This is hard for me to share..⁠

This is hard for me to share..⁠

April 4th, 2022 at 7:30 am AEST

Because.... I felt like a complete failure.⁠ View onlineThis is hard for me to share..⁠Because.... I felt like a complete failure.⁠ ⁠ As a mother, as a business owner as a wife… ⁠ ⁠ In that moment it felt like….⁠ ⁠ It was all com ...

Do you ever just get tired

April 1st, 2022 at 8:39 pm AEST

tired of your own shit?⁠ Tired of the excuses you make?⁠ View onlineHey hey Friend, Do you ever just get tired of your own shit?⁠Tired of the excuses you make?⁠Tired of the bs stories you tell yourself?⁠Tired of giving up on yourself?⁠Ti ...

3 years ago...

April 1st, 2022 at 11:30 am AEST

3 years ago I started creating a new vision for my life.. View onlineHey hey Friend, So... 3 years ago I started creating a new vision for my life.. It was terrifying and confronting but I trusted in my vision and dove in heart first to back myself ...