Subject: You may start to lose a lot of people when you start to focus on yourself and your personal growth.

Hey Friend,

You may start to lose a lot of people when you start to focus on yourself and your personal growth. But do NOT ever apologise for evolving!

Do not ever hold yourself back because of the fear of losing someone.

Just remember that throughout your growth journey you will cross paths with people who will love you for just the way you are!

People who you haven't even met yet

People you never knew you needed in your life.

And they will…

Support and teach you

Hype you up

Empower you

Hold space for you

Celebrate with you

I know this because this is exactly what happened to me when I started working online and fell face-first into a community of online entrepreneurs who were obsessed with personal development.

Our success motto is… 80% inner work/mindset and 20% strategy/skillset

My logical brain was mind blown.

What do you mean Inner work?

Is this some woo woo shit?

I want the strategy, show me what to do to create a successful online biz and I will do it.. 😂

But it is true what they say...

You become the sum of the 5 people you hang around...

So choose wisely.

Because since starting my online biz and personal growth journey I have inherited so many beautiful friendships who have become like the family I never knew I needed.

It’s a soul tribe thing! 🤍

If you are obsessed with personal development, self-improvement, mindset, inner work, and living your best damn life.

If you are ready for more

Ready to take life by the horns and create the life you truly desire

Then this is the right place for you.

Register now for our live tell all call on Thursday 16th September

Where you will discover the 3 fundamentals our community live by to create a thriving online business even if you have no idea where to start.

We will be diving into…

On this call you will discover:

- The thriving industry which allows us to be able to leverage our lifestyle to make money online

- The exact skill set required to grow your business online


- The simple strategies and processes we leverage in our business which allows us to get back our most valuable asset…. OUR TIME!

Click the link below to register.

And we will see you on the inside 🤍

Much Love


