Subject: You know what is sooo crazy?

Hey hey Friend,

You know what is sooo crazy?

Mid last year my goal was to leave Kalgoorlie and live in a seafront home.

I did it! I literally manifested a seafront penthouse with the exact view I drew in my journal.

Then our goals shifted, since we couldn’t leave the country we decided we wanted to hit the road and travel Australia full-time

So the bus hunt began. And we found the one.

And in under 6 weeks, we move into our converted school bus.

But I want to share with you a little bit about how it went down.


Because It didn’t all just fall into place.

I didn’t magically manifest a seafront penthouse or a bus.

See I am an action taker

I got clear on my goals are dreams

And I went go after them and made them happen

I know life is happening for me not to me.

And I am committed to living my best damn lives

Because life is short right.


I always knew I wanted more:

More than just another 9-5

More than settling for a fine life

More than just working until I was 65 to hopefully retire and have some time to actually live a little

I knew life could look a little different too the norm

I knew that to live outside the box, I had to do something outside of the box

So when I was introduced to affiliate marketing - I started to master the skill sets required to build a global biz

And now I work from my laptop with people all over the world

I was able to retire from my mining job and went full time online 🙌🏼

And by taking action on the skill set I learned and growing an online biz

We are able to head off traveling around Australia in our converted school bus

And live our best damn lives.

Being present with our kids

Exploring our country and creating memories to last a lifetime and beyond.

So if you are ready to learn

How you can create an income online

If you are ready to take a chance on something new

Or maybe you just want more info about what I do…

Click the link at the bottom of this email

Register now for our…

Let’s Go Digital

Live call on Thursday 16th.

Where we will be breaking down the 3 simple steps to creating a successful online business in 2021.

And I will see you on the inside

All the LOVE,



Let's Go Digital!
