Subject: What does being a “Good Mum” even mean? 🤔

Hey Hey Friend,

Have you ever wondered what does being a “Good Mum” even mean?

After having a challenging few weeks trying to navigate the joys of Mum life.

With many tantrums

Elevated 8yr old emotions

Losing my shit, more than I would like to admit

And my 4yr old, deciding he no longer likes eating, anything. 🙄

I found myself sitting on the couch, in tears, riddled with mum guilt, questioning my decision to become a parent and wondering if I am even cut out for this mum gig. 😢

So I reached out to my incredible coach and she said "What does being a "Good Mum" even mean to you? if you remove all of the outside noise and influence."

So I sat contemplating what does it even mean to be a good Mum?

And when I actually made my way through all the bs thoughts that were coming up.

I realised that my version of being a good Mum was so dependent on external circumstances that I used to reinforce my belief that I was in fact a “good mum”.

My identity as a mum had become the opinions of people I talk to,

the reflection of the shows I watched,

the places I visited,

the pressures I felt from social media,

preconditions from my own upbringing...

And as I sat on the couch mid-self-reflection, I realised there was a massive gap in my reality.

A gap between who I thought I had to be as a mum and who I knew I really was and could be as a mum.

And when I really removed all pressures and expectations and connected to what being a good mum truly meant to me.

It was actually simply...

To be able to provide a loving safe space for them to grow into whoever they want to be.

A space for them to be happy, healthy, creative, supported, fully expressed, guided & free!

And none of that other BS even freaking matters.

So if you are feeling so a shit mum, who isn't not cut out for this mum gig like I was.

Take a minute... And reflect on what being a good mum means to you.

Remove all of the BS noise from everyone else and feel into what it means to you to be a good mum at your core..

And remember you are always your harshest critic.

You're doing a great job..

If you made it this far... I'd love to know....

What does being a “GOOD MUM” mean to you?

So MUCH Love


