Subject: Truth boom

Truth Bomb….

I was waiting for someone to come and save me. I was playing the victim of my own life and waiting for it all to just fall into place.

I thought everyone else had it easy

And was constantly wondering why all this stuff was happening to me all the time.

I didn’t believe I was good enough, or pretty enough or smart enough to really create the success and life I desired.

Really I was just existing inside of my pity party and it was exhausting.

Until.. I had enough…

And I started working hard to rewrite all of those BS stories I was telling myself.

And slowly but surely I put in the effort.

Slowly but surely…. I started peeling back the layers and getting clear on where these beliefs and stories came from.

I started to realise that life was happening for me, not to me.

I started to realise that there were messages inside the mess and lessons to be learned along the way.

It’s not easy to step up and grow

But it is 100% necessary

Life really is to short to be stuck constantly in a victim mentality or a scarcity mentality.

All I wanted was to be able to crete a life that I was proud of and that I loved.

But to do that I had to show up and do the work and grow every single day.

You are the only person who is holding you back from everything you truly desire

You are the only person who can make the changes

You are responsive for your own life and health and choices

Only you can decided when enough is enough

Only you can do the healing and let go of old strories which no longer serve you

Only you can write this next chapter of your life.

You hold the power

You CREATE your reality

So what if keeping you so loyal to a life which is keeping you so stuck?

If you’re ready to create the reality you want, then CLICK HERE!

I’ll see you on the inside!
