Subject: This was the moment things changed forever

The moment I realised I just couldn’t anymore...

This was the moment things changed forever

The moment I realised I just couldn’t anymore

I’d been driving around for about 1/2 hr rehearsing what I was going to say

And as I pulled into my carport I wondered if I was doing the right thing

As my 1 yr old slept in the backseat, I sat in my parked car for a little while longer still pondering if it was the best choice

Which just seems crazy to me

You see:
I’d worked hard to get where I was
I’d worked in many roles, in many industries
I’d committed to long hours and sacrificed so much

And I kinda felt like I had finally made it

I was working in mining and making the big bucks… that was the goal right!


Because on the other hand I felt so trapped like I had to choose

Between my kids and my career
Between money and memories
Between freedom and security
Between letting my boss down and following my dreams

I felt so torn!

Between what I wanted to do and what I thought I “should” be doing.

After what felt like another hour had passed I finally dialed her number

I mean there are only so many times you can rehearse saying “I’m not coming back from maternity leave”

My hands were shaking

As she answered, my heart sank

You see I loved my boss and I actually liked my job, I felt like was letting her down

After we both said “hi”

She replied with “you’re not coming back are you?”

I caught my breath and replied “no”

She knew.

I knew.

And after a short convo and lots of well wishes. It was done.

I’d quit my job.

And I started my own online business.

No experience, no pre-existing following and no idea what I was doing.

And life really does look a whole lot different now.

I mean don’t get me wrong it’s been a wild ride of ups and downs, growth, mistakes, mishaps and so many incredible moments.

But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

As my little man turns 5 and I reflect back on the journey. It all makes so much sense.

I was never meant to work a “job” forever.

I craved freedom, adventures, and variety.

I longed for days filled with travel, fun and choices.

I was not meant to live a normal life.

And wholly cow I am just so grateful that even though I was crapping my pants

Not 100% sure if I could make it work

No idea of the direction I was going

I am still committed to myself and my goals and my dreams

And I am so grateful 1 year into my journey I was introduced to the most incredible online community of driven freedom seekers..

Just like me.

A community which has guided, encouraged, and mentored me along on my journey.

A community who have supported me to create a thriving online biz and brand and empowered me to support others to do the same.

If you are ready for a change

If you know you want more

If you feel like now is the time to take the leap

If you just want someone to show you the way.

Shoot me an email saying you're ready and let's connect!

I’ll show you what I was introduced to and what is really possible for you and your life

Lots of Love,
