Subject: This is what was missing for me..

This is what was missing for me during all those years of travel: ⁠

It’s really what I longed for when traveling with kids…⁠

The home base⁠

The constant⁠

The familiar⁠

While it is all fun and games, a wild ride and an epic adventure traveling with the kids to 11 countries and 6 states and territories… ⁠

Traveling in a bus really takes the cake. ⁠

No need to pack and unpack ⁠

No need for the big set up and pack down⁠

No need to go to caravan parks and plug into power⁠

No need for a cheeky bush squat⁠

It’s literally the best of both worlds.. ⁠

The ability to travel and move and explore while having our whole home come along for the ride. ⁠

The kids get to sleep in their own beds every night no matter where we are. ⁠

And we are set up to be completely self sufficient so when we want to escape the rat race and tune out for a while. We can just head off grid and soak in the ambience of nature while still having the creature comforts.⁠

Ahh bus life really is the good life...