Subject: This is one of those moments.

You know... the pinch me, is this real, kinda moment.

Hey hey Friend,

I need to share something with you..

Because I am in the middle of one of those moments.

This is one of those moments

You know the ones where you realise you’re in the moment.

You're Doing it

You're Living it

Your living the Life you once dreamed of…

It’s for sure one of those pinch me moments

And as things are shifting gears around here again and the beginning of next chapter of this crazy journey we call over lives is literally a couple of weeks away.

I’m feeling the pull of polarity once again.

Polarity: the state of having two opposites or contradictory aspects

On one side life is good. OMG it’s sooo bloody good.

Tommy finishes up at work next week and we are off on the adventure of a life time travelling Aus as a family in our bus home, on the hunt for a little slice of paradise where we can purchase some land and set up our home base.

It’s bloody exciting and almost feels surreal that we made it here.

And then on the flip side for the past 12 months we have been navigating a lot of really intense medical stuff with our little man.

And whilst we are keeping a lot of our little man’s journey private.

I’ve been feeling the pull and I really would love to share about what it’s like as a mother to experience and navigate such an intense medical journey.

I don’t want anyone to ever go through something like this and feel alone.

So what I will say for now is things are ok for our little man right now. There is still a long road ahead, but I know we have got this.

As a mother though It feels overwhelming and tbh kinda scary with so much unknown.

It feels like for the past 12 months I’ve been simultaneously falling the f apart whilst also creating the life we have always dreamed of.

And for some reason I have been fighting against it.

Fighting against the push and pull.

Fighting against the celebrating all our wins because I feel some sense of weird guilty to do so - because of everything else that’s gong on.

But what I have come to realise is that instead of trying to keep it all together and figure it all out.

It’s best to give in and release to the fact that this is the human experience. Life is happening for us, not too us.

It is all happening for a reason.

Be present

Slow down

Embrace the polarity.

And through doing just that, I have been able to realise for myself.

It’s ok to fall the fuck apart

It’s ok to reach out for support

It’s ok to celebrate all the epic shit going on, even when 1/2 your life feels like it’s falling apart.

I’am Ok, we are ok.

My friends are here, my family are here.

I am surrounded by so much love, support, guidance and a whole lot of epic fucking people.

So in this pinch me moment as life is about to take another exciting twist, I am committed to honouring every freaking aspect of life.

In all its polarity.

And I’m here for wherever comes our way.

And also committed to continue creating a life that lights me the F up.


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