Subject: Things are shifting and changing around here...

Hey hey Friend,

Things are shifting and changing around here and it feels good, it also feels a little unsettling, super exciting, and a little overwhelming.. #allthefeels

For those who don't know.

We just moved out of our beautiful seafront home.

The home I literally drew in my journal and manifested mid-last year.

And we are in full prep mode to move into our bus which we are converting into a motorhome.

But the bus isn't quite ready yet so we are in a little bit of a transition period for the coming weeks.

Tell me would this just freak you the F out? Are you a woman who likes to plan?

Or are you a go with the flow kinda chick?

I am like a hybrid of both lol


That is the reason I have been a little quiet.

Lot's going on.

But I have also been having some epic creativity and downloads over the past few weeks and am just sitting down to plan out the content in our Wildy Free Women Facebook Group for the rest of the year.

Including Trainings On:

  • Hacking your cycle for a productive life

  • Money Mindset

  • Breathwork and Mindfulness

  • Reels Workshops

  • Organic Instagram Growth Strategies

  • The Power Of Gratitude

  • Lessons I learned from investing in high-level coaches

  • Top tips for working online (Consistency & momentum )

And I might even chuck in a sneaky bus tour and show around our tiny home on wheels.

Anyway, there is a little update from me.

Let me know below if you are keen on learning about the above topics or any others you would like me to focus on.

Oh also keep an eye out next Monday because we are launching something super exciting for women who are ready to Up Level every area of their lives.

Mind, Body, Soul, Success, and Finances

If you’re not already there, become part of Wildly Free Women group by clicking this link

Much Love

