Subject: Take a second to dream with me...

What would it look like if you...

hey Friend,

Take a second with me to dream....

I'd ask you to close your eyes...but then you couldn't actually read this! lol.

Take a second to imagine how would it feel to…

  • Have more time & money to do the things you love?

  • Have a clear plan for how to actually launch and run your own business?

  • Have the freedom to work less (like ALOT less)?

  • Have the ability to work from anywhere, as long as you can access the internet?

  • To be able to book that spontaneous trip

  • To be able to stop looking at price tags (So satisfying)

  • Quit second guessing yourself and know that you hae the support and guidance to run a success and thriving business with ease.

  • Stop wishing and hoping, and start getting results?

Friend, this is 100% possible for you.

We've done it, our affiliates have done it...why not you?

And our stories are not unique, here are a few more stories from within our incredible Freedom Era Community ❤️

Now... We want you to have all the facts, so here are the answers to some of the FAQs we have been getting:

1. What if I don’t have the time to commit to something new?

Babe.. Isn't that why you are here?

Often thats the first sign you need to look for another way to create an income.

The average person checks their social media account about 100x a day. You can now be getting paid to do that!

Besides, the time is going to pass anyway so you may as well be using it to build a future that makes you want to jump out of bed with excitement everyday, with a full bank account and total freedom of time.

Isn't that what you're looking for? To be able to create more time in your life?

2. What if I cannot afford it?

I hear you - If I can be a bit cheeky here, how many times a week do you say that to yourself? Isn't that why you came to the session? Because you want to not have to worry about money?...

Let's get resourceful then! In order to make money its about being ok to invest money, even when it seems really scary!

One of my mentors (Krisite above) who is now one of the highest paid people leveraging this business had $0 when she got started and found a way out of no way!

There are options for everyone no matter your current circumstance.. Reach out and lets chat more about this.. x I got you!

3. What if I don’t think I can do what you do, and show up online like you do?

I totally understand! I felt the same way and yet here I am now. I got the right support, mentorship and step by step mentoring!

The great thing is you can do it in the way that feels best for you.

If you are coachable? Then you can!

We have a system that has been proven to work!

If you're willing to take my hand and let me guide you, I will show you the system.

4. I'm not sure if I want to sell water machines... How do I even sell them and to who?

This is a common thing most of us experience when presented with the Enagic business opportunity.

When I first saw this I too didn't want to 'sell a water machine' and then when I really looked into this and the model to create true generational wealth with this company whilst doing good for others and the planet, it was a no brainer.

With our recommended strategy, you are combining building your personal brand with a patented business model, sharing a conscious new earth product.

"Ok...but how do I sell this?"

And remember the good news!

You have me, our community and our education platform (The Academy) that teaches you step by step the how and supports you on the back end by making your sales call and processing your sales.

You will also have access to a community that supports you and we all want to see you succeed. So you now have a recipe for success. Let’s do this!

5. What if I just don't know what my personal brand would be or how to even build a business?

You don't have to navigate this all on your own.

This is what our Academy is for. It is packed with valuable resources and step by step training to help you start to grow your business.

You will have this as well as myself to be there to help every step of the way.

We can't wait to support you on this crazy entrepreneurial adventure.

If you are ready to dive in and make the most of the $49USD 14 day trial..

Click this link to go straight to the registration page.

If you still have questions or just want to chat to a real person about it all.

Click this link and lock in a clarity call with my (Kirra)

Or just hit reply to this email - I'm an open book and happy to answer any questions you have :)

Big Love 

